
From Documentation


  • Available for ZK:
  • ee.png
 since 9.5.0

Required Settings

Label a Component

To name a component with ARIA attribute by adding the aria-label client attribute to the component, please refer to ZK_Developer's_Reference/Accessibility#Specify_ARIA_Attributes

Cardlayout is often used along with other components to achieve the carousel effect. If you are using cardlayout for carousel, check here for carousel practice.


Here is a simple traffic light carousel:

	<div ca:role="region" ca:aria-roledescription="carousel" ca:aria-label="traffic light" tabindex="0">
			<button ca:aria-label="Previous Slide" onClick="card.previous()">previous</button>
			<button ca:aria-label="Next Slide" onClick="">next</button>
		<cardlayout id="card" width="300px" height="200px" style="border:1px solid red" selectedIndex="1" tabindex="0">
			<div ca:aria-label="red" vflex="1" hflex="1" style="background-color:red;padding:20px">red</div>
			<div ca:aria-label="yellow" vflex="1" hflex="1" style="background-color:yellow;padding:20px">yellow</div>
			<div ca:aria-label="green" vflex="1" hflex="1" style="background-color:green;padding:20px">green</div>