Uses of Class

Packages that use Function
_global_ The global namespace in JavaScript (i.e., the window object). 
zk ZK JavaScript extension and utilities 
zk.wgt Utilities to handle widgets, such as the information about widgets. 
zk.xml XML utilities. 
zk.zuml iZUML utilities. 

Uses of Function in _global_

Methods in _global_ that return Function
static Function zk.override(Function oldfunc, Function newfunc)
          Overrides a particular method.

Methods in _global_ with parameters of type Function
static java.lang.Object zk.$import(String name, Function fn)
          Imports a package or class, and load it if fn is specified.
static boolean zk.afterAnimate(Function fn, int delay)
          Executes a function only when no animation is taking place.
static boolean zk.afterLoad(Function func)
          Declares a function that shall be executed after all requested packages are loaded (i.e., zk.loading is 0).
static void zk.afterLoad(String pkgs, Function func)
          Declares a function that shall be executed only if the specified package(s) are loaded (and zk.loading is 0).
static boolean zk.afterMount(Function fn, int delay)
          Adds a function that will be executed after the mounting is done.
static void zk.afterResize(Function fn)
          Adds a function that will be executed after all of the onSize events are done.
static void zk.beforeUnload(Function fn, Map opts)
          Adds a function that will be executed when the browser is about to unload the document.
static void zAu.createWidgets(Array codes, Function fn, Function filter)
          Creates widgets based on an array of JavaScritp codes generated by Component.redraw() at the server.
static boolean zk.load(String pkg, Desktop dt, Function func)
          Loads the specified package(s).
static boolean zk.load(String pkg, Function func)
          Loads the specified package(s).
static Function zk.override(Function oldfunc, Function newfunc)
          Overrides a particular method.

Uses of Function in zk

Methods in zk that return Function
 Function Object.proxy(Function func)
          Proxies a member function such that it can be called with this object in a context that this object is not available.

Methods in zk with parameters of type Function
 void Object.afterInit(Function func)
          Specifies a function that shall be called after the object is initialized, i.e., after Object.$init() is called.
 Function Object.proxy(Function func)
          Proxies a member function such that it can be called with this object in a context that this object is not available.
 void Widget.setListener(String evt, Function fn)
          Sets a listener It is designed to be called from server.

Uses of Function in zk.wgt

Methods in zk.wgt with parameters of type Function
static void WidgetInfo.loadAll(Function f, boolean weave)
          Loads all packages requires by all widgets.

Uses of Function in zk.xml

Methods in zk.xml with parameters of type Function
static DOMElement Utl.loadXML(String url, Function callback)
          Loads XML from the resource at the specified URL.

Uses of Function in zk.zuml

Methods in zk.zuml with parameters of type Function
static Widget Parser.create(Widget parent, String doc, Map args, Function fn)
          Parse the iZUML into widgets
static Widget Parser.createAt(String node, Map opts, Map args, Function fn)
          Parse the iZUML into widgets

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