Class NetworkGraphLayoutAlgorithm

    • Constructor Detail

      • NetworkGraphLayoutAlgorithm

        public NetworkGraphLayoutAlgorithm()
    • Method Detail

      • getApproximation

        public String getApproximation()
        Returns the approximation used to calculate repulsive forces affecting nodes. By default, when calculating net force, nodes are compared against each other, which gives O(N^2) complexity. Using Barnes-Hut approximation, we decrease this to O(N log N), but the resulting graph will have different layout. Barnes-Hut approximation divides space into rectangles via quad tree, where forces exerted on nodes are calculated directly for nearby cells, and for all others, cells are treated as a separate node with center of mass.

        Default: "none"

      • setApproximation

        public void setApproximation​(String approximation)
        Sets the approximation used to calculate repulsive forces affecting nodes. By default, when calculating net force, nodes are compared against each other, which gives O(N^2) complexity. Using Barnes-Hut approximation, we decrease this to O(N log N), but the resulting graph will have different layout. Barnes-Hut approximation divides space into rectangles via quad tree, where forces exerted on nodes are calculated directly for nearby cells, and for all others, cells are treated as a separate node with center of mass.
      • getAttractiveForce

        public org.zkoss.json.JavaScriptValue getAttractiveForce()
        Returns the attraction force applied on a node which is connected to another node by a link. Passed are two arguments:
        • d - which is current distance between two nodes
        • k - which is desired distance between two nodes

        In verlet integration, defaults to: function (d, k) { return (k - d) / d; }. Defaults to function (d, k) { return k * k / d; }.

      • setAttractiveForce

        public void setAttractiveForce​(org.zkoss.json.JavaScriptValue attractiveForce)
        Sets the attraction force applied on a node which is connected to another node by a link. Passed are two arguments:
        • d - which is current distance between two nodes
        • k - which is desired distance between two nodes
      • isEnableSimulation

        public boolean isEnableSimulation()
        Experimental. Returns whether to enable live simulation of the algorithm implementation. All nodes are animated as the forces applies on them.

        Default: false.

      • setEnableSimulation

        public void setEnableSimulation​(boolean enableSimulation)
        Experimental. Sets whether to enable live simulation of the algorithm implementation. All nodes are animated as the forces applies on them.
      • getFriction

        public Number getFriction()
        Returns the friction applied on forces to prevent nodes rushing to fast to the desired positions.

        Default: -0.981

      • setFriction

        public void setFriction​(Number friction)
        Sets the friction applied on forces to prevent nodes rushing to fast to the desired positions.
      • getGravitationalConstant

        public Number getGravitationalConstant()
        Returns the gravitational const used in the barycenter force of the algorithm.

        Default: 0.0625

      • setGravitationalConstant

        public void setGravitationalConstant​(Number gravitationalConstant)
        Sets the gravitational const used in the barycenter force of the algorithm.
      • getInitialPositionRadius

        public Number getInitialPositionRadius()
        When initialPositions are set to 'circle', initialPositionRadius is a distance from the center of circle, in which nodes are created.

        Default: 1

      • setInitialPositionRadius

        public void setInitialPositionRadius​(Number initialPositionRadius)
        When initialPositions are set to 'circle', initialPositionRadius is a distance from the center of circle, in which nodes are created.
      • getInitialPositions

        public Object getInitialPositions()
        Returns the initial layout algorithm for positioning nodes. Can be one of built-in options ("circle", "random") or a function where positions should be set on each node (this.nodes) as node.plotX and node.plotY.

        Default: "circle"

      • setInitialPositions

        public void setInitialPositions​(String initialPositions)
        Sets the initial layout algorithm for positioning nodes. Can be one of built-in options ("circle", "random").
      • setInitialPositions

        public void setInitialPositions​(org.zkoss.json.JavaScriptValue initialPositions)
        Sets the initial layout algorithm for positioning nodes. Can be a function where positions should be set on each node (this.nodes) as node.plotX and node.plotY.
      • getIntegration

        public String getIntegration()
        Returns the integration type. Available options are 'euler' and 'verlet'. Integration determines how forces are applied on particles. In Euler integration, force is applied direct as newPosition += velocity;. In Verlet integration, new position is based on a previous position without velocity: newPosition += previousPosition - newPosition. Note that different integrations give different results as forces are different.

