Chapter 5: Handling User Input

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DocumentationZK EssentialsChapter 5: Handling User Input
Chapter 5: Handling User Input

Target Application

This chapter we will demonstrate a common scenario: collecting user input in form-based page. The target application looks as follows:


There is a personal profile form with 5 different fields. Click the "Save" button saves users input and click the "Reload" button loads previous saved data back to the form. We will show how to implement these functions in both MVC and MVVM approach. If you are not familiar with these two approaches, we suggest you to read Get ZK Up and Running with MVC and Get ZK Up and Running with MVVM.

MVC Approach

Under this approach, we implement all event handling and presentation logic in a composer and make a zul clean from codes. This approach makes the responsibility of each role (Model, View, and Controller) more cohesive and allows you to control components directly. It is very intuitive and very flexible.

Construct a Form Style Page

With the concept and technique we talked in last chapter, it should be easy to construct a form style user interface as follows. It uses a two-column Grid build the form style layout and different input components to receive user's profile like name and birthday. The zul file below is included in the Center of the Border Layout.


<?link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css"?>
<window apply="org.zkoss.tutorial.chapter5.mvc.ProfileViewController" 
	border="normal" hflex="1" vflex="1" contentStyle="overflow:auto">
	<caption src="/imgs/profile.png" sclass="fn-caption" label="Profile (MVC)"/>
		<grid width="500px">
				<column align="right" hflex="min"/>
					<cell sclass="row-title">Account :</cell>
					<cell><label id="account"/></cell>
					<cell sclass="row-title">Full Name :</cell>
						<textbox id="fullName" 
						constraint="no empty: Plean enter your full name" width="200px"/>
					<cell sclass="row-title">Email :</cell>
						<textbox id="email" 
						constraint="/.+@.+\.[a-z]+/: Please enter an e-mail address" width="200px"/>
					<cell sclass="row-title">Birthday :</cell>
						<datebox id="birthday" 
						constraint="no future" width="200px"/>
					<cell sclass="row-title">Country :</cell>
						<listbox id="country" mold="select" width="200px">
							<template name="model">
								<listitem label="${each}" />
					<cell sclass="row-title">Bio :</cell>
					<cell><textbox id="bio" multiline="true" hflex="1" height="200px" /></cell>
				<row spans="2" >
					<cell align="left">
						You are editing <label id="nameLabel"/> 's profile.
			<button id="saveProfile" label="Save"/>
			<button id="reloadProfile" label="Reload"/>
  • Line 4: Caption can be used to build compound header with an image for a Window or Groupbox.
  • Line 5: Vlayout is a light-weight layout component which arranges child components vertically without splitter, align, and pack support.
  • Line 13: Cell is used inside Row, Hbox, or Vbox for fully controlling style and layout.
  • Line 20, 27, 34: Specify constraint attribute of a input component can activate input validation feature and we will discuss it in later section.
  • Line 40: Some components have multiple molds, and each mold has its own style.
  • Line 41: Template component can create its child components repeatedly upon the data model of parent component, Listbox, and doesn't has a corresponding visual widget itself. The name attribute is required and has to be "model" in default case.
  • Line 42: The ${each} is an implicit variable that you can use without declaration inside Template, and it represents one object of the data list. We specify this variable at component attributes to control how to render data list. In our example, we just make it as a Listitem's label.
  • Line 58: Hlayout, like Vlayout, but arranges child components horizontally.

User Input Validation

We can specify constraint attribute of a input component with constraint rule to activate its input validation feature and the feature can work without writing any code in a composer. For example:

						<textbox id="fullName" constraint="no empty: Plean enter your full name" width="200px"/>
  • The constraint rule means "no empty value allowed" for the Textbox. If user input violates this rule, ZK will show the message after colon.
						<textbox id="email" constraint="/.+@.+\.[a-z]+/: Please enter an e-mail address" width="200px"/>
  • We can also define a constraint rule by a regular expression that describes the email format to limit the value in correct format.
<datebox id="birthday" constraint="no future" width="200px"/>
  • The constraint rule means "date in the future is not allowed" and it also restricts the available date to choose.

Then, the input component will show specified error message when input value violates specified constraint rule.


Initialize Profile Form

When a user visits this page, we want him to see profile data already appears in the form and ready to be modified. Hence, we should initialize those input components in a controller. There is a drop-down list that contains a list of country.

Country List

It is made by Listbox in "select" mold. The Listbox's data is a list of country name string provided by the controller. In ZK, all data components are designed to accept a separate data model that contains data to be rendered. You only have to provide such a data model and a data component will render the data as specified in Template. This increase the data model's reusability and decouple the data from a component's implementation. For a Listbox, we can provide a ListModelList object.

