
From Documentation

Support Version (Eclispe, ZK)

Eclipse 3.5, Eclipse 3.6, RAD, MyEclipse


There are three pieces of software that you need to download and install in order to use ZK Studio.

Java SE Development Kit (JDK)

Java version 5 or 6 is required in order to run Eclipse, you can download either of them by following the links below:

JDK 6:

JDK 5:

select which "Java SE Development Kit (JDK)" you want to download, please do not select the JRE.

Installation Instructions:

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

ZK-Studio is an Eclipse Plug-in, therefore you must install Eclipse. We recommend using the ''Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers'' package, currently v3.5(Galileo)

and v3.4(Ganymede):


Extract "eclipse" from the downloaded zip file to a location of your choice. To make sure Eclipse can run on your system, execute eclipse.exe (in windows) or eclipse (in unix ). You can locate these files in your extracted eclipse folder.

We recommend setting Eclipse's default JRE to JDK, please refer to the Setup/Preferences section in WTP Tutorials – Building and Running a Web Application.


1. We recommend modifying some parameters in the configuration file eclipse.ini which will result in performance gain, please refer here and here.
2. We also recommend using the Java Development Kit (JDK) as the default JRE for Eclipse IDE, please follow these instructions to make the JDK the default JRE.

Application servers

Before developing web applications in Java using the ZK Ajax Framework, you need to install an application server. Apache Tomcat is one of the most popular Web containers. Tomcat versions 5.5 and 6 are supported and can be downloaded at the following link


Download the zip file of Tomcat distribution and extract it to a proper location (with no illegal characters or space in the path). Tomcat requires configuration before it can be used with Eclipse, this process is described in the following link 「 Running the ZUL File」.


If you not only want to develop Web Applications, but also need to deploy them on Apache Tomcat, links to the official installation instructions for directly running Apache Tomcat in your environment are provided below:



Installation Guide

Activate ZK Studio