Package org.zkoss.zul

ZUL component set that are used for HTML-based clients.


Interface Summary
CategoryModel A catetory chart data model.
ChartModel Chart Model is used to hold the data model for the chart.
ClientConstraint Addition interface implemented with Constraint to handle the validation at the client.
ComboitemRenderer<T> Identifies components that can be used as "rubber stamps" to paint the cells in a Combobox.
ComboitemRendererExt Provides additional control to ComboitemRenderer.
Constraint A constraint.
CustomConstraint Additional interface implemented with Constraint to denote a constraint supports a custom way to display the error message.
GroupComparator<D> A comparison function used to compare the group order of two objects, and the order of them in the group if they belongs to the same group.
GroupRendererExt Provides additional control to RowRenderer for instantiating Group and Groupfoot.
GroupsModel<D,H,F> The interface defines a suitable data model for grouping Listbox and Grid.
HiLoModel A HiLo chart data model (date, open, close, high, low, volumn) usually used in stock market.
ItemRenderer<T> Used to generated the HTML fragment for the data associated with a component, such as Selectbox.
ListgroupRendererExt Provides additional control to ListitemRenderer for instantiating Listgroup and Listgroupfoot.
ListitemRenderer<T> Identifies components that can be used as "rubber stamps" to paint the cells in a Listbox.
ListitemRendererExt Provides additional control to ListitemRenderer.
ListModel<E> This interface defines the methods that components like Listbox and Grid use to get the content of items.
ListSubModel<E> An extra interface that can be implemented with ListModel to control the extract of the combobox.
PieModel A Pie chart data model.
RadioRenderer<T> Identifies components that can be used as "rubber stamps" to paint the cells in a Radiogroup.
RendererCtrl This interface defines the methods components like Listbox use to notify the renderer for several circumstance.
RowRenderer<T> Identifies components that can be used as "rubber stamps" to paint the cells in a Grid.
RowRendererExt Provides additional control to RowRenderer.
SingleValueCategoryModel A Pie chart data model.
TreeitemRenderer<T> Identifies components that can be used as "rubber stamps" to paint the cells in a Tree.
TreeModel<E> This interface defines the methods that component like Tree use to get the content of items.
TreeNode<E> Defines the requirements for a tree node object that can change -- by adding or removing child nodes, or by changing the contents of an application-specific data (TreeNode.setData(E)) stored in the node.
XYModel A XY chart data model.
XYZModel A XYZ chart data model.

