Using Maven

From Documentation

This section describes the Maven settings required to use ZK Pivottable in your application. Please refer to this article for the Maven settings for ZK Framework.


The dependency setting in your pom.xml stays the same regardless of your user status (evaluating or a premium customer).



You would refer to different repositories in your pom.xml depending on whether you are evaluating or you are a premium user.

Evaluating users (60-days free evaluation)

			<id>ZK Evaluation Repository</id>

Premium users only

If you are our customer, please apply for a premium maven account to use ZK Premium Maven Repository.
		<id>ZK EE</id>

Login authentication

Please refer to the official documentation of Apache Maven project for storing login authentication credential in the global settings file.

  • Location (if not already existed, you can create it manually)
    • Maven installation root: $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml - OR -
    • User's Maven root: ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml
<settings xmlns=""
			<id>ZK EE</id>
			<!-- Same as the repository name used in your pom.xml -->
			<!-- Please replace the following with your 
				premium username and password -->

Sample of pom.xml for licensed ZK Pivottable Package

<project xmlns="" 
		<!-- please change the version accordingly -->
	<name>The sample Project</name>
			<id>ZK CE</id>
			<name>ZK CE Repository</name>
			<id>ZK EE</id>
		<!-- ZK Pivottable -->
	    <!-- Optional: ZK Pivottable dependency (export to excel format) -->


If you have problem switching from the evaluation repository to the licensed one, please check the followings:

Purge local repository evaluation cache
  • 1. Add purge-local-repository plugin in pom.xml
  • 2. Invoke maven clean to delete local repository evaluation cache
mvn clean
Self-signed Certificate

If you were a customer having a premium account and your Maven reported the following error message: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Please contact [email protected] to request a certificate file and import the certificate using keytool:

keytool –import –noprompt –trustcacerts –alias ALIASNAME -file FILENAME_OF_THE_INSTALLED_CERTIFICATE -keystore PATH_TO_CACERTS_FILE -storepass PASSWORD

Note: The initial password of the "cacerts" keystore file is "changeit". Please refer to here for detail.


keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias ZKOSS_root_CA -file C:\maven_test\ZKOSS_root_CA.crt -keystore "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit

Version History

Last Update : 2014/05/15

Version Date Content
2.0.0 June 2012 Add Maven information

Last Update : 2014/05/15

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.