ZK LESS Variables

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Stop.png This article is out of date, please refer to ZK Developer's Reference ...Theme Template for more up to date information.

LESS variables defined here are for ZK's default theme - Breeze. You can change these variables when customizing a theme with a new look and feel.


Define base font styles including font family, font size and line-height.

// Font Family
@baseTitleFontFamily:          "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
@baseContentFontFamily:        Arial, Sans-serif;

// Font Size
@baseFontSize:                 14px;
@fontSizeLarge:                floor(@baseFontSize * 1.15); // 16px
@fontSizeMedium:               ceil(@baseFontSize * 0.85); // 12px
@fontSizeSmall:                floor(@baseFontSize * 0.8); // 11px

// Line Height
@baseLineHeight:               14px;

Component sizing

Define base width and height.

// Component Height
@baseHeight:                   8px;
@baseIconHeight:               @baseHeight * 2; // 16px
@baseButtonHeight:             @baseHeight * 3; // 24px
@baseBarHeight:                @baseHeight * 4; // 32px
@baseTitleHeight:              @baseHeight * 5; // 40px

// Component Width
@baseWidth:                    8px;
@baseIconWidth:                @baseWidth * 2; // 16px
@baseButtonWidth:              @baseWidth * 3; // 24px
@baseBarWidth:                 @baseWidth * 4; // 32px

// Border Radius
@baseBorderRadius:             4px;
@borderRadiusLarge:            6px;
@borderRadiusSmall:            3px;

Component Basic Coloring

Define text color, border color, background color and gradient colors.

// Text color
@baseTextColor:                #000000;
@textColorGray:                #555555;
@textColorGrayDark:            #363636;
@textColorGrayLight:           #636363;

// Border color
@baseBorderColor:              #CFCFCF;
@headerBorderColor:            #9C9C9C;

// Background color
@baseBackgroundColor:          #FFFFFF;
@headerBackgroundColor:        @baseBackgroundColor;

// Gradient background
@baseGradientStart:            #FEFEFE;
@baseGradientEnd:              #EEEEEE;

Icon Font

Define icon's font color (all icon font used in ZK comes from font-awesome).

// Icon Font
@iconColor:                    #636363;
@iconHoverColor:               #636363;
@iconDisabledColor:            #AAAAAA;

Component State

Define style for component states: active, focus, hover, disabled, invalid, read-only, selected, selectedhover, checked, and collapsed.

// Active
@activeColor:                  @baseTextColor;
@activeBorderColor:            #499EB3;
@activeBackgroundColor:        #86E2F9;

// Focus
@focusColor:                   @baseTextColor;
@focusBorderColor:             #00B9FF;
@focusBackgroundColor:         @baseGradientEnd;

// Hover
@hoverColor:                   @textColorGrayLight;
@hoverBorderColor:             #8FB9D0;
@hoverBackgroundColor:         #D6F0FD;

// Disabled
@disabledColor:                #AAAAAA;
@disabledBackgroundColor:      #F0F0F0;

// Invalid
@invalidBorderColor:           #DD7777;

// Read-only
@readonlyBorderColor:          #E6E6E6;
@readonlyBackgroundColor:      #FAFAFA;

// Selected
@selectedColor:                @textColorGrayLight;
@selectedBorderColor:          @baseBorderColor;
@selectedBackgroundColor:      #BEE7FC;

// Selected Hover
@selectedHoverColor:           @textColorGrayLight;
@selectedHoverBorderColor:     @baseBorderColor;
@selectedHoverBackgroundColor: #C5E7F8;

// Checked
@checkedColor:                 #2184BA;
@checkedBorderColor:           #8E8F8F;
@checkedBackgroundColor:       #F8F8F8;

// Collapsed
@collapsedBorderColor:         @baseBorderColor;
@collapsedBackgroundColor:     #FCFCFC;

Component Independent Variables

Above described are common variables that are shared among every component. Below we will define independent variables that uniquely belongs to each individual component.

Button, Input, Table

Define global border and background style for specific DOM element buttons, inputs, and tables.

// Button
@buttonBorderColor:            #A9A9A9;
@buttonGradientStart:          #FEFEFE;
@buttonGradientEnd:            #EEEEEE;
// Input
@inputBorderColor:             @baseBorderColor;
@inputBackgroundColor:         @baseBackgroundColor;
// Table
@meshTitleBorderColor:         @baseBorderColor;
@meshContentBorderColor:       #FFFFFF;
@meshBackgroundColor:          #FFFFFF;
@meshStripeBackgroundColor:    #F7F7F7;
@meshFootBackgroundColor:      #FAFAFA;
@meshTitleHoverStart:          #F2F9FE;
@meshTitleHoverEnd:            #D6F0FD;
@meshContentHoverStart:        #F2F9FE;
@meshContentHoverEnd:          #D6F0FD;

Container Components

// window
@windowBorderColor:            #9C9C9C;
@windowBackgroundColor:        #D9E5EF;
@windowFramePadding:           4px;

// tabbox
@tabSelectedBackgroundColor:   #FFFFFF;

