Uses of Class

Packages that use PageDefinition
org.zkoss.zk.ui Interfaces of the common user-interfaces, such as Page and Component
org.zkoss.zk.ui.http HTTP relevant utilities and servlets for implementing user interfaces (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl Implementation of user interfaces and factories (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo Metainfo representing pages and languages (implementation only). 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.impl The implementation class of the metainfos. 
org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys Internal interfaces of user interfaces and factories (behind the scene). 
org.zkoss.zk.xel ZK XEL utilities. 

Uses of PageDefinition in org.zkoss.zk.ui

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui that return PageDefinition
 PageDefinition Execution.getPageDefinition(java.lang.String uri)
          Returns the page definition from the page file specified by an URI.
static PageDefinition Executions.getPageDefinition(WebApp wapp, java.lang.String uri)
          Returns the page definition from the page file specified by an URI.
 PageDefinition Execution.getPageDefinitionDirectly(Document content, java.lang.String extension)
          Converts the specified page content, in DOM, to a page definition.
 PageDefinition Execution.getPageDefinitionDirectly( reader, java.lang.String extension)
          Reads the raw content from a reader and converts it into a page definition.
 PageDefinition Execution.getPageDefinitionDirectly(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String extension)
          Converts the specified page content to a page definition.
 PageDefinition Executions.getPageDefinitionDirectly(WebApp wapp, Document content, java.lang.String extension)
          Converts the specified page content, in DOM, to a page definition.
 PageDefinition Executions.getPageDefinitionDirectly(WebApp wapp, reader, java.lang.String extension)
          Reads the raw content from a reader and converts it into a page definition.
 PageDefinition Executions.getPageDefinitionDirectly(WebApp wapp, java.lang.String content, java.lang.String extension)
          Converts the specified page content to a page definition.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui with parameters of type PageDefinition
 Component Execution.createComponents(PageDefinition pagedef, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver)
          Creates components from the specified page definition with a custom variable resolver and inserts before a particular component.
static Component Executions.createComponents(PageDefinition pagedef, Component parent, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
          Creates components based on the specified page definition.
 Component Execution.createComponents(PageDefinition pagedef, Component parent, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
          Creates components from the specified page definition.
 Component[] Execution.createComponents(PageDefinition pagedef, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
          Creates components that don't belong to any page from the specified page definition.
static Component[] Executions.createComponents(WebApp wapp, PageDefinition pagedef, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
          Creates components that don't belong to any page from the specified page definition.

Uses of PageDefinition in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http that return PageDefinition
 PageDefinition ExecutionImpl.getPageDefinition(java.lang.String uri)
 PageDefinition ExecutionImpl.getPageDefinitionDirectly(Document content, java.lang.String ext)
 PageDefinition ExecutionImpl.getPageDefinitionDirectly( reader, java.lang.String ext)
 PageDefinition ExecutionImpl.getPageDefinitionDirectly(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String ext)

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.http with parameters of type PageDefinition
static Page WebManager.newPage(UiFactory uf, RequestInfo ri, PageDefinition pagedef, javax.servlet.ServletResponse response, java.lang.String path)
          Creates a page.

Uses of PageDefinition in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl that return PageDefinition
 PageDefinition AbstractExecution.getCurrentPageDefinition()
 PageDefinition AbstractUiFactory.getPageDefinition(RequestInfo ri, java.lang.String path)
          Returns the page definition of the specified path, or null if not found.
 PageDefinition AbstractUiFactory.getPageDefinitionDirectly(RequestInfo ri, Document content, java.lang.String extension)
 PageDefinition AbstractUiFactory.getPageDefinitionDirectly(RequestInfo ri, reader, java.lang.String extension)
 PageDefinition AbstractUiFactory.getPageDefinitionDirectly(RequestInfo ri, java.lang.String content, java.lang.String extension)
          Returns the page definition of the specified content; never null.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl with parameters of type PageDefinition
 Component[] UiEngineImpl.createComponents(Execution exec, PageDefinition pagedef, Page page, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
 Component AbstractExecution.createComponents(PageDefinition pagedef, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver)
 Component AbstractExecution.createComponents(PageDefinition pagedef, Component parent, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
 Component[] AbstractExecution.createComponents(PageDefinition pagedef, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
 void UiEngineImpl.execNewPage(Execution exec, PageDefinition pagedef, Page page, out)
 Page AbstractUiFactory.newPage(RequestInfo ri, PageDefinition pagedef, java.lang.String path)
 void AbstractExecution.setCurrentPageDefinition(PageDefinition pgdef)

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl with parameters of type PageDefinition
PageImpl(PageDefinition pgdef)
          Constructs a page by giving the page definition.
VolatilePage(PageDefinition pgdef)
          Constructs a page by giving the page definition.

