ZATS Cookies

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Since 1.1.0

In order to provide developers handle the HTTP cookies, ZATS Mimic introduces a group of methods on Client. ZATS Mimic seamless maintains cookies after connected with a ZK web application. We can read and verify the values of cookies.


	public void setCookie(String name, String value) {
		javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse resp = Executions.getCurrent().getNativeResponse();
		resp.addCookie(new javax.servlet.http.Cookie(name, value));
	setCookie("foo", "bar");
<button id="change" label="change" onClick='setCookie("foo", "hello");' />
<button id="show" label="show">
	<attribute name="onClick"><![CDATA[
		javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req = Executions.getCurrent().getNativeRequest();
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
		for (javax.servlet.http.Cookie c : req.getCookies())
<label id="msg" />
  • Line 15: This will add a cookie when beginning.
  • Line 18: It changes the cookie from server-side when the user clicking the button.
  • Line 19, 29: If we click the button, web application will show all received cookies.

	Client client = Zats.newClient();
	DesktopAgent desktop = client.connect("/~./basic/cookie2.zul");
	Assert.assertEquals("bar", client.getCookie("foo"));
	Assert.assertEquals(null, client.getCookie("not existed"));
	Assert.assertEquals("hello", client.getCookie("foo"));
  • Line 13, 14, 15: After connecting to a ZUL page, we can get the cookies and verify them.
  • Line 16, 17: ZATS Mimic maintains all cookies during any operations.

Cookie handling from client-side

Besides handling cookies from server-side, developers can also add, change and remove cookies from client-side. In a ZK web application, we can achieve the previous behavior through the Client-side programming.

Last Update : 2012/06/10

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