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An videoplayer component is used to play the video at the browser. Like audio, you could use the src property to specify an URL of an video resource, or the setContent method to specify a dynamically generated video. Developers might be able to control the play of an video by the play, stop and pause methods.



 <videoplayer src="zk.mp4" controls="true" autoplay="true" loop="true" />

Supports HTML5

The videoplayer component support HTML 5, like <video>, it includes the properties like autoplay, controls, loop, muted and preload.

Multiple Sources

Most browsers do not support all the video formats,so we could specify multiple source files in different formats for different browsers. For examples:

 <videoplayer src="zk.mp4, zk.webm, zk.ogg" />


The videoplayer component provides a client-side method enableFullScreen() to use full screen mode.

 <videoplayer id="player" src="zk.mp4" />
 <button xmlns:w="client" w:onClick="zk.$('$player').enableFullScreen()" />


The videoplayer component provides theater mode, If turnOffLight="true", the whole page will cover by translucent black except <videoplayer>.


 <videoplayer src="zk.mp4" turnOffLight="true" />


The videoplayer provieds setCurrentTime(double) to decide which part of video to play, the value is seconds.

 <videoplayer src="zk.mp4" currentTime="60" />


The videoplayer provieds setPaused(boolean) to play or pause the video.

paused="false" is same as invoking play(), paused="true" is same as invoking pause().

 <videoplayer src="zk.mp4" paused="true" />


The videoplayer component provides setVolume(double) to change the volume, the valid value is between 0.0 to 1.0.

 <videoplayer src="zk.mp4" volume="0.5" />


The videoplayer component provides setMuted(boolean) to mute the video.

 <videoplayer src="zk.mp4" muted="true" />

Supported Events

Event Type
None None

Supported Children


Use Cases

Version Description Example Location