Uses of PageDefinition in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo that return PageDefinition
 PageDefinition PageDefinition.getPageDefinition()
          Returns the page definition (always this).
 PageDefinition NodeInfo.getPageDefinition()
          Returns the page definition, i.e., the root node, or null if not available.
static PageDefinition PageDefinitions.getPageDefinition(WebApp wapp, Locator locator, java.lang.String path)
          Returns the page definition of the specified path, or null if not found or failed to parse.
static PageDefinition PageDefinitions.getPageDefinitionDirectly(WebApp wapp, Locator locator, Document doc, java.lang.String extension)
          Returns the page definition of the specified raw content in DOM; never null.
static PageDefinition PageDefinitions.getPageDefinitionDirectly(WebApp wapp, Locator locator, reader, java.lang.String extension)
          Returns the page definition of the raw content from the specified reader; never null.
static PageDefinition PageDefinitions.getPageDefinitionDirectly(WebApp wapp, Locator locator, java.lang.String content, java.lang.String extension)
          Returns the page definition of the specified raw content; never null.
 PageDefinition Parser.parse(Document doc, java.lang.String extension)
          Parse the raw content directly from a DOM tree.
 PageDefinition Parser.parse( file, java.lang.String path)
          Parses the specified file.
 PageDefinition Parser.parse( reader, java.lang.String extension)
          Parses from the specified reader.
 PageDefinition Parser.parse( url, java.lang.String path)
          Parses the specified URL.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo with parameters of type PageDefinition
 ComponentDefinition LanguageDefinition.getMacroDefinition(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String macroURI, boolean inline, PageDefinition pgdef)
          Instantiates and returns the component definition for the specified condition.
 java.lang.Object ResponseHeaderInfo.getValue(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Returns the value of the response header.
 void PageDefinition.imports(PageDefinition pgdef)
          Imports the init directives and component definitions from the specified page definition.
 void PageDefinition.imports(PageDefinition pgdef, java.lang.String[] directives)
          Imports the specified directives from the specified page definition.
 FunctionMapper FunctionMapperInfo.newFunctionMapper(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Creates and returns the function mapper for the specified pagedefinition and page.
 Initiator InitiatorInfo.newInitiator(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Creates and returns the initiator, or null if no initiator is resolved.
 VariableResolver VariableResolverInfo.newVariableResolver(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Creates and returns the variable resolver for the specified page.
 java.lang.String ForwardInfo.resolveURI(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Evaluates and returns the URI, or null if not to forward.
 boolean ResponseHeaderInfo.shallAppend(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Returns whether to append the response header, rather than replace.
 java.lang.String HeaderInfo.toHTML(PageDefinition pgdef, Page page)
          Returns as HTML tag(s) representing this header element.

Uses of PageDefinition in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.impl

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.impl with parameters of type PageDefinition
static ComponentDefinition ComponentDefinitionImpl.newMacroDefinition(LanguageDefinition langdef, PageDefinition pgdef, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class<? extends Component> cls, java.lang.String macroURI, boolean inline)
          Constructs a macro component definition.

Constructors in org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.impl with parameters of type PageDefinition
ComponentDefinitionImpl(LanguageDefinition langdef, PageDefinition pgdef, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class<? extends Component> cls)
          Constructs a native component, i.e., a component implemented by a Java class.
ComponentDefinitionImpl(LanguageDefinition langdef, PageDefinition pgdef, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String clsnm)
          Constructs a native component, i.e., a component implemented by a Java class.

Uses of PageDefinition in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys that return PageDefinition
 PageDefinition ExecutionCtrl.getCurrentPageDefinition()
          Returns the current page definition, which is pushed when evaluating a page (from a page definition).
 PageDefinition UiFactory.getPageDefinition(RequestInfo ri, java.lang.String path)
          Returns the page definition of the specified path, or null if not found.
 PageDefinition UiFactory.getPageDefinitionDirectly(RequestInfo ri, Document content, java.lang.String extension)
          Returns the page definition of the specified content; never null.
 PageDefinition UiFactory.getPageDefinitionDirectly(RequestInfo ri, reader, java.lang.String extension)
          Returns the page definition of the specified reader; never null.
 PageDefinition UiFactory.getPageDefinitionDirectly(RequestInfo ri, java.lang.String content, java.lang.String extension)
          Returns the page definition of the specified content; never null.

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys with parameters of type PageDefinition
 Component[] UiEngine.createComponents(Execution exec, PageDefinition pagedef, Page page, Component parent, Component insertBefore, VariableResolver resolver, java.util.Map<?,?> arg)
          Creates components from the specified page and definition.
 void UiEngine.execNewPage(Execution exec, PageDefinition pagedef, Page page, out)
          Creates components specified in the given page definition.
 Page UiFactory.newPage(RequestInfo ri, PageDefinition pagedef, java.lang.String path)
          Creates an instance of Page for the specified page definition.
 void ExecutionCtrl.setCurrentPageDefinition(PageDefinition pgdef)
          Sets the current page definition.

Uses of PageDefinition in org.zkoss.zk.xel

Methods in org.zkoss.zk.xel that return PageDefinition
 PageDefinition EvaluatorRef.getPageDefinition()
          Returns the page definition of this reference, or null if not available.

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