Uses of Interface

Packages that use Page
org.zkoss.bind ZK Bind Library 
org.zkoss.bind.tracker.impl Tracker Implementation for ZK Bind 
org.zkoss.zhtml.impl Classes used to implement ZHTML component set. Requests and responsed used to communicate between client and server, called asynchronous updates. The responses of asynchronous updates (sent from server to client). 
org.zkoss.zk.scripting Scripting intepreter relevant classes, including interpreter, namespace and so on. 
org.zkoss.zk.scripting.bsh BeanShell - Java Interpreter. 
org.zkoss.zk.scripting.groovy Groovy Interpreter 
org.zkoss.zk.scripting.jruby JRuby interpreter 
org.zkoss.zk.scripting.jython Jython interpreter 
org.zkoss.zk.scripting.rhino Rhino - JavaScript Interpreter org.zkoss.scripting.bsf.rhino.RhinoInterpreter An implementation based on Rhino org.zkoss.scripting.bsf.rhino.RhinoInterpreter An implementation based on Rhino but went through BSF. 
org.zkoss.zk.scripting.util Utilities for implementing interpters and namespaces. 
org.zkoss.zk.ui Interfaces of the common user-interfaces, such as Page and Component
org.zkoss.zk.ui.event The org.zkoss.zk.ui and org.zkoss.zk.ui.event packages are the only packages that component and application developers need to know. 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext Additional Interfaces that might be implemented by special components, such as AfterCompose
org.zkoss.zk.ui.http HTTP relevant utilities and servlets for implementing user interfaces (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl Implementation of user interfaces and factories (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo Metainfo representing pages and languages (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.impl The implementation class of the metainfos. Utilities of ZK Component Selector, which retrieves components by selector rules, like CSS selectors. Implementation of ZK Component Selector 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys Internal interfaces of user interfaces and factories (behind the scene). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.util Utilities to handle user interfaces. 
org.zkoss.zk.xel ZK XEL utilities. 
org.zkoss.zk.xel.impl XEL utilities for implementation only. 
org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.impl Implementation of user interfaces and factories for ZK EE. 
org.zkoss.zkmax.zul Components and UI utitilies available in ZK EE. 
org.zkoss.zkplus.databind The DataBinder used for binding ZK UI component and the backend data bean. 
org.zkoss.zkplus.embed Utilities to embed ZK components into the 3rd party framework. 
org.zkoss.zkplus.liferay Utilities to support Liferay Portal
org.zkoss.zml The ZK XML Component Set. 
org.zkoss.zml.impl ZML implementation classes 
org.zkoss.zul ZUL component set that are used for HTML-based clients. 
org.zkoss.zul.impl Classes used to implement ZUL Component Set (implementation only). 

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.bind

Methods in org.zkoss.bind with parameters of type Page
 ComponentInfo BindComposer.doBeforeCompose(Page page, Component parent, ComponentInfo compInfo)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.bind.tracker.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.bind.tracker.impl with parameters of type Page
 void BindUiLifeCycle.afterComponentAttached(Component comp, Page page)
 void BindUiLifeCycle.afterComponentDetached(Component comp, Page prevpage)
 void BindUiLifeCycle.afterPageAttached(Page page, Desktop desktop)
 void BindUiLifeCycle.afterPageDetached(Page page, Desktop prevdesktop)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zhtml.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zhtml.impl with parameters of type Page
static void PageRenderer.afterRenderHtml(Execution exec, Page page, out, java.lang.Object param)
          Ends and cleans up the rendering of a complete ZHTML page.
static java.lang.Object PageRenderer.beforeRenderHtml(Execution exec, Page page, out)
          Prepares for rendering a complete ZHTML page.
 void PageRenderer.render(Page page, out)
protected  void PageRenderer.renderComplete(Execution exec, Page page, out)
          Renders the page if isComplete() is true.
protected  void PageRenderer.renderPage(Execution exec, Page page, out, boolean au)
          Renders the page if isComplete() is false.

Uses of Page in

Methods in that return Page
 Page AuRequest.getPage()
          Returns the page that this request is applied for, or null if this request is a general request -- regardless any page or component.

