Help, can not use Zeta form for some reason. Can't find org.zkoss.spring.context. package!

asked 2009-04-23 01:40:29 +0800

df2334 gravatar image df2334
48 1

updated 2009-04-23 01:41:30 +0800

Hi ,

I experienced a few problems when I tried to use zeta form builder in MyEclipse, anybody may have the same issue as mine?

The problem is that although the zeta forms and classes can be created successfully, some of the classes that are generated can not pass the compilation.

The errors are produced as following:

import org.zkoss.spring.context.annotation.AfterCompose;
import org.zkoss.spring.context.annotation.EventHandler;
import org.zkoss.spring.jpa.EntityNotFoundException;

The above three packages can not be located.

I've put zkspring jar into my project build path and the web-inf/lib folder,but those three package names
are neither contained in the zkspring package nor in any other zk framework's packages.

My question is what packages do they reside and where can i find the package which they refer to???

Thanks and any responses will be appreciated.

I've set the configuration to be "copy zeta jar,jpa jar and other jar files to the lib folder.

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answered 2009-04-24 07:42:42 +0800

df2334 gravatar image df2334
48 1

Anybody knows this problem?????

org.zkoss.spring.context still hasn't been located yet

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answered 2009-04-24 10:08:07 +0800

robbiecheng gravatar image robbiecheng
1144 2

Not sure if it is caused by the difference of the web structure between Eclipse and MyEclopse. The jar file should be included automatically.


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Asked: 2009-04-23 01:40:29 +0800

Seen: 184 times

Last updated: Apr 24 '09

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