ZK8 Features for MVC - Shadow Elements - Part 2

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DocumentationSmall Talks2017MarchZK8 Features for MVC - Shadow Elements - Part 2
ZK8 Features for MVC - Shadow Elements - Part 2

Robert Wenzel, Engineer, Potix Corporation
December 2016
ZK 8.0


In continuation of the previous article LINK ME I'll focus this time on the shadow element <forEach>.

Some background

The intention behind <forEach> are similar to those of the <apply> shadow element. Several historically evolved mechanisms to repeat UI components with their own specific behavior and limitations needed a unified abstraction to become more versatile and layout neutral (no additional DOM elements) at the same time.

Let's look at what's been there before:

(1) forEach-attribute

<div forEach="${someCollection}">
    <label value="${each.label}"/>
  • repeats the component as well
  • limited to static layouts at zul parse time

(2) ListModel

<listbox model="${someListModel}">
    <template name="model">
        <listitem label="${each.label}"/>
  • allows replacing the whole Model => re-render all elements
  • allows adding/removing single elements => re-render only affected elements
  • supported only by specific components (grid/listbox/combobox/tabbox ...)

(3) children-binding restricted to MVVM

<div children="@init(someListModel)">
    <template name="children">
        <label value="${each.label}"/>
  • repeats contained template
  • allows replacing the whole Model => re-render all elements
  • (before ZK 8) didn't update adding/removing single elements => needed to re-render all elements
  • requires MVVM / BindComposer

The examples above behave quite differently, each with its own limitations. All require a component: the special forEach-attribute repeats the element itself while the model- and children-binding repeat the inner template.

The new <forEach> shadow element allows static and dynamic UI composition. When used in combination with a ListModel implementation also single item updates (add/remove) result only in UI updates to the affected elements. This will improve the overall performance by saving network traffic and avoiding updates to existing DOM elements in the browser which saves render time. As with other shadow elements this works without adding additional container components. ZK will keep track of the individual positions in the component tree and DOM tree.

<forEach> usages

Here what the above examples (1, 3) will look like using <forEach> (<listbox> could be done in the same way but it is still more useful when binding the model-attribute to track the selected listitems in the ListModel as well)

<forEach items="${someCollection}">
        <label value="${each.label}"/>

    <forEach items="${someListModel}">
        <label value="${each.label}"/>

By adding the shadow element you are now free to decide which component should be repeated by nesting accordingly.

<forEach> also supports multiple children (even a variable number of children/item) as in the example below. For "readonly" items there are 2 children while there will be 2 additional buttons otherwise.

<forEach items="${someListModel}">
    <label value="${each.label}"/>
    <button label="details" />
    <if test="${!each.readonly}">
        <button label="edit" />
        <button label="delete" />

static usage (index, array, collection)

As other shadow elements the <forEach> can be used with a static EL expression (${some.expression}) resolving to a java Array or Collection (not implementing ListModel). In this case the shadow element will be removed after initial rendering to save the server side memory. The resulting component tree will only contain the actually generated components. To prevent the removal of the shadow element you can add dynamicValue="true" to preserve the shadow tree in order to manipulate it later.

dynamic usage (ListModel)

When using a dynamic bind expression (@load / @init) or a static EL resolving into a ListModel implementation the shadow element will remain in the shadow tree. Especially when used with a ListModel it will listen to changes in the ListModel and reflect the updates automatically. This allows convenient usage of the built-in ListModel implementations (e.g. ListModelList)


Adding templates

The content of a <forEach> element will implicitly become an anonymous template, hence the following examples are equivalent and produce the same result, and shadow/component tree.

<forEach items="${someCollection}">
        <label value="${each.label}"/>

<forEach items="${someCollection}">
            <label value="${each.label}"/>

<forEach items="${someCollection}">
    <template name="">
            <label value="${each.label}"/>

Since this is just typing overhead and doesn't add any value the <template> can be omitted (however it's not wrong to write it out explicitly if you prefer).