Constructors in with parameters of type Page
AuResponse(java.lang.String cmd, Page depends, java.lang.Object data)
          Constructs a response with single data.
AuResponse(java.lang.String cmd, Page depends, java.lang.Object[] data)
          Constructs a response with multiple data.

Uses of Page in

Constructors in with parameters of type Page
AuAppendChild(Page page, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> contents)
AuNotification(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String type, Page page, Component ref, int x, int y, int duration, boolean closable)
          Shows notification at given coordinate
AuNotification(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String type, Page page, Component ref, java.lang.String position, int duration, boolean closable)
          Shows notification at predefined position.
AuOuter(Page page, java.lang.String content)
AuRemove(Page page)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.scripting

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.scripting that return Page
 Page Interpreter.getOwner()
          Returns the owner of this interpreter.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.scripting with parameters of type Page
 void Interpreter.init(Page owner, java.lang.String zslang)
          Initializes the interpreter.
static Interpreter Interpreters.newInterpreter(java.lang.String zslang, Page owner)
          Returns the interpreter for the specified language name.

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.scripting.bsh

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.scripting.bsh with parameters of type Page
 void BSHInterpreter.init(Page owner, java.lang.String zslang)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.scripting.groovy

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.scripting.groovy with parameters of type Page
 void GroovyInterpreter.init(Page owner, java.lang.String zslang)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.scripting.jruby

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.scripting.jruby with parameters of type Page
 void JRubyInterpreter.init(Page owner, java.lang.String zslang)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.scripting.jython

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.scripting.jython with parameters of type Page
 void JythonInterpreter.init(Page owner, java.lang.String zslang)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.scripting.rhino

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.scripting.rhino with parameters of type Page
 void RhinoInterpreter.init(Page owner, java.lang.String zslang)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.scripting.util

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.scripting.util that return Page
 Page GenericInterpreter.getOwner()

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.scripting.util with parameters of type Page
 void GenericInterpreter.init(Page owner, java.lang.String zslang)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.ui

Classes in org.zkoss.zk.ui that implement Page
 class AbstractPage
          A skeletal implementation of Page.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui that return Page
static Page Components.getCurrentPage(Component comp)
          Returns the page of the give component, or the current page if the component is null or it doesn't belong to any page.
 Page Desktop.getFirstPage()
          Returns the first page, or null if no page at all (happens when the desktop has been destroyed)
 Page Component.getPage()
          Returns the page that this component belongs to, or null if it doesn't belong to any page.
 Page AbstractComponent.getPage()
 Page Desktop.getPage(java.lang.String pageId)
          Returns the page of the specified ID or UUID.
 Page Desktop.getPageIfAny(java.lang.String pageId)
          Returns the page of the specified ID or UUID, or null if no such page.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui that return types with arguments of type Page
 java.util.Collection<Page> Desktop.getPages()
          Returns a readonly collection of all Page in this desktop.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui with parameters of type Page
protected  void AbstractComponent.addMoved(Component oldparent, Page oldpg, Page newpg)
          Called when this component is moved from the specified parent and/or page to the new page.
static java.lang.Object Executions.evaluate(Page page, java.lang.String expr, java.lang.Class expectedType)
          Evaluates the specified expression with the resolver of the current execution (Executions.getCurrent()).
 java.lang.Object Execution.evaluate(Page page, java.lang.String expr, java.lang.Class<?> expectedType)
          Evaluates the specified expression with ${link #getVariableResolver} and getFunctionMapper() of the specified page.
static Evaluator Executions.getEvaluator(Page page, java.lang.Class<? extends ExpressionFactory> expfcls)
          Returns the evaluator of the current execution.
 Evaluator Execution.getEvaluator(Page page, java.lang.Class<? extends ExpressionFactory> expfcls)
          Returns the evaluator (never null).
static java.lang.Object Components.getImplicit(Page page, Component comp, java.lang.String name)
          Returns the implicit object of the specified name, or null if not found.
static java.lang.Object Components.getImplicit(Page page, java.lang.String name)
          Returns the implicit object of the specified name, or null if not found.
 boolean Execution.isAsyncUpdate(Page page)
          Returns whether this execution is an asynchronous update for the specified page (thru ZK Update Engine).
 void AbstractComponent.onPageAttached(Page newpage, Page oldpage)
          Default: handles special event listeners.
 void AbstractComponent.onPageDetached(Page page)
          Default: handles special event listeners.
 void Richlet.service(Page page)
          Called by the richlet container to create components when the specified page is visited and created.
 void AbstractComponent.sessionDidActivate(Page page)
 void AbstractComponent.sessionWillPassivate(Page page)
 void HtmlMacroComponent.setPage(Page page)
          Changes the page.
 void Component.setPage(Page page)
          Sets what page this component belongs to.
 void AbstractComponent.setPage(Page page)
 void Component.setPageBefore(Page page, Component refRoot)
          Sets what page this component belongs to, and insert this component right before the reference component.
 void AbstractComponent.setPageBefore(Page page, Component refRoot)
static void Components.wireVariables(Page page, java.lang.Object controller)
          Deprecated. As of release 6.0.0, replaced with ConventionWires.
static void Components.wireVariables(Page page, java.lang.Object controller, char separator)
          Deprecated. As of release 6.0.0, replaced with ConventionWires.
static void Components.wireVariables(Page page, java.lang.Object controller, char separator, boolean ignoreZScript, boolean ignoreXel)
          Deprecated. As of release 6.0.0, replaced with ConventionWires.

