ZK8 Features for MVC - Shadow Elements - Part 1

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DocumentationSmall Talks2016OctoberZK8 Features for MVC - Shadow Elements - Part 1
ZK8 Features for MVC - Shadow Elements - Part 1

Robert Wenzel, Engineer, Potix Corporation
August 2016
ZK 8.0

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ZK 8 added several new Features mainly improving Component control when using the MVVM design pattern. The question I sometimes heard since was: (How) Can we benefit from these features in our MVC application ?

To answer the question I'll introduce the most prominent features which are:

  • shadow elements
  • form proxies (later article)

Let's have a look where they can be used in the MVC world.

If you are missing a feature let us know in the comments section below.

Shadow Elements in MVC

Some of the Shadow Elements LINK ME are more/less beneficial in MVC than others here a short summary

  • <if>
most useful when used with dynamic @load expressions in MVVM
in MVC you can attach/detach components directly (so this is nothing new for MVC)
used statically you can render parts of your UI based on a conditional EL expression <if test="${some.condition}">...</if>
  • <choose>, <when>, <otherwise>
similar to <if> no real benefit for MVC
  • <forEach>
very useful this will be the topic in next smalltalk
  • <apply>
I'll show a few usage scenarios today ... just read on.

Some background

If you already know the details and differences between <include> and Macro, you can just skip this paragraph.

Why a new shadow element? Let's compare what's been there previously.

For static UI composition you'd classically use an <include> component such as this:

<include src="customerDetails.zul" customerId="123"/>

Or a macro component:

<?component name="my-macro" macroURI="customerDetails.zul"?>
<my-macro customerId="123"/>

These 2 examples roughly will give the same output. Comparing the generated DOM we'll see that the <include> creates:

<div class="z-include">...</div>

and the Macro generates:

<div class="z-macro">...</div>

So far so good. You might ask: "What's the difference?" "Which is better?" - The answer is often not that trivial and depends on what you need - and sometimes neither option fulfills all requirements.

If you don't need/want the additional <div> (e.g. because it breaks your layout, or you are inside a component hierarchy that only allows certain child components e.g. grid>rows>row) the case seems clear: use an inline macro LINK ME (which in return has its own technical limitations). Main impact is the root component of the macro being detached from the component tree - losing all its properties/custom-attributes, which you might want to refer to inside the included zul template (this gets additionally painful when using MVVM and dynamic bind annotations - not the topic in this MVC dedicated article). At the same time include doesn't have an inline mode.

If you need a different DOM element other than <div> you can use the enclosingTag property LINK ME of the macro (since 5.0.3) or <include/> since (7.0.4) LINK ME.

Often surprising (even if documented) are the side effects when using an <include> component with a url containing a query string ... while Macros simply ignore the query string. The query string with a changing parameter is often used as a workaround to reload the same included page.

<include src="customerDetails.zul?customerId=123"/>

Suddenly the <include> component changes to "defer" mode LINK ME resulting in a different component creation life cycle and a nested page. While necessary in certain cases this is usually more than you expect/need if you simply want to insert a zul fragment.

Last but not least there is a Template Composition LINK ME pattern which works again in a very unique way (... let's not go into details right now, we can do the same with <apply> without learning a separate syntax)

I assume you see where I am getting ... these grown components/features have diverged over time, causing quite some confusion and discussion about which to use, in which scenario and how to work around the limitations in various cases.

<apply> for static layout composition

In order to unify the approaches described above and to reduce the unexpected side effects and limitations the <apply> shadow element was introduced in ZK 8.

To enable it you have to add the zuti.jar to your project LINK ME.

Why "Shadow"? - Because it works behind the scenes (similar to a Shadow-DOM):

  • it represents a position inside the component tree used as an injection point for a <template>
  • it does not affect the parent-child-sibling relations between the real components LINK TO JUMPER'S article
  • it does not create any DOM element by itself - it is totally transparent to the client side (no more unwanted <div>)
  • it will even disappear automatically if not needed anymore to save memory (this can be disabled on demand)

Static usage examples

Like an include / macro to insert a zul file (optionally with parameters)

    <apply templateURI="customerDetails.zul" customerId="123"/>

Insert inline defined template(s):

    <apply template="${currentUser.hasEditPermission ? 'editable' : 'readonly'}>
        <template name="readonly">
           <label value="${person.name}"/>
        <template name="editable">
           <textbox value="${person.name}"/>

Insert externally defined template(s):

    <apply template="${currentUser.hasEditPermission ? 'editable' : 'readonly'}>
        <template name="readonly" src="personView.zul"/>
        <template name="editable" src="personEdit.zul"/>

Inject contents into a layout frame:

pageLayout.zul (a reusable layout template with nested <apply> elements to inject content)

    <div sclass="wrapper">
        <div sclass="header">
            <apply template="headerContent"/>
        <div sclass="content">
            <apply template="pageContent"/>

Use the pageLayout.zul anywhere and define the templates to be injected (inline or external zul file)

    <apply templateURI="pageLayout.zul">
        <template name="headerContent">
            My Application Overview <button label="logout"/>
        <template name="pageContent" src="applicationOverviewPage.zul"/>

The greatly helps to reduce the size of your zul pages, and split them into smaller fragments.

