Export to Different File Format

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Revision as of 04:25, 18 November 2010 by Ashishd (talk | contribs)

Export to Different File Format


Export ZK Spreadsheet to different file format (Html,CSV, Tab delimited and so on)

Exporter interface

Exporting ZK Spreadsheet to another format is done through Exporter interface. It has three convenient methods to export ZK Spreadsheet contents.

  • Use Exporter#export(Book workbook, OutputStream outputStream) API to export entire workbook.
  • Use Exporter#export(Sheet worksheet, OutputStream outputStream); API to export specific worksheet.
  • Use Exporter#exportSelection(Sheet worksheet, AreaReference area, OutputStream outputStream) API to export partially selected area of workbook.

Exporting entire workbook

To export entire ZK Spreadsheet workbook contents use Exporter#export(Book,OutputStream) API. You should be able to get Book instance either by importing Excel book file using Importer interface or using Spreadsheet#getBook() API if ZK Spreadsheet component is already initialized with an Excel book file. You should also prepare OutputStream to which new format should be written to. For example

<window width="100" height="100%" apply="org.zkoss.zsspdf.demo.MySpreadsheetComposer">
<button id="exportBtn" label="Export"></button>
<button id="exportSheetBtn" label="Export"></button>
<button id="exportCurrentSelectionBtn" label="Export"></button>
<spreadsheet id="spreadsheet" 

In above code ZK Spreadsheet component is initialized with default.xls Excel book file. Exporting this Excel book file is shown below.

	public void onClick$exportBtn() throws IOException {
		Book wb = spreadsheet.getBook();
		ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); 
		Exporter c = new PdfExporter();
		c.export(wb, baos);

Here I am using PdfExporter to export ZK Spreadsheet contents to PDF format. Similarly you could implement HtmlExporter,CSVExporter,TabDelimExporter and so on to export to respective formats.

Exporting specific worksheet

To export specific worksheet contents use Exporter#export(Sheet worksheet, OutputStream outputStream) API. First get Sheet instance by Spreadsheet#getSelectedSheet() or Spreadsheet#getSheet(int). Second prepare OutputStream to which new format should be written to. For example

	public void onClick$exportSheetBtn() throws IOException {
		Sheet sheet = spreadsheet.getSelectedSheet();
		Exporter c = new PdfExporter();
		ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); 
		c.export(sheet, baos);
		Filedownload.save(baos.toByteArray(),"application/pdf", spreadsheet.getBook().getBookName());

Exporting partial selection

To export specific area of worksheet indicated by current selection of multiple cells, use Exporter#exportSelection(Sheet worksheet, AreaReference area, OutputStream outputStream) API. First get Sheet instance by Spreadsheet#getSelectedSheet() or Spreadsheet#getSheet(int). Second get current selection using Spreadsheet#getSelection() API and prepare an AreaReference and finally prepare OutputStream to which new format should be written to. For example

	public void onClick$exportCurrentSelectionBtn() throws IOException {
		Sheet sheet = spreadsheet.getSelectedSheet();
		Exporter c = new PdfExporter();
		ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); 
		Rect rect = spreadsheet.getSelection();
		String area = ss.getColumntitle(rect.getLeft()) + ss.getRowtitle(rect.getTop()) + ":" + 
			ss.getColumntitle(rect.getRight()) + ss.getRowtitle(rect.getBottom());
		c.exportSelection(sheet,  new AreaReference(area), baos);
		Filedownload.save(baos.toByteArray(),"application/pdf", spreadsheet.getBook().getBookName());

Version History

Last Update : 2010/11/18

Version Date Content

All source code listed in this book is at Github.

Last Update : 2010/11/18

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.