If statements in ZUL

asked 2011-06-09 15:50:19 +0800

SparkySpider gravatar image SparkySpider
444 1 3

Hi there,

Are there any ZK if tags? Or is there a smart way to do it with EL?

Of is the best way to use a JSP page with ZK tags in it?

Please let me know.



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5 Replies

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answered 2011-06-09 16:39:57 +0800

twiegand gravatar image twiegand
1807 3


Does this help?


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answered 2011-06-10 02:54:26 +0800

SparkySpider gravatar image SparkySpider
444 1 3


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answered 2011-06-10 08:19:18 +0800

SparkySpider gravatar image SparkySpider
444 1 3

Hi there,

It doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm using a model with @notation as opposed to the $notation. Not too sure what the difference is, but I know it's not working :(

<listitem id="row" self="@{each='entity'}" value="@{entity}">
	<listcell >
		<image src="/resources/skins/foxbomb/warning.png" popup="notsaved" if="@{entity.parameters.mode=='new'}"/>

Funnity enough, if I create a label and output @{entity.parameters.mode}, it does output the String 'new'.

Help much apprecaited.

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answered 2011-06-10 09:52:26 +0800

twiegand gravatar image twiegand
1807 3

updated 2011-06-10 09:53:59 +0800


If memory serves, the if is part of EL. Because of that, it is only evaluated once and much earlier in the lifecycle than is databinding (@). Trying to mix the two will most likely only provide frustration.

From your code snippet, it appears that you want to display an image only when a value is set. If that is indeed the case, you can do that with a type converter. Consider the following example:

<?init class="org.zkoss.zkplus.databind.AnnotateDataBinderInit"?>
	<window style="padding:25px;">
			import org.zkoss.zkplus.databind.TypeConverter;
			public class myTypeConverter implements TypeConverter {
				public Object coerceToBean(java.lang.Object val, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component comp) {
					return null;
				public Object coerceToUi(java.lang.Object val, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component comp) {

					if (val == "struct") {
						Image img = new Image("http://www.zkoss.org/img/front_page_icons/rss_16.png");
						if (((Listcell) comp).getLastChild() == null) {
							((Listcell) comp).appendChild(img);
					} else {
						Label lbl = new Label("regular");
						if (((Listcell) comp).getLastChild() == null) {
							((Listcell) comp).appendChild(lbl);
						} else {
							((Listcell) comp).getLastChild().setValue(lbl.getValue());
					return null;
			public class Person {
				private String firstName;
				private String lastName;
				private String type;

				public Person(String fn, String ln, String t) {

				public String getFirstName() {
					return firstName;
				public void setFirstName(String fn) {
					firstName = fn;

				public String getLastName() {
					return lastName;
				public void setLastName(String ln) {
					lastName = ln;

				public String getType() {
					return type;
				public void setType(String t) {
					type = t;
			 List persons = new ArrayList();
			 persons.add(new Person("Jonas", "Blane", "reg"));
			 persons.add(new Person("Bob", "Brown", "struct"));
			 persons.add(new Person("Mack", "Gerhardt", "reg"));
			 persons.add(new Person("Charles", "Grey", "reg"));
			 persons.add(new Person("Tom", "Ryan", "struct"));
		<listbox rows="5" model="@{persons}" selectedItem="@{selected}" width="300px">
				<listheader label="First Name" width="100px" />
				<listheader label="Last Name" width="100px" />
				<listheader label="Converted Value" width="100px" />
			<listitem self="@{each=person}" value="@{person}">
				<listcell label="@{person.firstName}" />
				<listcell label="@{person.lastName}" />
					label="@{person.type, converter='myTypeConverter'}" />
		<space spacing="25px" orient="horizontal" />
		<cell align="right"><label value="Back-end value:  "/></cell><textbox value="@{selected.type}" />

If you run the above, you'll see that only the people that have a type of "struct" get an image shown. If you click on different rows, you'll see the raw value in the textbox below.

Hope that helps,


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answered 2011-06-10 10:55:03 +0800

caclark gravatar image caclark
1753 2 5

for a quick explanation of if/foreach in relation to databinding, see this thread

if, foreach, etc., are evaluated at composition time and use EL for their expressions...

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Asked: 2011-06-09 15:50:19 +0800

Seen: 2,543 times

Last updated: Jun 10 '11

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