ZK Spreadsheet 2.0 Release Notes
~ The 1st embeddable Ajax spreadsheet for Java Web application!
Released on December 28, 2010.
ZK Spreadsheet is an embeddable Ajax spreadsheet that delivers rich functionalities of Excel within browsers using pure Java
without the need for any plugins.
Feature Highlights
- Import your Excel 97-2010 files to ZK Spreadsheet and make them collaborative online.
- Control or configure Ajax spreadsheet with pure Java and seamlessly integrate with Java EE and other back-end services.
- Register event listeners on rows, columns, cells, or any range of selected cells to make a highly interactive web application.
- Enter name expressions in cells to make bindings to back-end Java beans transparently, including Spring and CDI managed beans.
- Extend on top of hundreds built in functions that come with ZK Spreadsheet in Java.
- Use ZK Spreadsheet as a JSF Component.
For more details please see the New Features page
See the Product Page for more details on ZK Spreadsheet
Upgrade Notes
- Package names of classes in zpoi.jar are renamed from org.apache.poi.* to org.zkoss.poi.* to avoid class
name conflicts with of those in poi.jar, so it is now OK to put both zpoi.jar and poi.jar in class path.
- Spec. of Range#getColumn(), Range#getRow(), Range#getLastColumn(), Range#getLastRow(), Range#getCells() has
changed from 1-based to 0-based so it consists with other APIs. That is, in new spec, Range#getColumn()
return 0 for column A (1st column) and Range#getRow() return 0 for row 1 (1st row).
- Spreadsheet#getSelectedSheet() return org.zkoss.zss.model.Worksheet
- Methods range(org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet sheet, ...) in org.zkoss.zss.model.Ranges changed signature
to range(org.zkoss.zss.model.Worksheet sheet, ...)
- Ported to work with ZK 5
- The backend data model and formula evaluation engine is completly _REWRITTEN_ to be based on
Apache POI library(Java API To Access Microsoft Excel Format Files)
such that we can support more features.
The consequence are most classes and APIs that were in org.zkoss.zss.model of version 1.x no longer exist.
- Spreadsheet remove deprecated method setUrl and getUrl. Use setSrc and getSrc instead
- Spreadsheet remove deprecated method setMaxrow and getMaxrow. Use getMaxrows and setMaxrows instead
- Spreadsheet remove deprecated method setMaxcolumn and getMaxcolumn. Use getMaxcolumns and setMaxcolumns instead
What's New
- New Features Tracker
- 46: Support showing chart(Bar, Bar3D, Line, Line3D, Pie, Pie3D, Donut, Excel 97-2003, xls)
- 134: Support Math formula functions for Matrix operations
- 135: Support Math formula functions
- 136: Support Statistical formula function for calculating distribution
- 137: Support Statistical formula functions for calculating mean
- 138: Support Text formula functions
- 140: Support Information formula functions
- 141: Support showing chart(Bar, Bar3D, Line, Line3D, Pie, Pie3D, Donut, Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 142: Support for Date & Time functions
- 143: Support for Logical formula functions
- 145: Support select range by shift key
- 152: Support Ranges.range(sheet, namedRange)
- 158: ZK Spreadsheet App support colorbutton without depending zkex
- 160: ZK Spreadsheet App support import, open file
- 165: Support 2007 Excel file format export to PDF
- 192: Support exporting Excel Chart to PDF
- 194: ZK Spreadsheet App support shift cell, entire row or column
- 199: ZK Spreadsheet App shall support wrap text.