Dynamic Templates

Things become interesting when rendering items differently (e.g. based on a condition or property). For such cases the <apply> element can be nested inside the <forEach>.

<!-- named inline templates -->
<forEach items="${someCollectionOfConfigElements}" var="configElement">
    <apply template="${configElement.editable ? 'editable' : 'readonly'}">
        <template name="editable">
            <textbox value="${configElement.name}" forward="onChange=onChangeConfigElementName(${configElement})"/>
        <template name="readonly">
            <label value="${configElement.name}"/>

<!-- alternative using named external templates -->
<forEach items="${someCollectionOfConfigElements}" var="configElement">
    <apply template="${configElement.editable ? 'editable' : 'readonly'}">
        <template name="editable" src="configElementEditor.zul"/>
        <template name="readonly" src="configElementView.zul"/>

<!-- alternative using a dynamic templateURI directly -->
<forEach items="${someCollectionOfConfigElements}" var="configElement">
    <apply templateURI="${configElement.editable ? 'configElementEditor.zul' : 'configElementView.zul'}"/>
  • Line 5: here (as in many other cases) event forwarding LINK ME becomes handy when working on repeated elements (avoids having to deal with indices or non unique component IDs. see zkfiddle)

Control from java code (MVC)

As above the simplest way to control the items rendered by <forEach> element is via ListModel (e.g. ListModelList) and add/remove elements while new templates are instantiated without extra care. However if additional control is desired e.g. replacing the whole model completely or rendering the <templates> in java code (similar to a ItemRenderer in a grid) the following techniques can be used.

Shadow Selector

To access the <forEach> element directly simply give it an ID ...

<zk xmlns:sh="shadow">
	<groupbox width="450px" apply="zk.example.ForEachComposer" mold="3d">
		<caption label="My Names (also draggable)">
			<button forward="onSortAsc" iconSclass="z-icon-sort-alpha-asc"/>
			<button forward="onSortDesc" iconSclass="z-icon-sort-alpha-desc"/>
			<button forward="onClearAll" iconSclass="z-icon-user-times" tooltiptext="clear all"/>
			<sh:forEach id="namesList" var="name">
				<span forward="onDrop=onDropName(${name})" sclass="nameTag" draggable="true" droppable="true"> 
					<label value="${name}"/>
					<a forward="onClick=onRemoveName(${name})" iconSclass="z-icon-times"/>
		<textbox forward="onOK=onAddName" placeholder="New Name + ENTER"/>

... and select it in your composer using a shadow selector LINK ME. It's then possible to call setItems() directly and render the contents by calling recreate(), with this separation you have control when to re-render the contents initially after the model was replaced. Subsequent add/removes to the model are reflected automatically.

public class ForEachComposer extends SelectorComposer<Component> {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	private ForEach namesList;
	private ListModelList<String> namesModel;

	public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception {
		namesModel = new ListModelList<String>(new String[] {"Chris", "Elisabeth", "Aaron", "Berta", "Daniel"});


In cases where the insert position of the items needs to be determined at runtime (i.e. without a <forEach> element in the zul file). The CollectionTemplate LINK ME is a utility class to easily do so.

<zk xmlns:sh="shadow">
	<groupbox width="450px" apply="zk.example.CollectionTemplateComposer" mold="3d">
		<caption label="My Names (also draggable)">
			<button forward="onSortAsc" iconSclass="z-icon-sort-alpha-asc"/>
			<button forward="onSortDesc" iconSclass="z-icon-sort-alpha-desc"/>
			<button forward="onClearAll" iconSclass="z-icon-user-times" tooltiptext="clear all"/>
		<div id="namesContainer">
			<template name="nameTag">
				<span forward="onDrop=onDropName(${each})" sclass="nameTag" draggable="true" droppable="true"> 
					<custom-attributes name="${each}"/>
					<label value="${each}"/>
					<a forward="onClick=onRemoveName(${each})" iconSclass="z-icon-times"/>
		<textbox forward="onOK=onAddName" placeholder="New Name + ENTER"/>

