The timeout-message Element

From Documentation

The timeout-message Element

Since 5.0.5


[Default: a message called MZk.UPDATE_OBSOLETE_PAGE defined in]

It specifies the message to show when the session is timeout. Notice that it is used only if the <timeout-uri> is not specified.

	<timeout-message>Session timeout. Please reload.</timeout-message>

For more information, please refer to ZK Developer's Reference/UI Patterns/Session Timeout Management.


If you want to specify a Locale-dependent message, you could specify the key and prefix it with label: as follows.


Then, you have to prepare the zk-label properties files as described in ZK Developer's Reference.
Session timeout.
(multi-line is allowed)


Instead of specifying a message, you can provide a JavaScript code for the client to evaluate. To specify a JavaScript code, you have to prefix it with script:.

For example, if you have a function called foo.timeout to handle the timeout effect, then you could configure WEB-INF/zk.xml as follows.

	<timeout-message>script:foo.timeout('Session Timeout')</timeout-message>

The code depends on the client. For Ajax devices, it has to be JavaScript.

Last Update : 2024/01/22

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