Uses of Interface

Packages that use Binding
org.zkoss.bind ZK Bind Library 
org.zkoss.bind.impl Core Implementation for ZK Bind 
org.zkoss.bind.sys System level classes for ZK Bind 
org.zkoss.bind.sys.tracker Tracker classes for ZK Bind 
org.zkoss.bind.tracker.impl Tracker Implementation for ZK Bind 
org.zkoss.bind.xel.zel ZEL of XEL for ZK Bind 

Uses of Binding in org.zkoss.bind

Methods in org.zkoss.bind that return Binding
 Binding BindContext.getBinding()
          Returns associated Binding of this Bind context.

Uses of Binding in org.zkoss.bind.impl

Classes in org.zkoss.bind.impl that implement Binding
 class BindingImpl
          Base implementation for implementing a Binding
 class ChildrenBindingImpl
          A base implementation of ChildrenBinding.
 class CommandBindingImpl
          Implementation of CommandBinding.
 class FormBindingImpl
          Base implementation of FormBinding.
 class InitChildrenBindingImpl
          Implementation of InitChildrenBinding.
 class InitFormBindingImpl
          Implementation of InitPropertyBinding.
 class InitPropertyBindingImpl
          Implementation of InitPropertyBinding.
 class LoadChildrenBindingImpl
          Implementation of LoadChildrenBinding.
 class LoadFormBindingImpl
          Implementation of LoadFormBinding
 class LoadPropertyBindingImpl
          Implementation of LoadPropertyBinding.
 class LoadTemplateBindingImpl
 class PropertyBindingImpl
          A base implementation of PropertyBinding.
 class ReferenceBindingImpl
          Implementation of ReferenceBinding.
 class SaveFormBindingImpl
          Implementation of SaveFormBinding.
 class SavePropertyBindingImpl
          Implementation of SavePropertyBinding.

Methods in org.zkoss.bind.impl that return Binding
 Binding BindContextImpl.getBinding()
protected  Binding TemplateResolverImpl.getTemplateBinding(Component eachComp, java.lang.Object eachData, int index, int size)

Methods in org.zkoss.bind.impl that return types with arguments of type Binding
 java.util.List<Binding> BinderImpl.getLoadPromptBindings(Component comp, java.lang.String attr)

Methods in org.zkoss.bind.impl with parameters of type Binding
static AccessInfo AccessInfo.create(Binding binding, java.lang.String accessExpr, java.lang.Class<?> expectedType, ConditionType type, java.lang.String command, boolean ignoreTracker)
static BindContext BindContextUtil.newBindContext(Binder binder, Binding binding, boolean save, java.lang.String command, Component comp, Event event)

Constructors in org.zkoss.bind.impl with parameters of type Binding
BindContextImpl(Binder binder, Binding binding, boolean save, java.lang.String command, Component comp, Event event)

Uses of Binding in org.zkoss.bind.sys

Subinterfaces of Binding in org.zkoss.bind.sys
 interface ChildrenBinding
          A binding tells how to deal with Load children of a source object (usually an UI component) and a property of a target object(usually a backing bean).
 interface CommandBinding
          A binding tells which command to call(usually used with UI event).
 interface FormBinding
          A binding tells how to deal with Load and Save between a form and a bean.
 interface InitChildrenBinding
          ChildrenBinding for init-loading into children component from backing bean property.
 interface InitFormBinding
          Binding for init a form.
 interface InitPropertyBinding
          PropertyBinding for init-loading into component attribute from backing bean property.
 interface LoadBinding
          Binding for loading.
 interface LoadChildrenBinding
          ChildrenBinding for loading children of component from backing bean property.
 interface LoadFormBinding
          Binding for load a form.
 interface LoadPropertyBinding
          PropertyBinding for load into component attribute from backing bean property.
 interface LoadTemplateBinding
 interface PropertyBinding
          A binding tells how to deal with Load or Save a field of a source object (usually an UI component) and a property of a target object(usually a backing bean).
 interface ReferenceBinding
          A reference to an expression.
 interface SaveBinding
          Binding for saving.
 interface SaveFormBinding
          Binding for saving a form.
 interface SavePropertyBinding
          PropertyBinding for save from component attribute into backing bean property.

Methods in org.zkoss.bind.sys that return types with arguments of type Binding
 java.util.List<Binding> BinderCtrl.getLoadPromptBindings(Component comp, java.lang.String attr)
          get all load prompt binding of the component and attribute

Uses of Binding in org.zkoss.bind.sys.tracker

Methods in org.zkoss.bind.sys.tracker that return types with arguments of type Binding
 java.util.Set<Binding> TrackerNode.getBindings()
          Returns all associated Bindings.

Methods in org.zkoss.bind.sys.tracker with parameters of type Binding
 void TrackerNode.addBinding(Binding binding)
          add associated Binding with this node
 void Tracker.addDependsOn(Component srcComp, java.lang.String[] srcSeries, Binding srcBinding, Component dependsOnComp, java.lang.String[] dependsOnSeries)
          Add a depends-on tracking between the source property name series and depends-on property name series.
 void Tracker.addTracking(Component comp, java.lang.String[] series, Binding binding)
          Add a tracking that associate a binding to a dot series under the specified Component

Uses of Binding in org.zkoss.bind.tracker.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.bind.tracker.impl that return types with arguments of type Binding
 java.util.Set<Binding> TrackerNodeImpl.getBindings()

Methods in org.zkoss.bind.tracker.impl with parameters of type Binding
 void TrackerNodeImpl.addBinding(Binding binding)
 void TrackerImpl.addDependsOn(Component srcComp, java.lang.String[] srcSeries, Binding srcBinding, Component dependsOnComp, java.lang.String[] dependsOnSeries)
 void TrackerImpl.addTracking(Component comp, java.lang.String[] series, Binding binding)

Uses of Binding in org.zkoss.bind.xel.zel

Methods in org.zkoss.bind.xel.zel that return Binding
 Binding BindELContext.getBinding()

Methods in org.zkoss.bind.xel.zel with parameters of type Binding
static void BindELContext.addDependsOnTracking(Binding srcBinding, java.util.List<java.lang.String> srcPath, Component srcComp, java.lang.String dependsOnPath, Component dependsOnComp)
          Prepare the dependsOn nodes
static void BindELContext.addDependsOnTracking(Binding srcBinding, java.util.List<java.lang.String> srcPath, java.lang.String dependsOnBasepath, java.lang.String dependsOnProp)
          Prepare the dependsOn nodes
static void BindELContext.addDependsOnTrackings(java.lang.reflect.Method m, java.lang.String basepath, java.util.List<java.lang.String> srcpath, Binding binding, BindContext ctx)

Uses of Binding in org.zkoss.zkmax.bind.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zkmax.bind.impl that return Binding
protected  Binding TemplateResolverImpl.getTemplateBinding(Component eachComp, java.lang.Object eachData, int index, int size)

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