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Revision as of 09:27, 7 January 2020 by Rudyhuang (talk | contribs)

Rudy Huang, Engineer, Potix Corporation
January, 2020
ZK 9.0.0


React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. We can use React as a front-end UI and use ZK as a pure backend. In this small talk, I will show you how to integrate React with ZK using the client binding API step by step.

For convenience, I use an MIT licensed React demo project react-shopping-cart to demonstrate.


Render React in a Zul File

We have created an index.zul, an entry page for the whole application.


<?script src="/bundle.js"?>
<zk xmlns:n="native">
    <div id="main" viewModel="@id('vm') @init('react.vm.IndexVM')">
        <n:div id="root"/>
  • Line 1: Load bundle.js packed by Webpack. You must configure Webpack to build a single bundle.js. See the demo source for details.
  • Line 3: The id property is needed for client binding to get the correct VM.
  • Line 4: We have created a native DIV element for React to render.

Wait for ZK to Be Mounted

Since we want to use ZK client binding API, it's safe to wait for ZK to finish mounting in React. We need to modify index.js a bit.


import 'babel-polyfill'
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import App from './components/App';
import Root from './Root';

import './index.scss';

let zk = window.zk;
if (zk) {
  zk.afterMount(function () {
        <App />
  • Line 12: We use the zk.afterMount API to execute ReactDOM.render, ensuring ZK is ready.

Load Data from ZK

We need to create a View Model to use the client binding feature in React.

Create a ViewModel (VM) in ZK

We created an and defined a property "products". The products property is loaded from a database.

public class IndexVM {
	// omitted
	private ProductService productService;

	private List<ProductDto> products;
	// omitted
	public void init() {
		products = productService.getProducts();

	public List<ProductDto> getProducts() {
		return products;
	// omitted
  • Line 11: We use Spring + Hibernate to communicate with the database. A service instance is needed to be injected in the VM by adding a @WireVariable annotation.
  • Line 14: Declare getter only here so ZK knows products is a readonly property of a VM.

Add Client Binding Annotations

In order to get the vm.products from the client, we need to add some annotation to the IndexVM.

	@NotifyCommand(value = "getProducts", onChange = "_vm_.products")
@ToServerCommand({"tipProducts", "placeOrder"})
public class IndexVM {
	// omitted
	public void tipProducts() {
		// just triggering getProducts
	// omitted
  • LIne 2: Add a @NotifyCommand and listen to _vm_.products changes (_vm_ means the VM object)
  • Line 4 and 11: We added a simple command to trigger products changes for later use. Since it's called from the client, we need to register it by @ToServerCommand.
  • Line 5: Register a client command so the client can call getProducts. ZK client binding uses whitelist so no command is allowed to be called from the client by default.

Once we set, we can get the property from the client. Let's see how we get the products from ZK.

Use Client Binding API in React

We can use binder.after to get properties of ViewModel from ZK.

zkbind.$('$main').after('getProducts', function (data) {
    // the data is vm.products
    // and this function will be called each time vm.products is changed
    // one-way binding: vm.products -> this function

The react-shopping-cart loads JSON data from a server. A method fetchProducts initiates axios.get to make an Ajax get request.


export const fetchProducts = (filters, sortBy, callback) => dispatch => {
  return axios
    .then(res => {
      let { products } =;
// omitted

We can use client binding API to request with ZK instead. I wrote a utility class to handle it for convenience (the full source is available in the demo project)


function getBinder(name) {
  return window.zkbind && window.zkbind.$(name);

export default {
  // omitted
  init(name, command, event) {
    let binder = getBinder(name);
    if (binder) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let fn = res => {
          this.unAfter(name, event, fn);
        let result = this.after(name, event, fn);
        if (!result)
          reject(new Error('Binder not found'));
        this.command(name, command);
    return Promise.reject(new Error('Binder not found'));

Line 7: To simulate a request, I need to trigger a command from the client first, the command just notifies ZK in order to trigger @NotifyCommand. Then we'll remove the function binding by calling unAfter method.


import zkBinder from "../../util/zkBinder";
// omitted
export const fetchProducts = (filters, sortBy, callback) => dispatch => {
  return zkBinder.init('$main', 'tipProducts', 'getProducts')
    .then(products => {
// omitted
  • Line 4: Replace the axios call with ZK.

Submit Data to ZK

The checkout feature of react-shopping-cart isn't complete. It just shows an alert dialog to display the subtotal. We can complete it by using client binding API to send the cart data back to ZK.

We can use binder.command to send data to the ViewModel.

zkbind.$('$main').command('toServerCommand', {key1: value1, key2: value2});


// omitted
class FloatCart extends Component {
// omitted
  proceedToCheckout = () => {
    const {
    } = this.props.cartTotal;

    if (!productQuantity) {
      alert('Add some product in the cart!');
    } else {
      let products = this.props.cartProducts
        .map(p => ({[]: p.quantity}))
        .reduce((acc, curr) => Object.assign(acc, curr), {});
      zkBinder.command('$main', 'placeOrder',
        {format: currencyFormat, price: totalPrice, id: currencyId, products: products});
  // omitted
  • Line 18: Calling zkbind.command with arguments.

Then we need to add placeOrder command in the ViewModel. Don't forget to add it to @ToServerCommand whitelist.

// omitted
public void placeOrder(@BindingParam("format") String format,
                       @BindingParam("price") double price,
                       @BindingParam("id") String id,
                       @BindingParam("products") Map<String, Integer> cartProducts) {
	Clients.showNotification(String.format("Checkout - Subtotal: %s %.2f", format, price));
	this.cartProducts = cartProducts;
	this.cartProducts.forEach((p, q) ->"Order Product#{}, Quantity: {}", p, q));
	// Save to DB...
  • Line 3: Use @BindingParam to map each argument.
  • Line 7: We use ZK notification to show the result.

All done. Once the user clicks the checkout button, ZK will receive the cart result.

Download the Source

You can access the complete source at GitHub.

Follow the instructions to start a server and open it in a browser.

Other Front-End Frameworks Integration

  • Angular
  • Vue.js


Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.