        Default: "euler"

      • setIntegration

        public void setIntegration​(String integration)
        Sets the integration type. Available options are 'euler' and 'verlet'. Integration determines how forces are applied on particles. In Euler integration, force is applied direct as newPosition += velocity;. In Verlet integration, new position is based on a previous position without velocity: newPosition += previousPosition - newPosition. Note that different integrations give different results as forces are different.
      • getLinkLength

        public Number getLinkLength()
        Returns the ideal length (px) of the link between two nodes. When not defined, length is calculated as: Math.pow(availableWidth * availableHeight / nodesLength, 0.4); Note: Because of the algorithm specification, length of each link might be not exactly as specified.

        Default: null

      • setLinkLength

        public void setLinkLength​(Number linkLength)
        Sets the ideal length (px) of the link between two nodes. When not defined, length is calculated as: Math.pow(availableWidth * availableHeight / nodesLength, 0.4); Note: Because of the algorithm specification, length of each link might be not exactly as specified.
      • getMaxIterations

        public Number getMaxIterations()
        Returns the max number of iterations before algorithm will stop. In general, algorithm should find positions sooner, but when rendering huge number of nodes, it is recommended to increase this value as finding perfect graph positions can require more time.

        Default: 1000

      • setMaxIterations

        public void setMaxIterations​(Number maxIterations)
        Sets the max number of iterations before algorithm will stop. In general, algorithm should find positions sooner, but when rendering huge number of nodes, it is recommended to increase this value as finding perfect graph positions can require more time.
      • getMaxSpeed

        public Number getMaxSpeed()
        Verlet integration only. Returns the max speed that node can get in one iteration. In terms of simulation, it's a maximum translation (in pixels) that node can move (in both, x and y, dimensions). While friction is applied on all nodes, max speed is applied only for nodes that move very fast, for example small or disconnected ones.

        Default: 10

      • setMaxSpeed

        public void setMaxSpeed​(Number maxSpeed)
        Verlet integration only. Sets the max speed that node can get in one iteration. In terms of simulation, it's a maximum translation (in pixels) that node can move (in both, x and y, dimensions). While friction is applied on all nodes, max speed is applied only for nodes that move very fast, for example small or disconnected ones.
      • getRepulsiveForce

        public org.zkoss.json.JavaScriptValue getRepulsiveForce()
        Returns the repulsive force applied on a node. Passed are two arguments:
        • d - which is current distance between two nodes
        • k - which is desired distance between two nodes

        In verlet integration, defaults to: function (d, k) { return (k - d) / d * (k > d ? 1 : 0) }. Defaults to function (d, k) { return k * k / d; }.

      • setRepulsiveForce

        public void setRepulsiveForce​(org.zkoss.json.JavaScriptValue repulsiveForce)
        Sets the repulsive force applied on a node. Passed are two arguments:
        • d - which is current distance between two nodes
        • k - which is desired distance between two nodes
      • getTheta

        public Number getTheta()
        Barnes-Hut approximation only. Determines when distance between cell and node is small enough to calculate forces. Value of theta is compared directly with quotient s / d, where s is the size of the cell, and d is distance between center of cell's mass and currently compared node.

        Default: 0.5

      • setTheta

        public void setTheta​(Number theta)
        Barnes-Hut approximation only. Determines when distance between cell and node is small enough to calculate forces. Value of theta is compared directly with quotient s / d, where s is the size of the cell, and d is distance between center of cell's mass and currently compared node.
      • getType

        public String getType()
        Returns the type of the algorithm used when positioning nodes.

        Default: "reingold-fruchterman"

      • setType

        public void setType​(String type)
        Sets the type of the algorithm used when positioning nodes.