ZK JSF Components 2.0.0

Released on Feb. 12, 2008.

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ZK JSF Components are JSF component-libraries which integrates ZUL Component with JSF at the runtime. It implements JSF 1.2 standard and support almost all of ZK ZUL Features.


  • 92 ZUL JSF Components, including all zul components and features except those in the following list:
    • EL Expression in ZUL (use JSP EL instead)
    • Include component (use jsp:include instead)
    • Apply attributes of ComposerExt (but Composer inteface is supported)
    • Fulfill attribute (not implement yet)
    • ZK Forge components (not implement yet)
  • Supports EditableValueHolder of JSF 1.2, you can bind a backing bean's value to these components:
    bandbox, calendar, checkbox,combobox, datebox, decimalbox, doublebox, intbox, listbox, radiogroup, slider, textbox, timebox and tree.
  • Supports ActionSource For JSF 1.2, you can bind an action to these components:
    button, menuitem, and toolbarbutton.

Supported Environments

A demo application (zkjsf-demo) has been tested in following environments.
  • Tomcat 6.0.14 + Myfaces RI 1.2
  • Tomcat 6.0.14 + SUN RI 1.2. To run zkjsf-demo in this environment, you should follow the following steps:
    • Modify web.xml and remove this listener : org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener.
    • Remove all myfaces.xxx.jar files from application's /WEB-INF/lib/ folder.
    • Copy SUN JSF jar(v 1.1) files to the application's /WEB-INF/lib/ folder.