ZK Testing with Selenium IDE

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DocumentationSmall Talks2013JulyZK Testing with Selenium IDE
ZK Testing with Selenium IDE

Robert Wenzel, Engineer, Potix Corporation
July 2013
ZK 6.5 (or later)

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About this article

nice application, how to test ... refer to zats... some things need to be tested in a real browser, so selenium comes into play... how to create tests

programmatically... link to older Small Talk?? or use Selenium-IDE to record/tweak/maintain!! and replay/debug -- this article :D


  • Firefox (used with 21.0)
  • Selenium IDE 2.0.0
  • JDK 6/7
  • ZK 6.5.3 6/7
  • Maven 3.0


Initialize your testing environment

  • download link (test project)
  • maven: mvn jetty:run
  • localhost:8080

(- war file ) ???

Initial Situation

  1. Launch Selenium IDE CTRL+ALT+S
  2. open example app localhost:8080
  3. Record login-test and replay it
New Test
open /selenium_testing/login.zul
type id=jXDW5 test
type id=jXDW8 test
clickAndWait id=jXDWb

looks hard to read / maintain and doesn't even work :'(

Looking at the recorded commands and comparing with page source we notice the IDs are generated and changing with every request. So no chance to record / replay this way.

A way to make the IDs predictable is shown in the next Section.

Custom Id Generator

As mentioned in other Small Talks about testing one strategy is to use a custom IdGenerator implementation to create predictable, readable (with a business meaning) and easily selectable (by selenium) component ids.

public class TestingIdGenerator implements IdGenerator {

	public String nextComponentUuid(Desktop desktop, Component comp,
			ComponentInfo compInfo) {
        int i = Integer.parseInt(desktop.getAttribute("Id_Num").toString());
        i++;// Start from 1
        StringBuilder uuid = new StringBuilder("");
        desktop.setAttribute("Id_Num", String.valueOf(i));
        if(compInfo != null) {
        	String id = getId(compInfo);
        	if(id != null) {
        	String tag = compInfo.getTag();
        	if(tag != null) {
        return uuid.length() == 0 ? "zkcomp_" + i : uuid.append(i).toString();

The IDs will look like this:

  • {id}_{tag}_{##} (for components with a given id)
  • {tag}_{##} (for components without a given id - e.g. listitems in a listbox)
  • {zkcomp}_{##} (for other cases, just to make them unique)

e.g. a button in zul-file

<button id="login" label="login" />

will become something like this in HTML in browser (number can vary):

<button id="login_button_12" class="z-button-os" type="button">login</button>

In order to separate production from test configuration we can include an additional config file at startup to enable the TestingIdGenerator only for testing. In ZK this is possible by setting the library property org.zkoss.zk.config.path (also refer to our Testing Tips)

e.g. via VM argument -Dorg.zkoss.zk.config.path=/WEB-INF/zk-test.xml


set MAVEN_OPTS=-Dorg.zkoss.zk.config.path=/WEB-INF/zk-test.xml
mvn jetty:run


export MAVEN_OPTS=-Dorg.zkoss.zk.config.path=/WEB-INF/zk-test.xml
mvn jetty:run

TODO: improve using maven profiles...

Now we get nicer and deterministic IDs when recording a test case.

After recording login-test again and we get this:

login test
open /selenium_testing/login.zul
type id=username_textbox_6 test
type id=password_textbox_9 test
clickAndWait id=login_button_12

This already looks nice, and self explaining - Unfortunately still fails to replay :(

Why this happens and how to fix it? See next section ...

ZK specific details

ZK heavily uses JavaScript and Selenium IDE does not record all events by default.

in our case here the "blur" events of the input fields have not been recorded, but ZK relies on them to determine updated fields. So we need to manually add selenium commands "fireEvent target blur" unfortunately Selenium does not offer a nice equivalent like "focus" action.

login test
open /selenium_testing/login.zul
type id=username_textbox_6 test
fireEvent id=username_textbox_6 blur
type id=password_textbox_9 test
fireEvent id=password_textbox_9 blur
clickAndWait id=login_button_12
assertLocation glob:*/selenium_testing/index.zul
verifyTextPresent Welcome test
verifyTextPresent Feedback Overview

Replaying the script finally works :D, and we see the overview page (also added a few verifications for that).

Selenium Extensions

If you find the syntax of "fireEvent" ugly or think it is too inconvenient to add an additional line just to update an input field there help using a Selenium Core extension.

This snippet shows 2 simple custom actions

convenience action to avoid "fireEvent locator blur"
combines the type with a blur event, to make ZK aware of the input change automatically
Selenium.prototype.doBlur = function(locator) {
    // All locator-strategies are automatically handled by "findElement"
    var element = this.page().findElement(locator);
    // Fire the "blur" event
    triggerEvent(element, "blur", false);

Selenium.prototype.doTypeAndBlur = function(locator, text) {
    // All locator-strategies are automatically handled by "findElement"
    var element = this.page().findElement(locator);

    // Replace the element text with the new text
    this.page().replaceText(element, text);
    // Fire the "blur" event
    triggerEvent(element, "blur", false);

user-extensions.js DOWNLOADable (file contains another extension ... more about that later in "making tests more robust and maintainable to UI updates")

add to Selenium IDE Options/Options... [General Tab] Selenium Core extensions

login test
open /selenium_testing/login.zul
type id=username_textbox_6 test
blur id=username_textbox_6
type id=password_textbox_9 test
blur id=password_textbox_9
clickAndWait id=login_button_12

login test
open /selenium_testing/login.zul
typeAndBlur id=username_textbox_6 test
typeAndBlur id=password_textbox_9 test
clickAndWait id=login_button_12

It is not required to use either of these extensions, but saving 1 line for each input is my personal preference.

Another thing to keep in mind is robustness and maintenance effort of test-cases when changes in the UI happen ... the generated numbers in the end of each ID are still an obstacle on this way as they are prone to change everytime a component is added or removed above that component.

Wouldn't it be nice to avoid having to adapt test cases that often? Read on...

Robust and maintainable Test Scripts

Stay tuned for updates ;)

bigger test

Let's record a test case for edit and save an existing "feedback item" in the list, and verify the results, and a logout test.

intelligent waiting for ajax updates

automatically run tests Selenium-RC

different browsers ??