Create and Run ZK Application with Maven Artifacts

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DocumentationZK Installation GuideSetting up IDEMavenUse ZK Maven ArtifactsCreate and Run ZK Application with Maven Artifacts
Create and Run ZK Application with Maven Artifacts

ZK Maven Project Overview


How to create Maven web project

Create Maven Project

  • [File] -> [New] -> [Other] --> [Maven Project]
    ZK Installation Guide Maven step1.png
  • Check Create a simple Project
    ZK Installation Guide Maven step2.png
  • Fill the first 4 field (you can change them later) --> Click [Finish]
    ZK Installation Guide Maven step3.png

Add Web Project Facet (WTP Support)

  1. Create new folder under /src/main/ named webapp
  2. Right Click on your Maven Project -> Choose Properties -> Choose Project Facets -> Check Dynamic Web Module
  • Note: if it showing Covert facet from..., simply click it to enable facet.
    ZK Installation Guide Maven web1.png
  1. Click Further configuration available' --> input the Context Root and Content Directory --> Check Generate web.xml deployment descriptor
  • ZK Installation Guide Maven web2.png

Update pom.xml and web.xml

How to run Maven project on Run-Jetty-Run