Class TagRenderContext

  • public class TagRenderContext
    extends java.lang.Object
    The render context used to render the additional part (JavaScript code snippet).
    • Constructor Detail

      • TagRenderContext

        public TagRenderContext()
    • Method Detail

      • renderBegin

        public void renderBegin​(Component comp,
                                java.util.Map clientEvents,
                                java.lang.String specialRendererOutput,
                                boolean lookup)
        Renders the beginning JavaScript code snippet for the component. It must be called before rendering the children.
        clientEvents - a collection of client events. It is ignored if lookup is true.
        lookup - whether to look up instead of creating a widget. Specifies true if the widget is created somewhere else.
      • renderEnd

        public void renderEnd​(Component comp)
        Renders the ending JavaScript code snippet for the component. It must be called after rendering the children.