Uses of Interface

Packages that use VariableResolver
org.zkoss.util.resource Resources and their locators and loaders. 
org.zkoss.util.resource.impl Implementation of resources and their locators and loaders. 
org.zkoss.web.servlet.dsp Dynamic Servlet Page (DSP). 
org.zkoss.web.servlet.xel XEL Utilities that depends on Servlets. 
org.zkoss.web.util.resource Utilities to access Web resources. 
org.zkoss.xel XEL - Extensible Expression Language to encapsulate different implementations, such as EL, MVEL and OGNL. 
org.zkoss.xel.util Utilties of XEL expressions. 
org.zkoss.zk.ui Interfaces of the common user-interfaces, such as Page and Component
org.zkoss.zk.ui.http HTTP relevant utilities and servlets for implementing user interfaces (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl Implementation of user interfaces and factories (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo Metainfo representing pages and languages (implementation only). Utilities of ZK Component Selector, which retrieves components by selector rules, like CSS selectors. 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys Internal interfaces of user interfaces and factories (behind the scene). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.util Utilities to handle user interfaces. 
org.zkoss.zk.xel.impl XEL utilities for implementation only. 
org.zkoss.zkmax.xel.util Utilities to implement XEL factories. 
org.zkoss.zkplus.cdi Utilities to support Contexts and Dependency Injection(JSR-299). 
org.zkoss.zkplus.jndi Utilities to support JNDI 
org.zkoss.zkplus.spring Utilities to support Spring Application Framework
org.zkoss.zml The ZK XML Component Set. 

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.util.resource

Methods in org.zkoss.util.resource that return VariableResolver
static VariableResolver Labels.setVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolv)
          Sets the variable resolver, which is used if an EL expression is specified.

Methods in org.zkoss.util.resource with parameters of type VariableResolver
static VariableResolver Labels.setVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolv)
          Sets the variable resolver, which is used if an EL expression is specified.

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.util.resource.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.util.resource.impl that return VariableResolver
 VariableResolver LabelLoaderImpl.setVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolv)
          Sets the variable resolver, which is used if an EL expression is specified.
 VariableResolver LabelLoader.setVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolv)
          Sets the variable resolver, which is used if an EL expression is specified.

Methods in org.zkoss.util.resource.impl with parameters of type VariableResolver
 VariableResolver LabelLoaderImpl.setVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolv)
          Sets the variable resolver, which is used if an EL expression is specified.
 VariableResolver LabelLoader.setVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolv)
          Sets the variable resolver, which is used if an EL expression is specified.

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.web.servlet.dsp

Methods in org.zkoss.web.servlet.dsp that return VariableResolver
 VariableResolver ServletDspContext.getVariableResolver()

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.web.servlet.xel

Classes in org.zkoss.web.servlet.xel that implement VariableResolver
 class RequestXelResolver
          A XEL variable resolver that is based on Servlet request, response, and EL.

Methods in org.zkoss.web.servlet.xel that return VariableResolver
 VariableResolver RequestContext.getVariableResolver()
          Returns the variable resolver.
 VariableResolver PageContext.getVariableResolver()
          The current variable resolver.

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.web.util.resource

Classes in org.zkoss.web.util.resource that implement VariableResolver
 class ServletRequestResolver
          Used to resolve the variables defined in the request (such as DSP context and ZK's execution).

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.xel

Subinterfaces of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.xel
 interface VariableResolverX
          An extension of VariableResolver to have more control to resolve the variables.

Fields in org.zkoss.xel declared as VariableResolver
static VariableResolver Expressions.EMPTY_RESOLVER
          An empty variable resolver, i.e., it has no variable defined at all.

Methods in org.zkoss.xel that return VariableResolver
 VariableResolver XelContext.getVariableResolver()
          Returns the variable resolver, or null if not available.

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.xel.util

Classes in org.zkoss.xel.util that implement VariableResolver
 class SimpleResolver
          A simple resolver that retrieve variable from a map.

