Package org.zkoss.bind.converter.sys

System Converter for ZK Bind


Class Summary
AbstractListModelConverter<C extends Component> The abstract Converter implementation for converting collection to ListModel and vice versa.
AbstractSelectedIndexConverter<C extends Component> Convert selected index to bean and vice versa.
ChildrenBindingConverter To converter items to List
ComboboxModelConverter The Converter implementation of the combobox for converting collection to ListModel and vice versa.
ComboboxSelectedIndexConverter Convert selected index to bean and vice versa.
ComboboxSelectedItemConverter Convert combobox selected comboitem to bean and vice versa.
ErrorMessageConverter A internal converter that shows a error message on any component.
GridModelConverter The Converter implementation of the grid for converting collection to ListModel and vice versa.
ListboxModelConverter The Converter implementation of the listbox for converting collection to ListModel and vice versa.
ListboxSelectedIndexConverter Convert selected index to bean and vice versa.
ListboxSelectedItemConverter Convert listbox selected listitem to bean and vice versa.
ListboxSelectedItemsConverter Convert listbox selected listitems to bean and vice versa.
RadiogroupModelConverter The Converter implementation of the radiogroup for converting collection to ListModel and vice versa.
RadiogroupSelectedIndexConverter Convert selected index to bean and vice versa.
RadiogroupSelectedItemConverter Convert Radiogroup selected item to radio value and vice versa.
SelectboxModelConverter The Converter implementation of the selectbox for converting collection to ListModel and vice versa.
SelectboxSelectedIndexConverter Convert selected index to bean and vice versa.
SelectboxSelectedItemConverter Convert listbox selected listitem to bean and vice versa.
TabboxSelectedTabConverter Convert tabbox selected tab and vice versa.
TreeSelectedItemConverter Convert tree selected treeitem to bean and vice versa.
TreeSelectedItemsConverter Convert tree selected treeitem to bean and vice versa.

Package org.zkoss.bind.converter.sys Description

System Converter for ZK Bind

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