Integrate with JSP, Servlets...

asked 2006-03-21 04:13:14 +0800

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18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

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By: tin_chen

I have add the zkFilter setting into web.xml:
<description>The extension to identify the content being post-processed by this filter. Default: html.</description>

And those are hello.jsp sample code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
String msg = "Hello, World!";
<window title="1st window" border="normal" width="200px">
<%= msg %>

But I got those output:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/zkau/web/js/zk/html/boot.js"
<window id="_pc1" width="200px" title="1st window" border="normal">
Hello, World!

The window zk tag didn't been parsed and transformed.
Could you give me some idea ??

Thanks very very much !!

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answered 2006-03-21 09:57:34 +0800

admin gravatar image admin
18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

Orignial message at:

By: tomyeh

You need to specify the XML name space as described in pp. 24, the developer's guide.

<x:window xmlns:x="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul

Remember XHTML and XUL components are from different name spaces. You have to specify at least one of them if you mixed them in the same page. Otherwise, ZK loader has no idea to handle it.

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answered 2006-03-22 10:18:14 +0800

admin gravatar image admin
18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

Orignial message at:

By: nobody

Thank you very much, it works !!!

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answered 2006-04-10 19:06:02 +0800

admin gravatar image admin
18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

Orignial message at:

By: gladiator

I tried something like this in web.xml


then I get this error:
SEVERE: Parse error in application web.xml
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid <url-pattern> /layout/*.jsp in filter mapping\

any idea?

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answered 2006-04-11 01:08:25 +0800

admin gravatar image admin
18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

Orignial message at:

By: tomyeh

According SRV.11.2 (pp 86, Servlet Spec), you can choose only from /x/y/* or *.z. No mix

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answered 2006-06-01 07:56:52 +0800

admin gravatar image admin
18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

Orignial message at:

By: nobody

you can try this /layout/*
But I also see other say it can not work becase Tomcat not support mapping chain very well.

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Asked: 2006-03-21 04:13:14 +0800

Seen: 268 times

Last updated: Jun 01 '06

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