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.ui.event

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.event that return Page
 Page Event.getPage()
          Returns the page owning this event, or null if broadcast.

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext that return Page
 Page Includer.getChildPage()
          Returns the child page.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext with parameters of type Page
static Scope Scopes.getCurrent(Page page)
          Returns the current scope.
 void Includer.setChildPage(Page page)
          Sets the child page.

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http that return Page
static Page WebManager.newPage(UiFactory uf, RequestInfo ri, PageDefinition pagedef, javax.servlet.ServletResponse response, java.lang.String path)
          Creates a page.
static Page WebManager.newPage(UiFactory uf, RequestInfo ri, Richlet richlet, javax.servlet.ServletResponse response, java.lang.String path)
          Creates a page.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http with parameters of type Page
 java.lang.Object ExecutionImpl.evaluate(Page page, java.lang.String expr, java.lang.Class<?> expectedType)
 Evaluator ExecutionImpl.getEvaluator(Page page, java.lang.Class<? extends ExpressionFactory> expfcls)

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http with parameters of type Page
ExecutionImpl(javax.servlet.ServletContext ctx, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, Desktop desktop, Page creating)
          Constructs an execution for the given HTTP request.

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl

Classes in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl that implement Page
 class PageImpl
          An implementation of Page and PageCtrl.
 class VolatilePage
          A page that does not really exist at the client.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl that return Page
 Page AbstractExecution.getCurrentPage()
 Page DesktopImpl.getFirstPage()
 Page DesktopImpl.getPage(java.lang.String pageId)
 Page DesktopImpl.getPageIfAny(java.lang.String pageId)
 Page AbstractUiFactory.newPage(RequestInfo ri, PageDefinition pagedef, java.lang.String path)
 Page AbstractUiFactory.newPage(RequestInfo ri, Richlet richlet, java.lang.String path)

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl that return types with arguments of type Page
 java.util.Collection<Page> DesktopImpl.getPages()