Class Summary
A The same as HTML A tag.
Absolutechildren A container component that can contain any other ZK component and can only be contained as direct child of Absolutelayout component.
Absolutelayout An Absolutelayout component can contain absolute positioned multiple absolutechildren components.
AbstractChartModel A skeletal implementation for ChartModel.
AbstractGroupsModel<D,H,F,E> A skeletal implementation for GroupsModel.
AbstractListModel<E> A skeletal implementation for ListModel and Selectable
AbstractTreeModel<E> A skeletal implementation for TreeModel.
AbstractTreeModel.Path Represents a tree path.
Anchorchildren The children of Anchorlayout.
Anchorlayout An anchorlayout lays out a container which can resize it's children base on its width and height
Default Anchorlayout.getZclass(): z-anchorlayout.
Applet A generic applet component.
Area An area of a Imagemap.
ArrayComparator<E> Compares the specified element of the array.
Attributes Common attributes used for implementation.
Audio An audio clip.
Auxhead Used to define a collection of auxiliary headers (Auxheader).
Auxheader An auxiliary header.
Bandbox A band box.
Bandpopup The popup that belongs to a Bandbox instance.
Borderlayout A border layout is a layout container for arranging and resizing child components to fit in five regions: north, south, east, west, and center.
Box A box.
Button A button.
Calendar A calendar.
Captcha The generic captcha component.
Caption A header for a Groupbox.
Cell The generic cell component to be embedded into Row or Vbox or Hbox for fully control style and layout.
Center A center region of a borderlayout.
Chart The generic chart component.
Checkbox A checkbox.
Column A single column in a Columns element.
Columns Defines the columns of a grid.
Combobox A combobox.
Combobutton A combo button.
Comboitem An item of a combo box.
Datebox An edit box for holding a date.
Decimalbox An edit box for holding BigDecimal.
DefaultTreeModel<E> A simple tree data model that uses TreeNode to represent a tree.
DefaultTreeNode<E> A general-purpose node in a tree data structure.
Detail The detail component is used to display a detailed section where a master row and multiple detail rows are on the same row.
DialModel A data model to be used with dial chart.
DialModelRange Color range to be marked in DialModelScale.
DialModelScale A set of information of a scale in a Dial chart.
Div The same as HTML DIV tag.
Doublebox An edit box for holding an float point value (double).
Doublespinner An edit box for holding a constrained double.
East An east region of a border layout.
FieldComparator Based on the the given field names to compare the field value of the object that is passed in, java.lang.Object) method.
Filedownload File download utilities.
Fileupload A fileupload dialog used to let user upload a file.
Flash A generic flash component.
Foot Defines a set of footers (Footer) for a grid (Grid).
Footer A column of the footer of a grid (Grid).
Frozen A frozen component to represent a frozen column or row in grid, like MS Excel.
GanttModel A data model for Gantt chart.
GanttModel.GanttTask A Task in an operation series; a helper class used in GanttModel.
Grid A grid is an element that contains both rows and columns elements.
Group Adds the ability for single level grouping to the Grid.
Groupbox Groups a set of child elements to have a visual effect.
Groupfoot Groupfoot serves as a summary row of group.
GroupsModelArray<D,H,F,E> An array implementation of GroupsModel.
Hbox A hbox.
Hlayout A horizontal layout Default Hlayout.getZclass(): z-hlayout.
Html A component used to embed the browser native content (i.e., HTML tags) into the output sent to the browser.
Idspace Just like DIV tag but implements IdSpace.
Iframe Includes an inline frame.
Image An image.
Imagemap An image map.
Include Includes the result generated by any servlet, not limited to a ZUML page.
Intbox An edit box for holding an integer.
Label A label.
Layout A layout.
LayoutRegion A layout region in a border layout.
Listbox A listbox.
Listcell A list cell.
Listfoot A row of Listfooter.
Listfooter A column of the footer of a list box (Listbox).
Listgroup Adds the ability for single level grouping to the Listbox.
Listgroupfoot Listgroupfoot serves as a summary listitem of listgroup.
Listhead A list headers used to define multi-columns and/or headers.
Listheader The list header which defines the attributes and header of a column of a list box.
Listitem A list item.
ListitemComparator A comparator used to compare Listitem, if not live data, or the data themselves, if live data.
ListModelArray<E> This is the ListModel as an Object array to be used with Listbox.
ListModelList<E> This is the ListModel as a List to be used with Listbox.
ListModelMap<K,V> This is the ListModel as a Map to be used with Listbox.
ListModels A utility for handling ListModel.
ListModelSet<E> This is the ListModel as a Set to be used with Listbox.
Longbox An edit box for holding an integer.
Menu An element, much like a button, that is placed on a menu bar.
Menubar A container that usually contains menu elements.
Menuitem A single choice in a Menupopup element.
Menupopup A container used to display menus.
Menuseparator Used to create a separator between menu items.
Messagebox Represents the message box.
Messagebox.ClickEvent The event that will be received by the listener when the user clicks a button.
North A north region of a border layout.
Paging Paging of long content.
Panel Panel is a container that has specific functionality and structural components that make it the perfect building block for application-oriented user interfaces.
Panelchildren Panelchildren is used for Panel component to manage each child who will be shown in the body of Panel.
Popup A container that is displayed as a popup.
Progressmeter A progress meter is a bar that indicates how much of a task has been completed.
Radio A radio button.
Radiogroup A radio group.
Row A single row in a Rows element.
RowComparator A comparator used to compare Row, if not live data, or the data themselves, if live data.
Rows Defines the rows of a grid.
Script A component to generate script codes that will be evaluated at the client.
Selectbox A light weight dropdown list.
Separator A separator.
SimpleCategoryModel A Category data model implementation of CategoryModel.
SimpleConstraint The default constraint supporting no empty, regular expressions and so on.
SimpleDateConstraint A simple date constraint.
SimpleDoubleSpinnerConstraint A simple double spinner constraint.
SimpleGroupsModel<D,H,F,E> A simple implementation of GroupsModel.
SimpleHiLoModel A HiLo data model implementation of HiLoModel.
SimpleListModel<E> A simple implementation of ListModel.
SimplePieModel A Pie chart data model implementation of PieModel.
SimpleSingleValueCategoryModel A Pie chart data model implementation of SingleValueCategoryModel.
SimpleSpinnerConstraint A simple spinner constraint.
SimpleXYModel A XY data model implementation of XYModel.
SimpleXYZModel A XYZ data model implementation of XYZModel.
Slider A slider.
South A south region of a border layout.
Space Space is a Separator with the orient default to "vertical".
Span The same as HTML SPAN tag.
Spinner An edit box for holding a constrained integer.
Splitter An element which should appear before or after an element inside a box (Box, Vbox and Hbox).
Style The style component used to specify CSS styles for the owner desktop.
Tab A tab.
Tabbox A tabbox.
Tabpanel A tab panel.
Tabpanels A collection of tab panels.
Tabs A collection of tabs (Tab).
Textbox A textbox.
Timebox An input box for holding a time (a java.util.Date Object , but only Hour & Minute are used.
Timer Fires one or more Event after a specified delay.
Toolbar A toolbar.
Toolbarbutton A toolbar button.
Tree A container which can be used to hold a tabular or hierarchical set of rows of elements.
Treecell A treecell.
Treechildren A treechildren.
Treecol A treecol.
Treecols A treecols.
Treefoot A row of Treefooter.
Treefooter A column of the footer of a tree (Tree).
Treeitem A treeitem.
TreeitemComparator A comparator used to compare Treeitem, if not live data, or the data themselves, if live data.
Treerow A treerow.
Vbox A vbox.
Version The version of the ZK XUL component set.
Vlayout A vertical layout Default Vlayout.getZclass(): z-vlayout.
WaferMapModel A semiconductor wafer map data model to be used with wafermap chart.
West A west region of a border layout.
Window A window.

