Uses of Class

Packages that use Tree
zul.sel The selectable widgets, such as listbox and tree. 

Uses of Tree in zul.sel

Methods in zul.sel that return Tree
 Tree Treecol.getMeshBody()
          Returns the mesh body that this belongs to.
 Tree Treeitem.getMeshWidget()
          Returns the mesh widget. i.e.
 Tree Treechildren.getTree()
          Returns the Tree instance containing this element.
 Tree Treefooter.getTree()
          Returns the tree that this belongs to.
 Tree Treecols.getTree()
          Returns the tree that it belongs to.
 Tree Treefoot.getTree()
          Returns the tree that it belongs to.
 Tree Treecol.getTree()
          Returns the tree that it belongs to.
 Tree Treeitem.getTree()
          Returns the Tree.
 Tree Treecell.getTree()
          Return the tree that owns this cell.
 Tree Treerow.getTree()
          Returns the Tree instance containing this element.

Methods in zul.sel with parameters of type Tree
 void TreeItemIter.$init(Tree tree)

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