Uses of Class

Packages that use jqzk
_global_ The global namespace in JavaScript (i.e., the window object). 

Uses of jqzk in _global_

Fields in _global_ declared as jqzk
 jqzk jq.zk
          The associated instance of jqzk that provides additional utilities to jQuery.

Methods in _global_ that return jqzk
 jqzk jqzk.absolutize()
          Makes the position of the first selected element as absolute.
 jqzk flags)
          Positions the first selected element at the particular location of the browser window.
 jqzk jqzk.clearStyles()
          Clears the CSS styles (excluding the inherited styles).
 jqzk jqzk.defaultAnimaOpts(Widget wgt, Map opts, Array prop, boolean visible)
          Initializes the animation with the default effect, such as firing the onSize watch.
 jqzk jqzk.disableSelection()
          Disallows the user to select a portion of its content.
 jqzk jqzk.enableSelection()
          Allows the user to select a portion of its content.
 jqzk jqzk.makeVParent()
          Creates a virtual parent for the specified element.
 jqzk jqzk.position(Dimension dim, String where, Map opts)
          Position the first matched element to the specified location.
 jqzk jqzk.position(DOMElement dim, String where, Map opts)
          Position the first matched element to the specified location.
 jqzk jqzk.redoCSS(int timeout)
          Forces the browser to redo (re-apply) CSS of all matched elements.
 jqzk jqzk.redoSrc()
          Forces the browser to re-load the resource specified in the src attribute for all matched elements.
 jqzk jqzk.relativize()
          Makes the position of the element as relative.
 jqzk jqzk.scrollIntoView(DOMElement parent)
          Causes the first matched element to scroll into view.
 jqzk jqzk.scrollTo()
          Scrolls the browser window to make the first matched element visible.
 jqzk jqzk.setOffsetHeight(int hgh)
          Sets the offset height by specifying the inner height.
 jqzk jqzk.setSelectionRange(int start, int end)
          Sets the selection range of the specified input-type element.
 jqzk jqzk.setStyles()
          Deprecated. As of release 5.0.2, use jq.css(map) instead
 jqzk jqzk.slideDown(Widget wgt, Map opts)
          Slides down (show) of the matched DOM element(s).
 jqzk jqzk.slideIn(Widget wgt, Map opts)
          Slides in (show) of the matched DOM element(s).
 jqzk jqzk.slideOut(Widget wgt, Map opts)
          Slides out (hide) of the matched DOM element(s).
 jqzk jqzk.slideUp(Widget wgt, Map opts)
          Slides up (hide) of the matched DOM element(s).
 jqzk jqzk.submit()
          Submit the selected form.
 jqzk jqzk.undoVParent()
          Undoes the creation of a virtual parent of the first matched element.

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