Auto Fill - Drag Fill

From Documentation
Revision as of 08:31, 30 August 2011 by Alicelin (talk | contribs) (→‎Purpose)


ZK Spreadsheet supports drag fill and auto fill cell's value.

Drag Fill

The drag fill is base on Range.autofill(Range, Integer)


1. Select a range
ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill Select.png

2. Mouse over right bottom border, mouse cursor will change to cross, drag to expend selection range
ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill Drag.png

3. Release mouse to perform auto fill
ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill AutoFill.png

Auto Linear Increase

ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill AutoFill Linear1.png

ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill AutoFill Linear2.png

ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill AutoFill Linear3.png

Month Auto Increase

ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill AutoFill Month1.png

ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill AutoFill Month2.png

ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill AutoFill Month3.png

Week Auto Increase

ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill AutoFill Week1.png

ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill AutoFill Week2.png

ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill AutoFill Week3.png

Date Auto Increase

ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill AutoFill Date1.png

ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill AutoFill Date2.png

ZKSsEss Spreadsheet DragFill AutoFill Date3.png


<div height="100%" width="100%" apply="org.zkoss.zssessentials.config.AutofillComposer">
	<div height="3px"></div>
				1. Fill cells <intbox id="fillCells" value="2"/>
				<combobox id="fillOrientation" >
					<comboitem label="Fill Down" value="down"/>
					<comboitem label="Fill Right" value="right"/>
					<comboitem label="Fill Left" value="left"/>
					<comboitem label="Fill Up" value="up"/>
				<button id="fill" label="Fill" mold="trendy"></button>
			2. AutoFill
			<intbox id="autoFillCells" value="6"/>
			<combobox id="autofillType">
				<comboitem label="Default" value="default"/>
				<comboitem label="Copy" value="copy"/>
			<button id="autofill" label="Auto fill" mold="trendy"></button>
	<spreadsheet id="spreadsheet" src="/WEB-INF/excel/config/autofill.xlsx"	


Source Cell

Use onCellFocused event to get the current cell, use onCellSelection event to get current selection range

Spreadsheet spreadsheet;
Cell currentCell;
Rect selection;
public void onCellFocused$spreadsheet(CellEvent event) {
	currentCell = Utils.getCell(event.getSheet(), event.getRow(), event.getColumn());
public void onCellSelection$spreadsheet() {
	selection = spreadsheet.getSelection();

Fill cells

Intbox fillCells;
Combobox fillOrientation;
public void onClick$fill() {
	String orientation = (String)fillOrientation.getSelectedItem().getValue();
	if ("down".equals(orientation)) {
		int leftCol = currentCell.getColumnIndex();
		int topRow = currentCell.getRowIndex();
		int rightCol = leftCol;
		int btmRow = topRow + fillCells.getValue();
		Ranges.range(spreadsheet.getSelectedSheet(), topRow, leftCol, btmRow, rightCol).fillDown();
	} else if ("right".equals(orientation)) {
		int leftCol = currentCell.getColumnIndex();
		int topRow = currentCell.getRowIndex();
		int rightCol = leftCol + fillCells.getValue();
		int btmRow = topRow;
		Ranges.range(spreadsheet.getSelectedSheet(), topRow, leftCol, btmRow, rightCol).fillRight();
	} else if ("left".equals(orientation)) {
		int rightCol = currentCell.getColumnIndex();
		int leftCol = rightCol - fillCells.getValue();
		int topRow = currentCell.getRowIndex();
		int btmRow = topRow;
		Ranges.range(spreadsheet.getSelectedSheet(), topRow, leftCol, btmRow, rightCol).fillLeft();
	} else if ("up".equals(orientation)) {
		int btmRow = currentCell.getRowIndex();
		int topRow = btmRow - fillCells.getValue();
		int leftCol = currentCell.getColumnIndex();
		int rightCol = leftCol;
		Ranges.range(spreadsheet.getSelectedSheet(), topRow, leftCol, btmRow, rightCol).fillUp();


AutoFill can specify fill type and destination range to fill.

public void onClick$autofill() {
	if (selection == null) {
		alert("Selection can not be empty");
	final Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheet.getSelectedSheet();
	final int topRow = selection.getTop();
	final int leftCol = selection.getLeft();
	final int btmRow = selection.getBottom();
	final int rightCol = selection.getRight();
	final int fillCells = autoFillCells.getValue();
	//fill down
	Range autofillRange = 
		Ranges.range(worksheet, topRow, leftCol, btmRow + fillCells, leftCol);
	int type = Range.FILL_DEFAULT;
	String fillType = (String) autofillType.getSelectedItem().getValue();
	if ("copy".equals(fillType)) {
		type = Range.FILL_COPY;
	final Range srcRange = 
		Ranges.range(worksheet, topRow, leftCol, btmRow, rightCol);
	srcRange.autoFill(autofillRange, type);

View complete source of ZUML autoFill.zul

View complete source of composer

Version History

Last Update : 2011/08/30

Version Date Content

All source code listed in this book is at Github.

Last Update : 2011/08/30

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.