Initialize data model for a Listbox

public class ProfileViewController extends SelectorComposer<Component>{
	Listbox country;

	public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception{
		ListModelList<String> countryModel = new ListModelList<String>(CommonInfoService.getCountryList());


  • Line 10: Create a ListModelList object with a list of String
  • Line 11: Provide prepared data model object to the component by setModel().

Then, we can load saved data to input components by service classes.

public class ProfileViewController extends SelectorComposer<Component>{

	//wire components
	Label account;
	Textbox fullName;
	Textbox email;
	Datebox birthday;
	Listbox country;
	Textbox bio;
	AuthenticationService authService = new AuthenticationServiceChapter5Impl();
	UserInfoService userInfoService = new UserInfoServiceChapter5Impl();

	public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception{
		ListModelList<String> countryModel = new ListModelList<String>(CommonInfoService.getCountryList());


	private void refreshProfileView() {
		UserCredential cre = authService.getUserCredential();
		User user = userInfoService.findUser(cre.getAccount());
			//TODO handle un-authenticated access 
		//apply bean value to UI components
  • Line 3: Wire ZK components as we talked in chapter 4.
  • Line 17: Service classes that are used to perform business or get necessary data.
  • Line 28: Load saved data to input components to initialize the View, so we should call it after initializing country list.
  • Line 33: This method reloads the saved data to input components by service classes.
  • Line 42~46: Push saved user data to components by setValue().
  • Line 48: Use ListModelList.addToSelection() to control the Listbox's selection,

Save & Reload Data

The example application has 2 functions, save and reload, which are both triggered by clicking a button. If you click the "Save" button, the application will save your input and show a notification box.

Click "Save" button

In this section, we will demonstrate a more flexible way to define an event listener in a composer with @Listen annotation instead of calling addEventListener() method (mentioned in chapter 4).

An event listener method should be public, with void return type, and has either no parameter or one parameter of the specific event type (corresponding to the event listened) with @Listen in a composer. You should specify event listening rule in the annotation's element value. Then ZK will "wire" the method to the specified components for specified events. ZK provides various wiring selectors to specify in the annotation, please refer to ZK Developer's Reference/MVC/Controller/Wire Event Listeners.

Listen "Save" button's clicking

public class ProfileViewController extends SelectorComposer<Component>{

	public void doSaveProfile(){
  • Line 3: The @Listen will make doSaveProfile() be invoked when a user clicks a component (onClick) whose id is "saveProfile" (#saveProfile).

We can perform business logic and manipulate components to change the presentation in the event listener. In doSaveProfile(), we get users input from input components and save them to a User object. Then show the notification to the client.

Handle "Save" button's clicking

public class ProfileViewController extends SelectorComposer<Component>{

	//wire components
	Label account;
	Textbox fullName;
	Textbox email;
	Datebox birthday;
	Listbox country;
	Textbox bio;

	public void doSaveProfile(){
		UserCredential cre = authService.getUserCredential();
		User user = userInfoService.findUser(cre.getAccount());
			//TODO handle un-authenticated access 
		//apply component value to bean
		Set<String> selection = ((ListModelList)country.getModel()).getSelection();
		Clients.showNotification("Your profile is updated");
  • Line 4: ZK wires the component whose id equals variable's name by default and component's type also equals the variable's type.
  • Line 20: In this chapter's example, UserCredential is pre-defined to "Anonymous". We will write a real case in chapter 8.
  • Line 27: Get users input by calling getValue().
  • Line 32: Get a user's selection for a Listbox from its model object.
  • Line 41: Show a notification box, which is most easy way to show a message to users.

To wire the event listener for "Reload" button's is similar as previous one, but it pushes saved user data to components by setValue().

public class ProfileViewController extends SelectorComposer<Component>{

	//wire components
	Label account;
	Textbox fullName;
	Textbox email;
	Datebox birthday;
	Listbox country;
	Textbox bio;

	public void doReloadProfile(){

  • Line 21: This method is listed in previous section.

After above steps, we have finished all functions of the target application. Quite simple, right?

MVVM Approach

In addition to MVC approach, ZK also allows you to design your application in another architecture: MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel). This architecture also divides an application into 3 parts: View, Model, and ViewModel. The View and Model plays the same roles as they do in MVC. The ViewModel in MVVM acts like a special Controller for the View which is responsible for exposing data from the Model to the View and for providing required action and logic for user requests from the View. The ViewModel is type of View abstraction, which contains a View's state and behavior. The biggest difference from the Controller in the MVC is that ViewModel should not contain any reference to UI components and knows nothing about View's visual elements. Hence this clear separation between View and ViewModel decouples ViewModel from View and makes ViewModel more reusable and more abstract.