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl with parameters of type Page
 void UiEngineImpl.addInvalidate(Page page)
 void UiEngineImpl.addMoved(Component comp, Component oldparent, Page oldpg, Page newpg)
 void DesktopImpl.addPage(Page page)
 void DesktopImpl.afterComponentAttached(Component comp, Page page)
 void DesktopImpl.afterComponentDetached(Component comp, Page prevpage)
 void UiEngineImpl.Extension.afterRenderNewPage(Page page)
          Called after a new page has been redrawn (PageCtrl.redraw( has been called).
 Component[] UiEngineImpl.createComponents(Execution exec, PageDefinition pagedef, Page page, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
 ComponentInfo MultiComposer.doBeforeCompose(Page page, Component parent, ComponentInfo compInfo)
 void ZScriptInitiator.doInit(Page page, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> args)
 void UiEngineImpl.execNewPage(Execution exec, PageDefinition pagedef, Page page, out)
 void UiEngineImpl.execNewPage(Execution exec, Richlet richlet, Page page, out)
static Composer MultiComposer.getComposer(Page page, java.lang.Object[] ary)
          Returns an instance of composer to represent the specified array of composers, or null if no composer is specified.
 java.lang.String DesktopImpl.getNextUuid(Page page)
 boolean AbstractExecution.isAsyncUpdate(Page page)
 Component AbstractUiFactory.newComponent(Page page, Component parent, ComponentDefinition compdef, java.lang.String clsnm)
 Component AbstractUiFactory.newComponent(Page page, Component parent, ComponentInfo compInfo, Component insertBefore)
 Composer AbstractUiFactory.newComposer(Page page, java.lang.Class klass)
          Instantiates a composer of the given class.
static Composer Utils.newComposer(Page page, java.lang.Object o)
          Instantiates a composer of the given object.
 Composer AbstractUiFactory.newComposer(Page page, java.lang.String className)
          Instantiates a composer of the given class name.
 java.lang.String StaticIdGenerator.nextPageUuid(Page page)
 void UiEngineImpl.recycleDesktop(Execution exec, Page page, out)
 void DesktopImpl.removePage(Page page)
 void AbstractExecution.setCurrentPage(Page curpage)

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl with parameters of type Page
AbstractExecution(Desktop desktop, Page creating)
          Constructs an execution.
PageImpl(Page ref)
          Constructs a page with another page as instance
VolatilePage(Page ref)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo with parameters of type Page
 void VariablesInfo.apply(Page page)
          Applies the variable element against the page.
 void AttributesInfo.apply(Page page)
          Applies the custom attributes.
 java.util.List<Initiator> PageDefinition.doInit(Page page)
          Returns a list of all Initiator and invokes its Initiator.doInit(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page, java.util.Map) before returning.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> ComponentDefinition.evalProperties(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> propmap, Page owner, Component parent)
          Evaluates and retrieves properties to the specified map.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> ComponentInfo.evalProperties(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> propmap, Page owner, Component parent, boolean defIncluded)
          Evaluates and retrieves properties to the specified map from ComponentDefinition (and ComponentInfo).
 java.lang.String PageDefinition.getAfterHeadTags(Page page)
          Returns the content that shall be generated inside the head element and after ZK's default tags (never null).
 java.lang.String PageDefinition.getBeforeHeadTags(Page page)
          Returns the content that shall be generated inside the head element and before ZK's default tags (never null).
 java.lang.String ZScriptInfo.getContent(Page page, Component comp)
          Returns the content of zscript.
 java.lang.String ZScript.getContent(Page page, Component comp)
          Returns the content of zscript.
 java.lang.String PageDefinition.getContentType(Page page)
          Returns the content type (after evaluation), or null to use the device default.
 java.lang.String PageDefinition.getDocType(Page page)
          Returns the doc type (<!
 java.lang.String PageDefinition.getFirstLine(Page page)
          Returns the first line to be generated to the output (after evaluation), or null if nothing to generate.
 java.lang.String PageDefinition.getForwardURI(Page page)
          Returns the URI to forward to, or null if not to forward.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.Object[]> PageDefinition.getResponseHeaders(Page page)
          Returns a map of response headers (never null).
 java.lang.String PageDefinition.getRootAttributes(Page page)
          Converts the header definitions (added by PageDefinition.setRootAttribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)) to the attributes of the root element.
 java.lang.String TextInfo.getValue(Page page)
          Returns the value after evaluation (might be null).
 java.lang.Object Property.getValue(Page page)
          Evaluates the value to an Object.
 java.lang.Object ResponseHeaderInfo.getValue(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Returns the value of the response header.
 java.lang.String PageDefinition.getWidgetClass(Page page)
          Returns the widget class of the given page, or null if the default is used.
 void PageDefinition.init(Page page, boolean evalHeaders)
          Initializes a page after execution is activated.
 FunctionMapper FunctionMapperInfo.newFunctionMapper(Evaluator eval, Page page)
          Creates and returns the function mapper for the specified evaluator and page.
 FunctionMapper FunctionMapperInfo.newFunctionMapper(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Creates and returns the function mapper for the specified pagedefinition and page.
 Initiator InitiatorInfo.newInitiator(Evaluator eval, Page page)
          Creates and returns the initiator, or null if no initiator is resolved.
 Initiator InitiatorInfo.newInitiator(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Creates and returns the initiator, or null if no initiator is resolved.
 Component ComponentInfo.newInstance(Page page)
          Creates an component based on this info (never null).
 Component NativeInfo.newInstance(Page page, Component parent)
 Component ComponentInfo.newInstance(Page page, Component parent)
          Creates an component based on this info (never null).
 Component ComponentDefinition.newInstance(Page page, java.lang.String clsnm)
          Creates an component of this definition.
 VariableResolver VariableResolverInfo.newVariableResolver(Evaluator eval, Page page)
          Creates and returns the variable resolver for the specified page.
 VariableResolver VariableResolverInfo.newVariableResolver(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Creates and returns the variable resolver for the specified page.
 void PageDefinition.preInit(Page page)
          Initializes the context for the given page before rendering this page definition.
 java.lang.Object[] ZkInfo.resolveCase(Page page, Component comp)
          Returns the case condition's value, or null if no case is specified (i.e., ZkInfo.withCase() is false.
 Composer ComponentInfo.resolveComposer(Page page, Component comp)
          Returns the composer for this info, or null if not available.
 java.lang.Class ComponentInfo.resolveImplementationClass(Page page)
          Resolves and returns the class for the component represented by this info (never null).
 java.lang.Class ComponentInfo.resolveImplementationClass(Page page, Component parent)
          Resolves and returns the class for the component represented by this info (never null).
 java.lang.Class<?> ComponentDefinition.resolveImplementationClass(Page page, java.lang.String clsnm)
          Resolves and returns the class that implements the component.
 java.lang.Object ZkInfo.resolveSwitch(Page page, Component comp)
          Returns the switch condition's value; evaluate EL expression if any.
 java.lang.String ForwardInfo.resolveURI(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Evaluates and returns the URI, or null if not to forward.
 boolean ResponseHeaderInfo.shallAppend(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Returns whether to append the response header, rather than replace.
 java.lang.String HeaderInfo.toHTML(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Returns as HTML tag(s) representing this header element.

