Create and Run Your First ZK Application Manually

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DocumentationZK Installation GuideQuick StartCreate and Run Your First ZK Application Manually
Create and Run Your First ZK Application Manually

Create your first application

Here is how to create a Web application manually without IDE or other tools. It is easy to find the similar procedure with your preferred IDE or tools, such as Eclipse and NetBeans.

Download ZK

First, download the ZK libraries from and save it to a proper location.例如

Create a Web application

Creating a Web application is easy: just create some directory.


Deploy ZK libraries

1. Unzip
2. Copy JAR files under dist/lib             to myZK/WEB-INF/lib
3. Copy JAR files under dist/lib/ext       to myZK/WEB-INF/lib
4. Copy JAR files under dist/lib/zkforge to myZK/WEB-INF/lib

Create web.xml

Create web.xml under myZK/WEB-INF. For the content of web.xml, please refer to Sample of web.xml

For older Tomcat (4.x) that supports only Servlet 2.3, please refer to Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.3

Create hello.zul

For example, we can create a simple page to myZK, say, hello.zul with the following content.

<window title="My First ZK Application" border="normal">
	Hello World!

Compress this folder

壓縮myZK成為,rename to myZK.war

c:\>"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip c:\myZK c:\myZK\*


│  hello.zul
    │  web.xml

Version History

Last Update : 2010/09/21

Version Date Content
5.0.4 9/21/2010 Created

Last Update : 2010/09/21

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