Since the ViewModel contains no reference to UI components, you cannot control components directly e.g. to get value from them or set value to them. Therefore we need a mechanism to synchronize data between the View and ViewModel. Additionally, this mechanism also has to bridge events from the View to the action provided by the ViewModel. This mechanism, the kernel operator of the MVVM design pattern, is a data binding system called "ZK Bind" provided by ZK framework. In this binding system, the binder plays the key role to operate the whole mechanism. The binder is like a broker and responsible for communication between View and ViewModel.


This section we will demonstrate how to implement the same target application under MVVM approach.

Construct a View as Usual

Building user interface in MVVM approach is nothing different from MVC approach.

Extracted from chapter5/profile-mvvm.zul

<?link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css"?>
<window border="normal" hflex="1" vflex="1" contentStyle="overflow:auto">
	<caption src="/imgs/profile.png" sclass="fn-caption" label="Profile (MVVM)"/>
		<grid width="500px" >
				<column align="right" hflex="min"/>
					<cell sclass="row-title">Account :</cell>
					<cell sclass="row-title">Full Name :</cell>
					<cell><textbox constraint="no empty: Plean enter your full name" width="200px"/></cell>
					<cell sclass="row-title">Email :</cell>
					<cell><textbox constraint="/.+@.+\.[a-z]+/: Please enter an e-mail address" width="200px"/></cell>
					<cell sclass="row-title">Birthday :</cell>
					<cell><datebox constraint="no future" width="200px"/></cell>
					<cell sclass="row-title">Country :</cell>
						<listbox  mold="select" width="200px">
							<template name="model">
								<listitem />
					<cell sclass="row-title">Bio :</cell>
					<cell><textbox multiline="true" hflex="1" height="200px" /></cell>
				<row spans="2" >
					<cell align="left">
						You are editing <label value="@load(vm.currentUser.fullName)" /> 's profile.
			<button  label="Save"/>
			<button  label="Reload"/>
  • Line 32: You might notice that there is no EL expression ${each} because we will use data binding to access it.

Create a ViewModel

ViewModel is an abstraction of View which contains View's data, state and behavior. It extracts the necessary data to be displayed on the View from one or more Model classes. Those data are exposed through getter and setter method like JavaBean's property. ViewModel is also a Model of the View. It contains the View's state (e.g. user's selection, component's enablement) that might change during user interaction.

In ZK, ViewModel could be simply a POJO which contains data to display on the ZUL and doesn't have any components. The example application displays 2 kinds of data: the user's profile and country list in the Listbox. The ViewModel should look like the following:

Define properties in a ViewModel

public class ProfileViewModel implements Serializable{
	AuthenticationService authService = new AuthenticationServiceChapter5Impl();
	UserInfoService userInfoService = new UserInfoServiceChapter5Impl();
	//data for the view
	User currentUser;
	public User getCurrentUser(){
		return currentUser;
	public List<String> getCountryList(){
		return CommonInfoService.getCountryList();
	@Init // @Init annotates a initial method
	public void init(){
		UserCredential cre = authService.getUserCredential();
		currentUser = userInfoService.findUser(cre.getAccount());
			//TODO handle un-authenticated access 
  • Line 4,5: ViewModel usually contains service classes that are used to get data from them or perform business logic.
  • Line 8, 10: We should define current user profile data and its getter method to be displayed in the zul.
  • Line 14: ViewModel exposes its data by getter methods, it doesn't have to define a corresponding member variable. Hence we can expose country list by getting from the service class.
  • Line 18, there is marker annotation for initial method which is at most one in each ViewModel and ZK will invoke this method after instantiating a ViewModel class. We should write initialization logic in it, e.g. get user credential to initialize currentUser.

Define Commands

ViewModel also contains View's behaviors which are implemented by methods. We call such a method "Command" of the ViewModel. These methods usually manipulate data in the ViewModel, like deleting an item. These View's behaviors are usually triggered by events from View. Data binding mechanism also supports binding an event to a ViewModel's command. Firing the component's event will trigger the execution of bound command that means invoking the corresponding command method.