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.impl with parameters of type Page
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> ComponentDefinitionImpl.evalProperties(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> propmap, Page owner, Component parent)
 Component ComponentDefinitionImpl.newInstance(Page page, java.lang.String clsnm)
 java.lang.Class<?> ComponentDefinitionImpl.resolveImplementationClass(Page page, java.lang.String clsnm)

Uses of Page in

Methods in that return Page
protected  Page SelectorComposer.getPage()
          Returns the current page.

Methods in with parameters of type Page
 ComponentInfo SelectorComposer.doBeforeCompose(Page page, Component parent, ComponentInfo compInfo)
static java.util.List<Component> Selectors.find(Page page, java.lang.String selector)
          Returns a list of Components that match the selector.
static java.lang.Iterable<Component> Selectors.iterable(Page page, java.lang.String selector)
          Returns an Iterable that iterates through all Components matched by the selector.
static void Selectors.wireComponents(Page page, java.lang.Object controller, boolean ignoreNonNull)
          Wire components to controller.
static void Selectors.wireVariables(Page page, java.lang.Object controller, java.util.List<VariableResolver> extraResolvers)
          Wire variables to controller, including XEL variables, implicit variables.

Uses of Page in

Constructors in with parameters of type Page
ComponentIterator(Page page, java.lang.String selector)
          Create an iterator which selects from all the components in the page.

