href in html component

asked 2008-04-05 16:40:17 +0800

admin gravatar image admin
18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

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By: varan78

How do you specify eventlisteners for links in the contents of an html component?
I am constructing my components using plain java and have code like this:

Html html=new Html();

Here content is a (long) string containing a lot of elements to which I want to add eventlisteners, and window is the parent component of the Html component.

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answered 2008-04-07 01:48:59 +0800

admin gravatar image admin
18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

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By: jebberwocky

Refer to javadoc

addEventListener method

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answered 2008-04-07 07:12:46 +0800

admin gravatar image admin
18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

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By: varan78

I don't see how that works unless you change the Html to a group of other components.

For example, of the string content is

"This is a test link of ZK"

and I want to link ZK to something else, i.e., have the same effect as

"This is a test link of <a href='http://www.zkoss.org'>ZK</a>"

and set html.setContent(content) where content is the string above, what kind of event should the EventListener be added for?

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answered 2008-04-11 04:11:44 +0800

admin gravatar image admin
18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

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By: henrichen

I am afraid that you cannot add event listener under such context. The <html> component is used to "show" native html "AS IS". Meaning ZK does not have control in its contents. ZK simply "output" them "AS IS".

However, you can use <toolbarbutton> to simulate something like that.

<label pre="true" value="This is a test link of "/><toolbarbutton label="ZK"

And you should be able to add event listener on <toolbarbutton> component.


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Asked: 2008-04-05 16:40:17 +0800

Seen: 487 times

Last updated: Apr 11 '08

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