Uses of Class

Packages that use Class
_global_ The global namespace in JavaScript (i.e., the window object). 
zk ZK JavaScript extension and utilities 

Uses of Class in _global_

Methods in _global_ that return Class
static Class zk.$extends(Class sueprclass, Map members, Map staticMembers)
          Defines a class.
static Class zk.define(Class klass, Map props)
          Defines the setter and getter methods.

Methods in _global_ with parameters of type Class
static Class zk.$extends(Class sueprclass, Map members, Map staticMembers)
          Defines a class.
static Class zk.define(Class klass, Map props)
          Defines the setter and getter methods.

Uses of Class in zk

Fields in zk declared as Class
 Class Object.$class
          The class that this object belongs to.

Methods in zk that return Class
static Class Widget.getClass(String wgtnm)
          Returns the class of the specified widget's name.

Methods in zk with parameters of type Class
 boolean Object.$instanceof(Class klass)
          Determines if this object is an instance of the class represented by the specified Class parameter.
 Object Object.$super(Class klass, String mtd, Object... vararg)
          Invokes a method defined in the superclass with any number of arguments.
 Object Object.$supers(Class klass, String mtd, Array args)
          Invokes a method defined in the superclass with an array of arguments.
static boolean Object.isAssignableFrom(Class cls)
          Determines if the class by this Class object is either the same as, or is a superclass of, the class represented by the specified Class parameter.
 boolean Class.isAssignableFrom(Class klass)
          Determines if the class by this Class object is either the same as, or is a superclass of, the class represented by the specified Class parameter.

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