Unknown widget: chart.Charts

From Documentation

Problem Decription

You see the error below in a browser developer tool > Console tab:

 Uncaught Unknown widget: chart.Charts

Unknown widget chart.png

Why It Happens

ZK fails to instantiate a chart widget because the chart js isn't loaded. (the widget class chart.Charts isn't registered successfully).

Possible Causes and Solutions

There must be something at the client-side affecting the widget registration.

Load a JavaScript that interferes widget loading

There are possibilities, e.g. if you load highchart js by yourselves, this might cause this error.

Remove the javascript or resolve the key code that interferes zk widget loading can solve this.

Mixing 2 different versions of ZK jar

Please check your jar and just make sure you include one version of ZK jar in one application.

Debugging Steps

  • Check if chart.wpd is loaded successfully with developer tool > Network tab.
Chart wpd.jpg
  • Check if you include any non-ZK javascript, remove them one by one to find the one that interferes ZK.