
From Documentation

Component Reference

Component Reference: Nav, Navbar, Navitem, Navseparator

DOM Structure

<div class="z-navbar z-navbar-orient">
        <!-- Navitem -->
        <li class="z-navitem">
            <a class="z-navitem-content">
                <img class="z-navitem-image" />
                <i class="z-icon-font"></i>
                <span class="z-navitem-text"></span>
        <!-- Navseparator-->
        <li class="z-navseparator"></li>
        <!-- Nav-->
        <li class="z-nav">
            <a class="z-nav-content">
                <img class="z-nav-image" />
                <i class="z-icon-font"></i>
                <span class="z-nav-text"></span>
            <ul><!-- second/third level --> </ul>
  • Line 1: z-navbar-orient represents Navbar orient (z-navbar-horizontal or z-navbar-vertical)
  • Line 7,17: Can be any Icon Font from Font Awesome.

LESS Source

Basically, LESS source is correspondent to its DOM structure, and each orient have different styles.

/* navbar */
.z-navbar {
    /* overall style */
    > ul { /* first level */
        ul { /* second level */
            ul { /* third level */
    /* horizontal style */
    &-horizontal {
    /* vertical style */
    &-vertical {
/* nav, navitem */
.z-navitem {
    &-content {}
    &-image {}
    &-text {}
/* navseparator */
.z-navseparator {

LESS Variables

The following LESS variables are used for Navbar, Nav, Navitem and Navseparator components. Check other variables from here.

Variables Default Value
@navImageSize 16px
@navColor #333333
@navBorderColor #F4F4F3
@navBackgroundColor #FFFFFF (first level, each level is 3% darker)
@navHoverBackgroundColor #E8E8E8
@navSelectedColor #FFFFFF
@navSelectedBackgroundColor #372F2B
@navSeparatorColor #838383
@navCollapsedWidth 32px

Customize Sample

Target Design

Assume the image below is our target design for Navbar component - no border, gradient background, rounded corner or shadow effects.


Implementation Details

Setup environment and Analyze design

  • Check this instruction to setup component customization environment.
  • Analyze the design
    • Used Color
      Text: 14px, #FFFFFF, bold
      1st Level Background: #5687A8, each level is 8% darker in HSV color format, which is darken(#5687A8, (@level-1) * 5.6) in LESS
      Hover Text: #5687A8
      Hover Background: #FFFFFF
      Selected Text: #5687A8
      Selected Background: #FFFFFF
      Disabled Text: #FFFFFF, 50% opacity (opacity is the same with default style)
      Badge Text: 14px, #FFFFFF
      Badge Text Background: 8% darker than it's background in HSV color format, which is darken(#5687A8, @level * 5.6) in LESS
    • Size
      Height: 40px
      Width: 180px (minimal, same with default style)
      Horizontal Padding: 8px
      Vertical Padding: 8px
      Badge Text: 24px * 24px with circle shape

Modify nav.less file to achieve target design

Refer here for built-in zk less functions.
  • Change color by overriding zk less variables.
@import "~./zul/less/_header.less";

@navColor:                     #FFFFFF;
@navBorderColor:               #5687A8;
@navBackgroundColor:           #5687A8; /* first level */
@navHoverBackgroundColor:      #FFFFFF;
@navSelectedColor:             #FFFFFF;
@navSelectedBackgroundColor:   #FFFFFF;
@navSeparatorColor:            #4C7895;
  • Modify LESS mixin .navLevel(@level) to adopt darkened background on each level.
.navLevel(@level) {
    .z-navitem-content {
        &:hover {
            color: #5687A8; /* add text hover color here */
            background: @navHoverBackgroundColor;
        &[disabled]:hover {
            color: @navColor;
            background: darken(@navBackgroundColor, (@level - 1) * 5.6);
    .z-navseparator {
        background: darken(@navBackgroundColor, (@level - 1) * 5.6);
  • Modify Nav, Navitem size to match target design.
.z-navitem {
    &-content {
        height: 40px;
        line-height: 40px;
        /* omitted */
  • Modify Nav, Navitem text style to match target design.
.z-navitem {
    &-text {
        font-size: 14px;
        font-weight: bold;
        /* omitted */
  • Modify Badge Text style inside Nav to match target design.
/* Add extra style inside .navLevel(@level) function */
.navLevel(@level) {
    /* omitted */
    .z-nav-info {
        background: darken(@navBackgroundColor, @level * 5.6);

.z-nav-info {
    .fontStyle(@baseContentFontFamily, 14px, bold, #FFFFFF);
    .displaySize(block, 24px, 24px);
    .borderRadius(12px); /* make it circle shape */
    line-height: 24px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 8px; /* match padding */
    right: 8px; /* match padding */
    text-align: center;

Final result


Version History

Last Update : 2013/11/28

Version Date Content

Last Update : 2013/11/28

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.