Class Intbox

  extended by zk.Object
      extended by zk.Widget
          extended by zul.Widget
              extended by zul.inp.InputWidget
                  extended by zul.inp.FormatWidget
                      extended by zul.inp.NumberInputWidget
                          extended by zul.inp.Intbox

public class Intbox
extends NumberInputWidget

An edit box for holding an integer.

Default Widget.getZclass(): z-intbox.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class zul.inp.InputWidget
onChangingDelay, onChangingForced
Fields inherited from class zk.Widget
$weave, auDelay, autag, bindLevel, className, desktop, effects_, firstChild, id, insertingBefore_, inServer, lastChild, nChildren, nextSibling, parent, previousSibling, uuid, widgetName
Fields inherited from class zk.Object
$class, $oid
Method Summary
 int intValue()
          Returns the value in int.
 void syncWidth()
          Synchronizes the input element's width of this component
Methods inherited from class zul.inp.NumberInputWidget
getAllowedKeys_, getRounding, setRounding
Methods inherited from class zul.inp.FormatWidget
getFormat, setFormat
Methods inherited from class zul.inp.InputWidget
clearErrorMessage, coerceFromString_, coerceToString_, fireOnChange, getCols, getConstraint, getErrorMessage, getErrorMesssage, getInplaceCSS, getInputNode, getMaxlength, getName, getPlaceholder, getTabindex, getText, getType, getValue, inRoundedMold, isDisabled, isInplace, isInstant, isMultiline, isReadonly, select, setCols, setConstraint, setDisabled, setErrorMessage, setInplace, setInstant, setMaxlength, setName, setPlaceholder, setReadonly, setTabindex, setText, setValue, shallUpdate_, showError_, textAttrs_, updateChange_, validate_
Methods inherited from class zul.Widget
afterKeyDown_, beforeCtrlKeys_, getContext, getCtrlKeys, getOpenTooltip, getPopup, getTooltip, setContext, setContext, setCtrlKeys, setPopup, setPopup, setTooltip, setTooltip
Methods inherited from class zk.Widget
$, $f, $f, $f, $init, $n, $n, $o, afterAnima_, afterParentChanged_, appendChild, appendChild, beforeParentChanged_, beforeSendAU_, bind_, bind, bindChildren_, bindDoubleTap_, bindSwipe_, bindTapHold_, canActivate, cleanDrag_, clear, clearCache, cloneDrag_, deferRedraw_, deferRedrawHTML_, detach, doBlur_, doClick_, doDoubleClick_, doFocus_, doKeyDown_, doKeyPress_, doKeyUp_, domAttrs_, domClass_, domListen_, doMouseDown_, doMouseMove_, doMouseOut_, doMouseOver_, doMouseUp_, domStyle_, domTextStyleAttr_, domTooltiptext_, domUnlisten_, doRightClick_, doSelect_, doSwipe_, doTooltipOut_, doTooltipOver_, dropEffect_, extraBind_, fire, fireX, focus_, focus, forcerender, fromPageCoord, get, getAction, getCaveNode, getChildAt, getChildIndex, getClass, getDraggable, getDragMessage_, getDragNode, getDragOptions_, getDrop_, getDroppable, getElementsById, getElementsByName, getFirstNode_, getFloatZIndex_, getHeight, getHflex, getId, getLeft, getMold, getOldWidget_, getPage, getRenderdefer, getSclass, getScrollLeft, getScrollTop, getStyle, getTextNode, getTooltiptext, getTop, getTopWidget, getVflex, getWidth, getZclass, getZIndex, hide, ignoreDescendantFloatUp_, ignoreDrag_, initDrag_, insertBefore, insertChildHTML_, isAutoId, isBinding, isFloating_, isListen, isRealVisible, isRealVisible, isVisible, isVisible, isWatchable_, listen, listenOnFitSize_, mimicMouseDown_, newInstance, nextUuid, onAfterSize, onChildAdded_, onChildRemoved_, onChildRenderDefer_, onChildReplaced_, onChildVisible_, onDrop_, redraw, redrawHTML_, register, removeChild, removeChild, removeChildHTML_, removeHTML_, replaceCavedChildren_, replaceChildHTML_, replaceHTML, replaceWidget, rerender, rerender, scrollIntoView, sendAU_, set, set, setAction, setChildren, setDomVisible_, setDraggable, setDroppable, setFloating_, setFloatZIndex_, setHeight, setHflex, setId, setLeft, setListener, setListener, setListeners, setMold, setRenderdefer, setSclass, setScrollLeft, setScrollTop, setStyle, setTooltiptext, setTop, setTopmost, setVflex, setVisible, setWidth, setZclass, setZIndex, shallChildROD_, shallIgnoreClick_, show, smartUpdate, unbind_, unbind, unbindChildren_, unbindDoubleTap_, unbindSwipe_, unbindTapHold_, uncloneDrag_, unlisten, unlistenOnFitSize_, updateDomClass_, updateDomStyle_, uuid, zsync
Methods inherited from class zk.Object
$init, $instanceof, $super, $super, $supers, $supers, afterInit, isAssignableFrom, isInstance, proxy
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void syncWidth()
Synchronizes the input element's width of this component


public int intValue()
Returns the value in int. If null, zero is returned.


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