
From Documentation
Revision as of 08:21, 21 September 2023 by RebeccaLai (talk | contribs) (→‎Properties: Update allowScripts description)



A component similar to Combobox but handles the multi-selection and the select order.


Typical Usage

  • creatable attribute denotes whether or not to display createMessage when a user inputs a value that is non-existing in the model, and sends it back to the server along with an onSearch event when user clicks the ENTER key or separator.
  • emptyMessage will be displayed as a placeholder if nothing is selected or focused.
  • noResultText will be displayed if nothing matches the input value and it cannot be created either; syntax "{0}" will be replaced with the input value at client side.
  • createMessage will be displayed in popup if nothing matches the input value but can be created as new label; syntax "{0}" will be replaced with the input value at the client-side.

When no item is selected or focused, emptyMessage is visible.

CompREF Chosenbox msgEx 01.png

When there is no data to be shown in the model and data 0 already selected, noResultText appears.

CompREF Chosenbox msgEx 02.png

When there is no item in the model but it is creatable, createMessage appears.

CompREF Chosenbox msgEx 03.png

        ListModelList model = new ListModelList(Locale.getAvailableLocales());
    <chosenbox width="400px"
               model="${model}" creatable="true"
               emptyMessage=" Please select some items."
               noResultsText=" No such item - {0} - and it is already in the model."
               createMessage=" No such item -{0} - but it is not in model either, you can try to create it.">
        <attribute name="onSearch">
            Object obj = event.getValue();

Rendering All

Here, all the content will be sent to and processed at the client side. The rendering process is pretty fast with a few items but may cause performance issue when the model exceeds 40,000 items and rendering them all at once.

CompREF Chosenbox 01.png

        ListModelList model = new ListModelList(Locale.getAvailableLocales());
    <chosenbox width="400px" model="${model}"/>

Lazy Rendering

With ListSubModel, Chosenbox doesn't render any DOM elements in the drop-down list at first. Until a user enters a character, it retrieves 'matched' items from the server-side and renders them in the drop-down list. This might produce some delay at the client side because of server processing time and network latency.

See also: Combobox#Autocomplete_by_ListSubModel

        ListModelList model = new ListModelList(Locale.getAvailableLocales());
        ListSubModel subModel = ListModels.toListSubModel(model);
    <chosenbox width="400px" model="${subModel}"/>


Keyboard Navigation Chosenbox

  • Press UP and DOWN to move the focus up and down by one option.
  • Press LEFT and RIGHT to move focus between selected item(s) and the input field.
  • Press ESC to clear input and close drop-down list.
  • Press DELETE to delete the focused item and move focus to next item if any or input field.
  • Press BACKSPACE to delete the focused item and move focus to previous item if any or input field.
  • Press ENTER or specified separator to select the focused option.


  • allowScripts: specify whether runnable scripts are allowed. Default: false with <script>...</script> and onXXX attributes removed from the output of the renderer by the engine specified by the org.zkoss.zkmax.zul.chosenbox.engine.class library property
  • creatable: specify whether to send an event to server when user inputs an non-existing value by clicking ENTER or separator. Default: false
  • createMessage: displayed in popup if nothing matches the input value and creatable is true; syntax "{0}" will be replaced with the input value at client side
  • disabled: specify whether or not it is disabled. Default: false
  • emptyMessage: displayed as place holder in input if nothing is selected or focused
  • model: specify the ListModel of this chosenbox
    • If you set ListModelList to the model of chosenbox, all the content will be sent to and processed at the client-side, The rendering process is pretty fast with a few items but may cause performance issue when the model exceeds 40,000 items and rendering them all at once
    • If you set ListSubModel to the chosenbox model, the content of the drop-down list will not be rendered to the client-side,and will remain blank until user enters an input. The server will then provide a 'matched' content for the input. This will cause some delay at the client side because of server processing time and network transfer time
  • name: specify the name of the input element of this component
  • noResultsText: displayed in popup window if nothing matches the input value and creatable is false; syntax "{0}" will be replaced with the input value at client-side
  • open: specify whether or not to open the drop-down list. Default: false
  • tabindex: specify the tab order of the input node of this component. Default: 0
  • separator: the separate characters will work as 'Enter' key when clicked on; it will not be considered as an input value. Upon releasing the key, it will an send onSearch or onSelect event depending on the situation. Supports: 0-9, A-Z (case insensitive), and ,.;'[]/\-=

Supported Events

Event Type
Event: SelectEvent

Represents an event caused by user's the selection changed at the client.

Event: OpenEvent

Represents an event that indicates an open state that is changed at the client.

Event: InputEvent

Represents an event that indicates users inputting an non-existing value by clicking ENTER or separator.

Event: InputEvent

Represents an event sent back to the server caused by user's input text.

Event: Event

Represents an event sent back to the server caused by clicking a selected tag.

Supported Molds

  • The default mold

Supported Children


Use Cases

Version Description Example Location
6.0.1+ Creatable Chosenbox Chosenbox – A beautiful and powerful multiple combobox

Version History

Last Update : 2023/09/21

Version Date Content
6.0.1 April 3, 2012 Add the new Chosenbox component
8.0.2 May 24, 2016 Add the new Event - onItemClick
10.0.0 September 11, 2023 Add the new allowScripts property

Last Update : 2023/09/21

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.