// panel
@panelBorderColor:             #9C9C9C;
@panelBackgroundColor:         #E1EDF4;
@panelBodyBackground:          #F0F6F9;

Data Components

// group (group, listgroup)
@groupGradientStart:           #FFFFFF;
@groupGradientEnd:             #E9F2FB;

// paging
@pagingColor:                  @textColorBlue;
@pagingSelectedColor:          @textColorGrayDark;
@pagingBorderColor:            @baseBorderColor;
@pagingActiveBorderColor:      #A9A9A9;
@pagingBackgroundColor:        #FAFAFA;

// biglistbox
@biglistboxBackgroundColor:    #F0F0F0;
@biglistboxFrozenBackground:   #E0E0E0;

// mesh for ie8
@meshBackgroundColorIE8:              #F5F5F5;
@meshHoverBackgroundColorIE8:         #E5F7FF;
@meshSelectedBackgroundColorIE8:      #E5F7FF;
@meshSelectedHoverBackgroundColorIE8: #D9F2FF;
@meshGroupBackgroundColorIE8:         #EDF6FF;
@meshGroupFooterBackgroundColorIE8:   #F2F9FF;

Essential Components

// popup
@popupBorderColor:             @baseBorderColor;
@popupBackgroundColor:         @baseBackgroundColor;
@popupGradientStart:           @baseBackgroundColor;
@popupGradientEnd:             #F5F5F5;

// notification
@notificationInfoColor:        rgba(33, 155, 166, 0.88);
@notificationWarningColor:     rgba(234, 67, 23, 0.88);
@notificationErrorColor:       rgba(190, 0, 5, 0.88);
@notificationArrowColor:       rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.9);
@notificationInfoColorIE8:     rgb(33, 155, 166);
@notificationWarningColorIE8:  rgb(234, 67, 23);
@notificationErrorColorIE8:    rgb(190, 0, 5);
@notificationArrowColorIE8:    rgb(51, 51, 51);

// menu
@menuImageSize:                16px;
@menuActiveBorderColorTR:      #838383;
@menuActiveBorderColorBL:      #B6B6B6;
@menuPopupBackground:          #FAFAFA;
@menuSeparatorBorderColor:     #838383;
@menuSeparatorBackgroundColor: #B8B8B8;
@menuPopupSeparatorBorder:     #FFFFFF;
@menuPopupSeparatorBackground: #E0E0E0;

// navbar
@navImageSize:                 16px;
@navColor:                     #333333;
@navBorderColor:               #F4F4F3;
@navBackgroundColor:           #FFFFFF; //first level, each level is 3% darker (darken(@navBackgroundColor, 3 * level));
@navHoverBackgroundColor:      #E8E8E8;
@navSelectedColor:             #FFFFFF;
@navSelectedBackgroundColor:   #372F2B;
@navSeparatorColor:            #838383;
@navCollapsedWidth:            32px;

Input Components

// calendar
@calendarTitleColor:           @textColorGrayLight;
@calendarTitleHoverColor:      @textColorGrayLight;
@calendarCellColor:            @textColorGrayLight;
@calendarSelectedColor:        #008BB6;
@calendarSelectedHoverColor:   #008BB6;
@weekendColor:                 @textColorOrange;
@weekendBackgroundColor:       #F2F2F2;
@weekColor:                    @textColorGrayLight;
@weekofyearColor:              #FFFFFF;
@weekofyearBackgroundColor:    #636363;

// slider
@sliderBorderColor:            @baseBorderColor;
@sliderActiveBorderColor:      #838383;

// errorbox (input constraint)
@errorboxColor:                #990000;
@errorboxBorderColor:          #990000;
@errorboxBackgroundColor:      #FFEEEE;

// progressmeter
@progressmeterGradientStart:   #E8F6FD;
@progressmeterGradientEnd:     #C6E9FA;

// colorbox
@colorboxBorderColor:          #9C9C9C;

// chosenbox
@chosenboxItemBorderColor:     #B3B3B3;
@chosenboxCreateIconColor:     @textColorGreen;

Layout Components

// splitter (hbox, vbox, borderlayout)
@splitterSize:                 8px;
@splitterGradientStart:        #FDFDFD;
@splitterGradientEnd:          #F1F1F1;

Misc Components

// mask and loading
@maskBackgroundColor:          #E0E1E3;
@loadingBackgroundColor:       #E3E3E3;

// scrollbar
@scrollbarWidth:               16px;
@scrollbarHeight:              16px;
@scrollbarBorderColor:         #838383;
@scrollbarBackgroundColor:     #DDDDDD;
@scrollbarGradientStart:       #FFFFFF;
@scrollbarGradientEnd:         #CFCFCF;

// drag and drop
@dragColor:                    #FFFFFF;
@dragBackgroundColor:          #E0EAF0;
@dragHoverBackgroundColor:     #ADD2FF;
@dragAllowBorderColor:         #11AA33;
@dragAllowBackgroundColor:     #11AA33;
@dragDisAllowBorderColor:      #C13634;
@dragDisAllowBackgroundColor:  #C13634;

Version History

Last Update : 2022/04/07

Version Date Content

Last Update : 2022/04/07

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.