Actions and Effects

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Revision as of 09:40, 20 January 2011 by Tomyeh (talk | contribs)

Actions and Effects

[since 5.0.6]

Here we describe how to provide more effects for client-side actions.

The allowed effects are actually the names of methods defined in Actions. Thus, To add a new effect, you have to add a new method to it. For example,

zk.eff.Actions.fooIn = function (n, opts) {
    //your own effect to make the node visible, such as
    //zk(n).slideIn(this, opts);

Then, you could use it in the client-side action:

<div action="show: fooIn">

The signature of an effect method is as follows.

function (DOMElement n, Map opts);

where n is the DOM element to apply the action, and opts is the options specified in the client-side action.

Notice that, before invoking jQuery's effects, you shall invoke jqzk.defaultAnimaOpts(Widget, Map, Array, boolean) to prepare the initial options for animation. For example,

this.defaultAnimaOpts(wgt, opts, prop, true).jq
	.css(css).show().animate(anima, { //the rest depending the jQuery effect you use
		queue: false, easing: opts.easing, duration: opts.duration || 400,
		complete: opts.afterAnima

Version History

Last Update : 2011/01/20

Version Date Content
5.0.6 December 2010 This feature was introduced in 5.0.6

Last Update : 2011/01/20

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.