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys that return Page
 Page ExecutionCtrl.getCurrentPage()
          Returns the current page.
 Page UiFactory.newPage(RequestInfo ri, PageDefinition pagedef, java.lang.String path)
          Creates an instance of Page for the specified page definition.
 Page UiFactory.newPage(RequestInfo ri, Richlet richlet, java.lang.String path)
          Creates an instance of Page for the specified richlet.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys with parameters of type Page
 void UiEngine.addInvalidate(Page page)
          Invalidates the page to cause all of its components to redraw.
 void UiEngine.addMoved(Component comp, Component oldparent, Page oldpg, Page newpg)
          Called to update (redraw) a component, when a component is moved.
 void DesktopCtrl.addPage(Page page)
          Adds a page to this desktop.
 void DesktopCtrl.afterComponentAttached(Component comp, Page page)
          Invokes UiLifeCycle.afterComponentAttached(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page).
 void DesktopCtrl.afterComponentDetached(Component comp, Page prevpage)
          Invokes UiLifeCycle.afterComponentDetached(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page).
 Component[] UiEngine.createComponents(Execution exec, PageDefinition pagedef, Page page, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
          Creates components from the specified page and definition.
 void UiEngine.execNewPage(Execution exec, PageDefinition pagedef, Page page, out)
          Creates components specified in the given page definition.
 void UiEngine.execNewPage(Execution exec, Richlet richlet, Page page, out)
          Invoke Richlet.service(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page), when a new page is creates upon visiting a richlet.
 java.lang.String DesktopCtrl.getNextUuid(Page page)
          Returns the next available UUID for a page.
 Component UiFactory.newComponent(Page page, Component parent, ComponentDefinition compdef, java.lang.String clsnm)
          Creates and initializes a component based on the specified ComponentDefinition.
 Component UiFactory.newComponent(Page page, Component parent, ComponentInfo compInfo, Component insertBefore)
          Creates and initializes a component based on the specified ComponentInfo.
 Composer UiFactory.newComposer(Page page, java.lang.Class klass)
          Creates and initializes a composer of the given class and page.
 Composer UiFactory.newComposer(Page page, java.lang.String className)
          Creates and initializes a composer of the given class name and page.
 java.lang.String IdGenerator.nextPageUuid(Page page)
          Returns the next page UUID for the specified page, or null to generate the default UUID.
 void StubsComponent.onPageAttached(Page newpage, Page oldpage)
 void ComponentCtrl.onPageAttached(Page newpage, Page oldpage)
          Called when this component is attached to a page.
 void StubsComponent.onPageDetached(Page page)
 void ComponentCtrl.onPageDetached(Page page)
          Called when this component is detached from a page.
static java.lang.String HtmlPageRenders.outDocType(Execution exec, Page page)
          Returns the doc type, or null if not available.
static java.lang.String HtmlPageRenders.outFirstLine(Execution exec, Page page)
          Returns the first line to be generated to the output, or null if no special first line.
static java.lang.String HtmlPageRenders.outHeaders(Execution exec, Page page, boolean before)
          Returns the content of the specified condition that will be placed inside the header element of the specified page, or null if it was generated before.
static java.lang.String HtmlPageRenders.outHeaderZkTags(Execution exec, Page page)
          Generates and returns the ZK specific HTML tags including the headers defined in the specified page, or null if it was generated before.
static void HtmlPageRenders.outPageContent(Execution exec, Page page, out, boolean au)
          Returns the HTML content representing a page.
static void HtmlPageRenders.outSEOContent(Page page, out)
          Generates the SEO content for the given page.
 void PageRenderPatch.patchRender(RequestInfo reqInfo, Page page, result, out)
          Called after rendering to patch the result.
 void UiEngine.recycleDesktop(Execution exec, Page page, out)
          Reuse the desktop and generate the output.
 void DesktopCtrl.removePage(Page page)
          Removes a page from this desktop.
 void SEORenderer.render(Page page, out)
 void PageRenderer.render(Page page, out)
          Renders the page.
 void ComponentCtrl.sessionDidActivate(Page page)
          Notification that the session, which owns this component, has just been activated (a.k.a., deserialized).
 void ComponentCtrl.sessionWillPassivate(Page page)
          Notification that the session, which owns this component, is about to be passivated (a.k.a., serialized).
static void HtmlPageRenders.setContentType(Execution exec, Page page)
          Sets the content type to the specified execution for the given page.
 void ExecutionCtrl.setCurrentPage(Page page)
          Sets the current page.

