
From Documentation



An element which should appear before or after an element inside a box (Box, Vbox and Hbox).

When the splitter is dragged, the sibling elements of the splitter are resized. If getCollapse() is true, a grippy in placed inside the splitter, and one sibling element of the splitter is collapsed when the grippy is clicked. If the Splitter is used in a context that allows resizing, it will be draggable. To make it collapsible only, it can be used in a different context, e.g. with Borderlayout.


ZKComRef Splitter Examples.PNG

<hbox spacing="0" width="100%">
	<vbox height="200px">
		Column 1-1: The left-top box. To know whether a splitter is collapsed,
		you can listen to the onOpen event.
		<splitter collapse="after" />
		Column 1-2: You can enforce to open or collapse programming by calling
		setOpen method.
	<splitter collapse="before" />
	Column 2: Whether a splitter allows users to open or collapse depending
	on the collapse attribue.

Supported Events

Event Type
Event: OpenEvent

When a splitter is collapsed or opened by a user, the onOpen event is sent to the application.

Supported Molds

Available molds of a component are defined in lang.xml embedded in zul.jar.

Splitter mold default.png
Splitter mold os.png

Supported Children


Use Cases

Version Description Example Location
5.0 Used to seperate contents within hbox/vbox. http://www.zkoss.org/zksandbox/userguide/#l13

Version History

Last Update : 2010/12/22

Version Date Content

Last Update : 2010/12/22

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.