Enum Summary
Messagebox.Button The button types.
Window.Mode The window's mode used with Window.setMode(Mode).

Package org.zkoss.zul Description

ZUL component set that are used for HTML-based clients.

Table of Contents

Components of XUL in HTML


The implementation of XUL components for ZK.

Directive Elements


<?page [id="..."] [title="..."] [language="xul/html"]?>

Special Elements


Due to XML's syntax limitation, we can only specify one document root. Thus, if you have multiple root components, you must use <zk> as the document root to group these root components. In other words, <zk> is not a component and it, if used, must be the document root.


<zscript src="/WEB-INF/xx/">

Simple Elements

Common Attributes

<xxx [id="..."] [class="..."] [style="...] [use="..."]/>


<textbox [id="..."] [class="..."] [style="...] [use="..."]
[onChange="script"] [onChanging="script"] [value="value"] [type="|password"]
[maxlength="0|num"] [rows="3|num"] [cols="0|num"]
[disabled="false|true"] [readonly="false|true"] [multiline="false|true"] />


<window [id="..."] [class="..."] [style="...] [use="..."] [title="..."] [border="normal|none"]/>

Implicit Objects

Depending on invoking from a script or from an EL expression, different implicit objects might be used.

NameDescriptionFrom ScriptFrom EL
self The current component that script/EL is interpreted upon.
It is the same as this in Java.
spaceOwner The owner of the ID space that the current component belongs to (See What is an ID space"). It is null, if the current component doesn't belong to any space.
It is the same as self.getSpaceOwner() in script, self.root in EL and this.getSpaceOwner() in Java.
desktopScope The attributes defined in the current desktop.
It is the same as this.getPage().getAttributes(name,DESKTOP_SCOPE) in Java.
pageScope The attributes defined in the current page.
It is the same as this.getPage().getAttributes() in Java.
spaceScope The attributes defined in the ID space that the current component belongs to (See What is an ID space"). It is the same as this.getAttributes() with SPACE_SCOPE in Java. YesYes
componentScope The attributes defined in the current component. It is the same as this.getAttributes() with COMPONENT_SCOPE in Java. YesYes
arg A map of parameters that are passed to Execution.createComponents(...).
It is the same as desktop.getExecution().getArg() in Java.

How to browse components

In Java

Each window forms an independent ID space. To get a component from an ID space, use Component.getFellow against any component in the same ID space. If a window, say C, is a child of another window, say P, then C belongs the ID space of P, but descendants of C don't. Rather, descendants of C belong to the ID space of C. Notice: C belongs to the ID spaces of both C and P.

A page is also an independent ID space, Page.getFellow is used to retrieve a fellow in it.

In Script and EL

Components that are specified with the id attribute (i.e., you have assign an ID) can be accessed directly by the value of the id attribute.

For example,

<label id="label" value="Not good enough?"/>
<button label="Change label" onClick="label.value = label.value + 'A'"/>
The scope of visibility, same as in Java, is controlled by the ID space. In other words, each window has an independent ID space. When you specified an ID, only the current ID space is searched.


onOK and onCancel

When window intercepts whether ENTER or ESC is pressed, the onOK or onCancel event is sent, resprectively.


Window intercepts whether control or function keys is pressed if you specify what to intercept by use of the ctrlKeys attribute. For example, If ctrlKeys="GW2" is specified, it means Ctrl+G, Ctrl+W and F2 are all intercepted. Once user press one of them, the onCtrlKey event is sent.

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