Methods in org.zkoss.xel.util that return VariableResolver
 VariableResolver SimpleResolver.getParent()
          Returns the parent, or null if no parent at all.
 VariableResolver XelContextProxy.getVariableResolver()
 VariableResolver SimpleXelContext.getVariableResolver()

Methods in org.zkoss.xel.util with parameters of type VariableResolver
static java.lang.Object Evaluators.resolveVariable(VariableResolver resolver, java.lang.String name)
          Resolves the variable based on the specified resolver.
static java.lang.Object Evaluators.resolveVariable(XelContext ctx, VariableResolver resolver, java.lang.Object base, java.lang.Object name)
          Resolves the variable based on the the specified context and variable resolver.
 void SimpleResolver.setParent(VariableResolver parent)
          Sets the parent.
 void SimpleXelContext.setVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver)
          Sets the variable resolver, or null if not available.

Constructors in org.zkoss.xel.util with parameters of type VariableResolver
SimpleResolver(VariableResolver parent)
          Constructs a resolver with a parent.
SimpleResolver(VariableResolver parent, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> vars)
          Constructs a resolver with a parent and an object map.
SimpleXelContext(VariableResolver resolver)
SimpleXelContext(VariableResolver resolver, FunctionMapper mapper)
XelContextProxy(XelContext ctx, VariableResolver resolver)
          Replaces the variable resolver with the specified one, but the function mapper not changed.
XelContextProxy(XelContext ctx, VariableResolver resolver, FunctionMapper mapper)
          Replaces both variable resolver and function mapper.

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.zk.ui

Fields in org.zkoss.zk.ui with type parameters of type VariableResolver
protected  java.util.List<VariableResolver> HtmlMacroComponent._resolvers
          A list of resolvers (never null).

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui that return VariableResolver
 VariableResolver Execution.getVariableResolver()
          Returns the variable resolver for this execution, or null if not available.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui with parameters of type VariableResolver
 boolean Page.addVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver)
          Adds a variable resolver that will be used to resolve a variable by Page.getXelVariable(java.lang.String).
 boolean Execution.addVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver)
          Adds a name resolver that will be used to resolve a variable (by Execution.getVariableResolver()).
 Component Execution.createComponents(PageDefinition pagedef, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver)
          Creates components from the specified page definition with a custom variable resolver and inserts before a particular component.
 Component Execution.createComponents(java.lang.String uri, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver)
          Creates components from a page file specified by an URI with a custom variable resolver and inserts before a particular component.
 Component Execution.createComponentsDirectly(Document content, java.lang.String extension, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver)
          Creates components from the raw content specified by a DOM tree with a custom variable resolver and inserts before a particular component.
 Component Execution.createComponentsDirectly( reader, java.lang.String extension, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver)
          Creates components from the raw content read from the specified reader with a custom variable resolver and inserts before a particular component.
 Component Execution.createComponentsDirectly(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String extension, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver)
          Creates components from the raw content specified by a string with a custom variable resolver and inserts before a particular component.
 boolean Page.hasVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver)
          Returns if the specified variable resolver has been registered
 boolean Execution.hasVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver)
          Returns if the specified variable resolved has been registered
 boolean Page.removeVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver)
          Removes a variable resolver that was added by Page.addVariableResolver(org.zkoss.xel.VariableResolver).
 boolean Execution.removeVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver)
          Removes a name resolve that was added by Execution.addVariableResolver(org.zkoss.xel.VariableResolver).

Method parameters in org.zkoss.zk.ui with type arguments of type VariableResolver
 boolean Execution.hasVariableResolver(java.lang.Class<? extends VariableResolver> cls)
          Returns if any instance of the give class has been registered.