For ZK can recognize a command method in a ViewModel, you should apply annotation @Command to a command method. You could specify a command name which is the method's name by default if no specified. Our example has two behavior: "save" and "reload", so we define two command methods for each of them:

Define commands in a ViewModel

public class ProfileViewModel implements Serializable{

	@Command //@Command annotates a command method 
	public void save(){
		currentUser = userInfoService.updateUser(currentUser);
		Clients.showNotification("Your profile is updated");

	public void reload(){
		UserCredential cre = authService.getUserCredential();
		currentUser = userInfoService.findUser(cre.getAccount());
  • Line 4: Annotate a method with @Command to make it become a command method, and it can be bound with data binding annotation in a zul.
  • Line 5: Method name is the default command name if you don't specify in @Command. This method save the currentUser with a service class and show a notification.

During execution of a command, one or more properties may be changed due to performing business or presentation logic. Developers have to specify which property (or properties) is changed, then the data binding mechanism can reload them to synchronize View in latest state at run-time.

The syntax to notify property change:

One property:


Multiple properties:


All properties in a ViewModel:


Define notification & commands in a ViewModel

public class ProfileViewModel implements Serializable{

	@Command //@Command annotates a command method 
	@NotifyChange("currentUser") //@NotifyChange annotates data changed notification after calling this method 
	public void save(){
		currentUser = userInfoService.updateUser(currentUser);
		Clients.showNotification("Your profile is updated");

	public void reload(){
		UserCredential cre = authService.getUserCredential();
		currentUser = userInfoService.findUser(cre.getAccount());
  • Line 5: Notify which property change with @NotifyChange and zK will reload those attributes that are bound to currentUser.

Apply a ViewModel on a Component

Before data binding can work, we must apply a composer called org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer. It will create a binder for the ViewModel and instantiate the ViewModel's class. Then we should bind a ZK component to our ViewModel by setting its viewModel attribute with the ViewModel's id in @id and the ViewModel's full-qualified class name in @init . The id is used to reference ViewModel's properties, e.g., whilst the full-qualified class name is used to instantiate the ViewModel object itself. So that component becomes the Root View Component for the ViewModel. All child components of this Root View Component can access the same ViewModel and its properties, so we usually bind the root component to a ViewModel.

<window apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer"
	viewModel="@id('vm') @init('org.zkoss.tutorial.chapter5.mvvm.ProfileViewModel')" 
	border="normal" hflex="1" vflex="1" contentStyle="overflow:auto">
  • Line 1: Under MVVM approach, the composer we apply is fixed org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer.
  • Line 2: Specify ViewModel's id with @id and the its full-qualified class name in @init for the binder.

Data Binding to ViewModel's Properties

Now that ViewModel is prepared and bound to a component, we can binding a component's attributes to the ViewModel's property. The binding between an attribute and a ViewModel's property is called "property binding". Once the binding is established, ZK will synchronize (load and save) data between components and the ViewModel for us automatically.


Let's demonstrate how to make Listbox load a list of country name from the ViewModel. We have talked about the data model concept in MVC approach section, and we also need to prepare a model object that are defined in one of our ViewModel's properties, countryList. You might find getCountryList() return a List instead of a ListModelList, but don't worry. ZK will convert it automatically. We use @load to load a ViewModel's property to a component's attribute and @save to save an attribute value into a ViewModel's property (usually for an input component). If both loading and saving are required, we should use @bind.

						<listbox model="@load(vm.countryList)" mold="select" width="200px">
							<template name="model">
								<listitem label="@load(each)" />
  • Line 3: We setup a load binding with @load. The vm is the ViewModel's id we specified at @id in previous section and the target property (countryList) can be referenced in dot notation.
  • Line 4: Template component, we have explained in MVC approach section, can create its child components repeatedly upon the data model of parent component.
  • Line 5: The implicit variable each which you can use without declaration inside Template represents each object in the data model for each iterative rendering. We use this variable to access objects of data model. In our example, we just make it as a Listitem's label.

In MVC approach, we have to call an input component's getter method (e.g. getValue() )to collect user input. But in MVVM approach, ZK will save user input back to a ViewModel automatically. For example in the below zul, user input is saved automatically when you move the focus out of the Textbox.

		<textbox value="@bind(vm.currentUser.fullName)" constraint="no empty: Plean enter your full name" width="200px"/>

For the property currentUser, we want to both save user input back to the ViewModel and load value from the ViewModel, so we should use @bind at value attribute. Notice that you can bind selectedItem to a property, then user's selection can be automatically saved to the ViewModel.