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util

Fields in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util declared as Page
protected  Page
          Implicit Object; the page.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util that return Page
protected  Page GenericComposer.getPage()
          Returns the current page.
protected  Page GenericAutowireComposer.getPage()
          Returns the current page.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util with parameters of type Page
 void UiLifeCycle.afterComponentAttached(Component comp, Page page)
          Called after a component is attached to a page.
 void Configuration.afterComponentAttached(Component comp, Page page)
          Invokes UiLifeCycle.afterComponentAttached(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page) when a component is attached to a page.
 void UiLifeCycle.afterComponentDetached(Component comp, Page prevpage)
          Called after a component is detached from a page.
 void Configuration.afterComponentDetached(Component comp, Page prevpage)
          Invokes UiLifeCycle.afterComponentDetached(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page) when a component is detached from a page.
 void UiLifeCycle.afterPageAttached(Page page, Desktop desktop)
          Called after a page is attached to a desktop.
 void Configuration.afterPageAttached(Page page, Desktop desktop)
          Invokes UiLifeCycle.afterPageAttached(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop) when a compnent's parent is changed.
 void UiLifeCycle.afterPageDetached(Page page, Desktop prevdesktop)
          Called after a page is detached to a desktop.
 void Configuration.afterPageDetached(Page page, Desktop prevdesktop)
          Invokes UiLifeCycle.afterPageDetached(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop) when a compnent's parent is changed.
 void PageActivationListener.didActivate(Page page)
          Called when a session has just been activated (and its value has been deserialized).
 void PageSerializationListener.didDeserialize(Page page)
          Called when a page has de-serialized this object back.
 void GenericInitiator.doAfterCompose(Page page)
          It is used only for backward compatibility.
 void InitiatorExt.doAfterCompose(Page page, Component[] comps)
          Called after all components are created (a.k.a., composed), and before any event is processed.
 void GenericInitiator.doAfterCompose(Page page, Component[] comps)
 void Composition.doAfterCompose(Page page, Component[] comps)
 ComponentInfo GenericComposer.doBeforeCompose(Page page, Component parent, ComponentInfo compInfo)
 ComponentInfo ComposerExt.doBeforeCompose(Page page, Component parent, ComponentInfo compInfo)
          Invokes before composing a component.
 void Initiator.doInit(Page page, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> args)
          Does the initializes before the page is evaluated.
 void GenericInitiator.doInit(Page page, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> args)
 void Composition.doInit(Page page, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> args)
 Composer<?> Configuration.getComposer(Page page)
          Returns the system-level composer or null if none is registered.
static ForEach ForEachImpl.getInstance(EvaluatorRef evalr, Page page, ExValue[] expr, ExValue begin, ExValue end)
          Returns an instance that represents the iterator for the specified collection, or null if expr is null or empty.
static ForEach ForEachImpl.getInstance(EvaluatorRef evalr, Page page, java.lang.String expr, java.lang.String begin, java.lang.String end)
          Returns an instance that represents the iterator for the specified collection, or null if expr is null or empty.
 void Configuration.init(Page page)
          Initializes the given page with the variable resolvers registered by Configuration.addListener(java.lang.Class).
 boolean ConditionImpl.isEffective(Evaluator eval, Page page)
          Used to evaluate whether it is effective.
 boolean Condition.isEffective(Page page)
          Used to evaluate whether it is effective.
 void PageActivationListener.willPassivate(Page page)
          Called when a session is about to be passivated (and then serialize its value).
 void PageSerializationListener.willSerialize(Page page)
          Called when a page is going to serialize this object.
static void ConventionWires.wireVariables(Page page, java.lang.Object controller)
          Wire accessible variables of the specified page into a controller Java object.
static void ConventionWires.wireVariables(Page page, java.lang.Object controller, char separator)
          Wire accessible variable objects of the specified page with a custom separator.
static void ConventionWires.wireVariables(Page page, java.lang.Object controller, char separator, boolean ignoreZScript, boolean ignoreXel)
          Wire accessible variable objects of the specified page with complete control.

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.ui.util with parameters of type Page
ForEachImpl(EvaluatorRef evalr, Page page, ExValue[] expr, ExValue begin, ExValue end)
ForEachImpl(EvaluatorRef evalr, Page page, java.lang.String expr, java.lang.String begin, java.lang.String end)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.xel

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.xel with parameters of type Page
static java.lang.Object Evaluators.evaluate(Evaluator eval, Page page, java.lang.String expr, java.lang.Class<?> expectedClass)
          Evaluates the specified expression (which might or might not contain ${).
 java.lang.Object Evaluator.evaluate(Page page, Expression expression)
          Evaluates the expression.
 java.lang.Object ExValue.getValue(Evaluator eval, Page page)
          Returns the value after evaluation.

