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ZK Spreadsheet supports various toolbar buttons for user to perform actions.

Show toolbar

Use Spreadsheet.setShowToolbar to show toolbar.

Action Handler

The Spreadsheet use a default ActionHandler to perform toolbar button's action. Developer could use customized ActionHandler by API Spreadsheet.setActionHandler or by library property org.zkoss.zss.ui.ActionHandler.class, refer to sample zk.xml

Each toolbar's button represent a action, the ActionHandler process action when user click it.

For example, the paste button represent Action.PASTE, deveoper could override default behavior by

public void doPaste(Rect selection) {

ZKSsEss Spreadsheet Toolbar paste.png
File:ZKSsEss Spreadsheet Toolbar pasteMenuitem.png

New book

The default Action Handler


Here is a sample example ZUL file

	<window vflex="1" width="100%" apply="org.zkoss.zssessentials.config.ToolbarComposer">
		<button id="toggleToolbar" label="Toggle toolbar"/>
		<spreadsheet showToolbar="true"
			id="ss" vflex="true" width="100%"
			src="/WEB-INF/excel/config/ZSS-demo_sample.xlsx" maxcolumns="40" maxrows="200"