Uses of Class

Packages that use Panel
zkmax.layout Additional layout related widgets, such as portallayout and tablelayout. 
zul.wnd The window related widgets, such as window and panel. 

Uses of Panel in zkmax.layout

Methods in zkmax.layout that return Panel
 Panel Portallayout.getPanel(int col, int row)
          Returns the specified pnael, or null if not available.

Methods in zkmax.layout with parameters of type Panel
 Array Portallayout.getPosition(Panel panel)
          Returns an int array[col, row] that indicates the specified panel located within this portal layout.
 boolean Portallayout.setPanel(Panel panel, int col, int row)
          Sets the specified panel via the position(col and row).

Uses of Panel in zul.wnd

Methods in zul.wnd with parameters of type Panel
static void PanelRenderer.isFrameRequired(Panel wgt)
          Check the panel whether to render the rounded frame.

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