Here the template is only defined inline (not yet rendered) and a normal

as the insertion host but no <forEach>. The
public class CollectionTemplateComposer extends SelectorComposer<Component> {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	private Component namesContainer;
	private CollectionTemplate namesList;
	private ListModelList<String> namesModel;

	public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception {
		namesList = new CollectionTemplate(true);
		namesModel = new ListModelList<String>(new String[] {"Chris", "Elisabeth", "Aaron", "Berta", "Daniel"});

The java code looks very similar to the above example. Instead of wiring an existing <forEach> element the CollectionTemplate (which internally adds a ForEach shadow element) is created at and inserted at runtime. Also the template name is defined at runtime, so it can be decided later which template to render if there were more than one. Here the templates remain in a zul file.

Resolve templates dynamically in java code

It is also possible to resolve templates by name in java code. For this a CollectionTemplateResolver LINK ME can be implemented. Finding a template in the zul file is simplified by calling the Templates.lookup(...) function to recursively search the template by its name. In the example below the template either nameTagNonDeletable (for members of the goodFriends collection) or nameTag (for any other name).

	public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception {
		namesList = new CollectionTemplate(true);
		namesModel = new ListModelList<String>(new String[] {"Chris", "Elisabeth", "Aaron", "Berta", "Daniel"});
		goodFriends = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("Aaron", "Daniel"));
		namesList.setTemplateResolver(nameFromModel -> 
			Templates.lookup(namesContainer, goodFriends.contains(nameFromModel) ? "nameTagNonDeletable" : "nameTag"));

The corresponding zul file now defines the 2 templates to choose from when rendering a name tag.

	<div id="namesContainer">
		<template name="nameTag">
			<span forward="onDrop=onDropName(${each})" sclass="nameTag" draggable="true" droppable="true"> 
				<custom-attributes name="${each}"/>
				<label value="${each}"/>
				<a forward="onClick=onRemoveName(${each})" iconSclass="z-icon-times"/>
		<template name="nameTagNonDeletable">
			<span forward="onDrop=onDropName(${each})" sclass="nameTag" draggable="true" droppable="true"> 
				<custom-attributes name="${each}"/>
				<label value="${each}"/>

Render templates in java code

Since the TemplateResolver in the example above can return any Template implementation it is also possible to provide a custom implementation of that interface. A simple method creating the same component structure as the nameTag template from above could look like this:

	public Component renderNameTag(String name) {
		Span nameTag = new Span();
		nameTag.setAttribute("name", name);
				(DropEvent event) -> dropName(name, (String)event.getDragged().getAttribute("name")));
		nameTag.appendChild(new Label(name));
		if(!goodFriends.contains(name)) {
			A removeLink = new A();
			removeLink.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, event -> namesModel.remove(name));
		return nameTag;

It creates a surrounding with a few child components and event listeners (of course it may contain a more complex structure). So far nothing new. In order to call this method for each item in a model, a custom Template implementation can be used to simplify the usage (RenderTemplate will be explained in the paragraph below LINK ME)

namesList.setTemplateResolver(new CollectionTemplateResolver<String>() {
	public Template resolve(String nameFromModel) {
		//could decide to return a different template based on the model object 
		return new RenderedTemplate<String>() {
			public Component render(String name) {
				return renderNameTag(name);

Obviously this looks like a terrible overhead to write. After some Java-8-magic this reduces nicely into a single line:

	namesList.setTemplateResolver(nameFromModel -> (RenderedTemplate<String>) this::renderNameTag);

The RenderTemplate is just a basic idea of a reusable way to implement the Template as a functional interface to reduce boiler plate code.

	public static interface RenderedTemplate<T> extends Template {
		Component render(T item);
		default  Component[] create(Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Composer composer) {
			Component itemComp = render((T)resolver.resolveVariable("each"));
			parent.insertBefore(itemComp, insertBefore);
			return new Component[] {itemComp};
		default Map<String, Object> getParameters() {
			return null;



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