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http that return VariableResolver
 VariableResolver ExecutionImpl.getVariableResolver()

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl with parameters of type VariableResolver
 boolean PageImpl.addVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver)
 boolean AbstractExecution.addVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver)
 Component[] UiEngineImpl.createComponents(Execution exec, PageDefinition pagedef, Page page, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
 Component AbstractExecution.createComponents(PageDefinition pagedef, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver)
 Component AbstractExecution.createComponents(java.lang.String uri, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver)
 Component AbstractExecution.createComponentsDirectly(Document content, java.lang.String ext, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver)
 Component AbstractExecution.createComponentsDirectly( reader, java.lang.String ext, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver)
 Component AbstractExecution.createComponentsDirectly(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String ext, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver)
 boolean PageImpl.hasVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver)
 boolean AbstractExecution.hasVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver)
 boolean PageImpl.removeVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver)
 boolean AbstractExecution.removeVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver)

Method parameters in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl with type arguments of type VariableResolver
 boolean AbstractExecution.hasVariableResolver(java.lang.Class<? extends VariableResolver> cls)

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo that return VariableResolver
 VariableResolver VariableResolverInfo.newVariableResolver(Evaluator eval, Page page)
          Creates and returns the variable resolver for the specified page.
 VariableResolver VariableResolverInfo.newVariableResolver(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Creates and returns the variable resolver for the specified page.

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo with parameters of type VariableResolver
VariableResolverInfo(VariableResolver resolver)
          Constructs with an initiator that will be reuse each time VariableResolverInfo.newVariableResolver(org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.PageDefinition, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page) is called.

Constructor parameters in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo with type arguments of type VariableResolver
VariableResolverInfo(java.lang.Class<? extends VariableResolver> cls)
          Constructs with a class.
VariableResolverInfo(java.lang.Class<? extends VariableResolver> cls, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> args)
          Constructs with a class.

Uses of VariableResolver in

Fields in with type parameters of type VariableResolver
protected  java.util.List<VariableResolver> SelectorComposer._resolvers
          A list of resolvers (never null).

Methods in that return types with arguments of type VariableResolver
static java.util.List<VariableResolver> Selectors.newVariableResolvers(java.lang.Class<?> cls, java.lang.Class<?> untilClass)
          Creates a list of instances of VariableResolver based on the annotation of the given class.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VariableResolver
static void Selectors.wireVariables(Component component, java.lang.Object controller, java.util.List<VariableResolver> extraResolvers)
          Wire variables to controller, including XEL variables, implicit variables.
static void Selectors.wireVariables(Page page, java.lang.Object controller, java.util.List<VariableResolver> extraResolvers)
          Wire variables to controller, including XEL variables, implicit variables.

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys with parameters of type VariableResolver
 Component[] UiEngine.createComponents(Execution exec, PageDefinition pagedef, Page page, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
          Creates components from the specified page and definition.

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util with parameters of type VariableResolver
 Component[] Template.create(Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver, Composer composer)
          Creates the components defined in this template.

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.zk.xel.impl

Classes in org.zkoss.zk.xel.impl that implement VariableResolver
 class ExecutionResolver
          A variable resolver that is based on the specified execution.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.xel.impl that return VariableResolver
 VariableResolver SimpleEvaluator.getVariableResolver(java.lang.Object ref)
          Returns the variable resolver, or null if not available.

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.xel.impl with parameters of type VariableResolver
ExecutionResolver(Execution exec, VariableResolver parent)
          Constructs a resolver with a parent and a page.

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.zkmax.xel.util

Constructors in org.zkoss.zkmax.xel.util with parameters of type VariableResolver
ResolverMap(VariableResolver resolver)

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.zkplus.cdi

Classes in org.zkoss.zkplus.cdi that implement VariableResolver
 class DelegatingVariableResolver
          Generic CDI EL named managed bean resolver.

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.zkplus.jndi

Classes in org.zkoss.zkplus.jndi that implement VariableResolver
 class JndiVariableResolver
          JndiVariableResolver, a jndi variableResolver

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.zkplus.spring

Fields in org.zkoss.zkplus.spring with type parameters of type VariableResolver
protected  java.util.List<VariableResolver> DelegatingVariableResolver._variableResolvers
          Holds list of variable resolvers for Spring core (3.0RC and later), Spring security(3.0RC and later) and Spring webflow(only for 1.x)

Uses of VariableResolver in org.zkoss.zml

Fields in org.zkoss.zml with type parameters of type VariableResolver
protected  java.util.List<VariableResolver> XmlMacroComponent._resolvers
          A list of resolvers (never null).

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