As a syntax sugar you can define your own tags in a way very similar to macro components (inline or inside a lang-addon.zul)


    <?component name="sidebar" templateURI="/WEB-INF/zul/layout/sidebar.zul"/>
    <?component name="footer" templateURI="/WEB-INF/zul/layout/footer.zul"/>
        <div sclass="wrapper">
            <apply template="someContent.zul" />

or make the tags globally available in a lang-addon.zul LINK ME



... can be replaced by an <apply> element:

<apply templateURI="customerDetails.zul" customerId="123"/>

The difference is that an <apply> does less things "under the hood" compared to <include>:

  • it does not create an additional
    in the resulting DOM
-> in fact it does not exist at the client side at all
  • it does not create a new idspace (you can control that yourself as needed)
  • it does not have this automatic behavior of switching between "instant" and "defer" mode like an include
  • it does not create a nested Page object
  • it only supports zul/zhtml templates
  • parameters in the URI (e.g. some.zul?id=abc) are accessible via ${arg.id} variable instead of ${param.id}

Simpy spoken behaves like a call to Executions.createComponents(...).

To save memory the <apply> shadow element is even removed completely from the server side component (shadow) tree when used purely statically. The shadow elements are not removed when used with dynamic parameters. E.g.:

  • in MVVM using the ZKBIND anotations (@load/@init/@ref)
  • in MVC by adding the special attribute dynamicValue="true"

This is required if you want to wire the shadow element into your composer, e.g. to set the templateURI or parameters dynamically. LINK EXAMPLE BELOW

    <apply id="panelContent"/>
  • Line 2: assign an id in the zul file
  private Apply panelContent;

Still in pure java you could just call Executions.createComponents(...) LINK ME

helps to compose the UI from ZUL fragments (more flexible than <include> or Macro components)

<apply> with Templates

On top of the above <apply> can be used to insert templates at any point of your page. This can be useful when refactoring larger zul files in order to remove duplicate layout structures.

Here a repeated layout only differing by customer object and a label.

        <div sclass="customerBox">
            <div>Current Customer id: ${sessionScope.currentCustomer.id}</div>
            <div>Current Customer name: ${sessionScope.currentCustomer.name}</div>
        <div sclass="customerBox">
            <div>Last Customer id: ${sessionScope.lastCustomer.id}</div>
            <div>Last Customer name: ${sessionScope.lastCustomer.name}</div>

The repeated layout can be avoided by defining a template (customerBox) and apply the same template using different parameters.

        <apply template="customerBox" customer="${sessionScope.currentCustomer}" label="Current Customer"/>
        <apply template="customerBox" customer="${sessionScope.lastCustomer}"  label="Last Customer"/>

    <template name="customerBox">
        <div sclass="customerBox">
            <div>${label} id: ${customer.id}</div>
            <div>${label} name: ${customer.name}</div>

    <!-- alternatively define the template content in a separate file
    <template name="customerBox" src="/WEB-INF/templates/customerBox.zul"/>

As described above you can also apply the template directly using the templateURI.

        <apply templateURI="/WEB-INF/templates/customerBox.zul" customer="${sessionScope.currentCustomer}" label="Current Customer"/>

Or as a syntax sugar you can define a custom tag inside the page.

<?component name="customerBox" templateURI="/WEB-INF/templates/customerBox.zul"?>
        <customerBox customer="${sessionScope.currentCustomer}" label="Current Customer"/>
        <customerBox customer="${sessionScope.lastCustomer}"  label="Last Customer"/>

Finally you can declare the custom element globally in a lang-addon.xml, and omit the <?component ... ?> directive in the page.





ZUL Template

Java Based Template

Using ZK8 Form Proxies in MVC

Creating a Simple CRUD Template



  • The source code for this article can be found on github.

Running the Example

Clone the repository

  git clone [email protected]:zkoss-demo/mvc-shadow.git
  cd mvc-shadow
  git checkout master

The example war file can be built with maven:

   mvn clean package

Execute using jetty:

   mvn jetty:run

Then access the overview page http://localhost:8080/mvc-shadow/


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