zkspring-core.jar and annotated Spring Controller

asked 2011-01-28 15:40:49 +0800

willisra gravatar image willisra
58 1 3

Hi guys,

I'm building a very basic Zk 5.0.5 + Spring 3 app. I have been solving any kind of issues regarding version compatibilities and stuff but I just got to a point that I don't know what to look at anymore.

I see that the generated zform (zk studio wizard generated CRUD form) uses annotations, seems like the best way to implement a spring controller that is also capable to listen zk widget events. I took that and tried to implement it in my application, did all modifications needed to use the all new zkspring-core.jar, now I get no error messanges but it just doesn't seem to wire the controller to the .zul component. Have anybody done this successfully? can you share the tips and tricks?

I also tried creating a new zk project and creating a new zform (using the wizard) and it works out of the box.... then I just replaced the zkspring.jar by the zkspring-core.jar and did all the adjustments in the application-context.xml so it would actually use the new jars classes and the result is the same, there are no error messages the form just doesn't work at all, it shows all the visual elements it just doesn't send any ajax requests back to the controller.

please... it can't be so hard to make it work! :P

Thank you very much!

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Asked: 2011-01-28 15:40:49 +0800

Seen: 396 times

Last updated: Jan 28 '11

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