			<cell sclass="row-title">Account :</cell>
			<cell><label value="@load(vm.currentUser.account)"/></cell>
			<cell sclass="row-title">Full Name :</cell>
				<textbox value="@bind(vm.currentUser.fullName)" 
				constraint="no empty: Plean enter your full name" width="200px"/>
			<cell sclass="row-title">Email :</cell>
				<textbox value="@bind(" 
				constraint="/.+@.+\.[a-z]+/: Please enter an e-mail address" width="200px"/>
			<cell sclass="row-title">Birthday :</cell>
				<datebox value="@bind(vm.currentUser.birthday)" constraint="no future" width="200px"/>
			<cell sclass="row-title">Country :</cell>
				<listbox model="@load(vm.countryList)" selectedItem="@bind(" mold="select" width="200px">
					<template name="model">
						<listitem label="@load(each)" />
			<cell sclass="row-title">Bio :</cell>
			<cell><textbox value="@bind(" multiline="true" hflex="1" height="200px" /></cell>

  • Line 10: Use @bind to save user input back to the ViewModel and load value from the ViewModel.
  • Line 30: Bind selectedItem to and the selected country will be saved to currentUser.

Handle User Interactions by Command Binding

After we finish binding attributes to ViewModel's data, we still need to handle user actions, button clicking. Under MVVM approach, we handle events by binding an event attribute (e.g. onClick) to a Command of a ViewModel. After we bind an event to a Command, each time the event is sent, ZK will invoke the corresponding command method. Hence, we should write our business logic in a command method. After executing the command method, some properties might be changed. We should tell ZK which properties are changed by us, then the binder will reload them to components.

When creating the ProfileViewModel in previous section, we have defined two command: save, reload.

Then, we can bind onClick event to above commands with command binding @command('commandName') as follows:

			<button onClick="@command('save')" label="Save"/>
			<button onClick="@command('reload')" label="Reload"/>

Done with this binding, clicking each button will invoke corresponding command method to save (or reload) user profile to the ViewModel.

Keep Away Unsaved Input

Once you create a property binding with @bind for a input component, ZK will save user input back to a ViewModel automatically. But sometimes this automation is not what users want. In our example, most people usually expect currentUser is really changed after their confirmation, e.g. clicking a button.

There is a line of text "You are editing Anonymous's profile" at the bottom of the form. If you change the full name to "Anonymous Somebody" and move to next field, the line of text is changed even you don't press the "Save" button. This could be a problem to mislead users that they have changed their profile, so we don't want this.

Unsaved Input Changes Data

We are going to improve this part with form binding feature in this section.

Form binding is like a cache mechanism. It automatically creates a middle object. Before saving to ViewModel all input data is saved to the middle object. In this way we can keep dirty data from saving into the ViewModel before user confirmation. Steps to use a form binding:

  1. Give an id to middle object in form attribute with @id .
    You can reference the middle object in ZK bind expression with id.
  2. Specify ViewModel's property to be loaded with @load
  3. Specify ViewModel's property to save and before which Command with @save
    This means binder will save middle object's properties to ViewModel before a Command
  4. Bind component's attribute to middle object's properties like you do in property binding.
    You should use middle object's id specified in @id to reference its property.

extracted from chapter5/profile-mvvm.zul

		<grid width="500px" form="@id('fx') @load(vm.currentUser) @save(vm.currentUser, before='save')">
					<cell sclass="row-title">Account :</cell>
					<cell><label value="@load(fx.account)"/></cell>
					<cell sclass="row-title">Full Name :</cell>
						<textbox value="@bind(fx.fullName)" width="200px"
						constraint="no empty: Plean enter your full name" />
					<cell sclass="row-title">Email :</cell>
						<textbox value="@bind(" width="200px"
						constraint="/.+@.+\.[a-z]+/: Please enter an e-mail address" />
					<cell sclass="row-title">Birthday :</cell>
						<datebox value="@bind(fx.birthday)" width="200px"
						constraint="no future" />
					<cell sclass="row-title">Country :</cell>
						<listbox model="@load(vm.countryList)" selectedItem="@bind(" mold="select" width="200px">
							<template name="model">
								<listitem label="@load(each)" />
					<cell sclass="row-title">Bio :</cell>
					<cell><textbox value="@bind(" multiline="true" hflex="1" height="200px" /></cell>
				<row spans="2" >
					<cell align="left">
						You are editing <label value="@load(fx.fullName)" /> 's profile.
  • Line 2: Define a form binding at form attribute and give the middle object's id fx. Specify @load(vm.currentUser) makes the binder load currentUser's properties to the middle object and @save(vm.currentUser, before='save') makes the binder save middle object's data back to currentUser before executing the command save.
  • Line 7,12, 19, 26,33, 42,46: We should bind attributes to middle object's properties to avoid altering ViewModel's properties.

After applying form binding, any users input will not actually change currentUser's value before clicking "Save" button.

Unsaved Input Doesn't Change Data

Last Update : 2013/02/08

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