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zk.xel.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.xel.impl with parameters of type Page
 java.lang.Object SimpleEvaluator.evaluate(Page page, Expression expression)
static java.lang.Object Utils.evaluateComposite(Evaluator eval, Page page, java.lang.Object expr)
          Evaluates the composite expression parsed by Utils.parseComposite(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class, int) against a page.

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.impl with parameters of type Page
 void UiEngineExtension.afterRenderNewPage(Page page)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zkmax.zul

Methods in org.zkoss.zkmax.zul with parameters of type Page
 void Chosenbox.sessionDidActivate(Page page)
 void Biglistbox.sessionDidActivate(Page page)
 void Chosenbox.sessionWillPassivate(Page page)
 void Biglistbox.sessionWillPassivate(Page page)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zkplus.databind

Methods in org.zkoss.zkplus.databind with parameters of type Page
 void AnnotateDataBinderInit.doAfterCompose(Page page, Component[] comps)
 void AnnotateDataBinderInit.doInit(Page page, java.util.Map args)
 void AnnotateDataBinder.init(Page page, boolean defaultConfig)
          Deprecated. Initialization that read all binding annotations of the components inside the specified page.

Constructors in org.zkoss.zkplus.databind with parameters of type Page
AnnotateDataBinder(Page page)
          Deprecated. Constructor that read all binding annotations of the components inside the specified page.
AnnotateDataBinder(Page page, boolean defaultConfig)
          Deprecated. Constructor that read all binding annotations of the components inside the specified page.

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zkplus.embed

Methods in org.zkoss.zkplus.embed with parameters of type Page
 void Renders.PageRenderer.render(Page page, out)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zkplus.liferay

Methods in org.zkoss.zkplus.liferay with parameters of type Page
 void JQueryRenderPatch.patchRender(RequestInfo reqInfo, Page page, result, out)
 void NonRootContextJQueryRenderPatch.patchRender(RequestInfo reqInfo, Page page, result, out)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zml

Methods in org.zkoss.zml with parameters of type Page
 void XmlMacroComponent.setPage(Page page)
          Changes the page.

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zml.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zml.impl with parameters of type Page
 void PageRenderer.render(Page page, out)
protected  void PageRenderer.renderComplete(Execution exec, Page page, out)
          Renders the page if isComplete() is true.
protected  void PageRenderer.renderPage(Execution exec, Page page, out)
          Renders the page if isComplete() is false.

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zul

Methods in org.zkoss.zul that return Page
 Page Include.getChildPage()

Methods in org.zkoss.zul with parameters of type Page
protected  void Listitem.addMoved(Component oldparent, Page oldpg, Page newpg)
 void Tree.onPageAttached(Page newpage, Page oldpage)
 void Selectbox.onPageAttached(Page newpage, Page oldpage)
 void Listbox.onPageAttached(Page newpage, Page oldpage)
 void Include.onPageAttached(Page newpage, Page oldpage)
 void Grid.onPageAttached(Page newpage, Page oldpage)
 void Window.onPageDetached(Page page)
 void Radio.onPageDetached(Page page)
 void Tree.sessionDidActivate(Page page)
 void Selectbox.sessionDidActivate(Page page)
 void Listbox.sessionDidActivate(Page page)
 void Grid.sessionDidActivate(Page page)
 void Combobox.sessionDidActivate(Page page)
 void Tree.sessionWillPassivate(Page page)
 void Selectbox.sessionWillPassivate(Page page)
 void Listbox.sessionWillPassivate(Page page)
 void Grid.sessionWillPassivate(Page page)
 void Combobox.sessionWillPassivate(Page page)
 void Include.setChildPage(Page page)

Uses of Page in org.zkoss.zul.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zul.impl with parameters of type Page
 void PageRenderer.render(Page page, out)
protected  void PageRenderer.renderComplete(Execution exec, Page page, out)
          Renders the page if isComplete() is true.
protected  void PageRenderer.renderDesktop(Execution exec, Page page, out)
          Renders the desktop and the page.
protected  void PageRenderer.renderPage(Execution exec, Page page, out, boolean au)
          Renders the page if isComplete() is false.

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