- 212: Cannot shift select left on merge cell
- 222: ZK Spreadsheet App shall support number format
- 234: Support export to xls and xlsx
- 246: ZK Spreadsheet App support save file
- 247: ZK Spreadsheet App editor shall support tab and cancel key control
- 251: ZK Spreadsheet App support set column width and row height
- 65: Honer displayGridlines parameter
- 70: Support insert rows(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 71: Support delete rows(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 74: Support insert columns(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 75: Support delete columns(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 76: ZK Spreadsheet App support set font by toolbarbutton and menu
- 77: ZK Spreadsheet App support set font size menu and toolbarbutton
- 78: ZK Spreadsheet App support set color to cell and font by menu and toolbarbutton
- 79: ZK Spreadsheet App support set font bold by menu and toolbarbutton
- 80: ZK Spreadsheet App support set font italic by menu and toolbarbutton
- 81: ZK Spreadsheet App support set font underline by menu and toolbarbutton
- 82: ZK Spreadsheet App support set font strike by menu and toolbarbutton
- 83: ZK Spreadsheet App support set cell alignment by menu and toolbarbutton
- 84: ZK Spreadsheet App support clear cell style by menu
- 85: Support insertRange(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 86: Support deleteRange(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 88: Support moveRange(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 89: Support merge(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 95: Support for ACCRINT financial funcion
- 96: Support for ACCRINTM financial funcion
- 100: Support COUPON financial functions
- 101: Support DISC financial function
- 102: Support DOLLAR conversion financial function
- 105: Support DURATION financial function
- 107: ZK Spreadsheet App support export PDF
- 108: Support showing pictures(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 111: Support exporting selected sheet to pdf
- 112: Support exporting selected area to pdf
- 113: Support annual interest rate financial functions EFFECT and NOMINAL
- 114: Support security related financial function
- 115: Support yield related financial function
- 116: Support Treasury Bill related financial functions
- 120: ZK Spreadsheet App support set hyperlink menu and toolbarbutton
- 121: Support Binary number conversion engineering functions
- 122: Support Decimal number conversion engineering functions
- 123: Support Hexadecimal number conversion engineering functions
- 124: Support octal number conversion engineering functions
- 126: Support Bessel engineering functions
- 127: Support DELTA ERF ERFC and GESTEP engineering functions
- 128: Support complex number engineering functions
- 129: Support input mask for entering Date or Time into cell.
- 130: ZK Spreadsheet App Support display, hide gridlines
- 131: Support wrapping ZK Spreadsheet as a JSF Ajax Component
- 36: Support Range.setStyle
- 37: Support Range.autoFill
- 38: Support Range.clearContent
- 40: Support Range.fillUp
- 41: Support Range.fillDown
- 42: Support Range.fillRight
- 43: Support Range.fillLeft
- 48: Honer hidden columns
- 49: Honer hidden rows
- 50: Support drag to hide column
- 51: Support drag to hide row
- 52: Support drag to sizing so un-hide a hidden column
- 53: Support drag to sizing so un-hide a hidden row
- 28: Support hideRows
- 29: Support unhideRows
- 30: Support hideColumns
- 31: Support unhideColumns
- 55: Support Range.setHidden
- 57: ZK Spreadsheet App support sort/custom sort menu and toolbarbutton
- 62: Support getRepeatingRowsAndColumns
- 58: Support printing ZK Spreadsheet to PDF file
- 63: ZK Spreadsheet App support copy/paste/pastSpecial menu and toolbarbutton
- 6: Support insert rows(Excel 97-2003, xls)
- 7: Support delete rows(Excel 97-2003, xls)
- 9: Support insert columns(Excel 97-2003, xls)
- 10: Support delete columns(Excel 97-2003, xls)
- 12: Support sortByColumns
- 13: Support sortByRows
- 15: Support insertRange(Excel 97-2003, xls)
- 16: Support deleteRange(Excel 97-2003, xls)
- 17: Support moveRange
- 18: Support merge
- 19: Support showing bullet list in cell
- 20: Support unMerge
- 21: Support setBorders
- 22: Support setColumnWidth
- 23: Support setRowHeight
- 25: Support pasteSpecial
- 27: Support Hyperlink follow up.
- 1: Support ZK 5
- 2: Support importing Excel 2007 xlsx file
- 3: Showing rich text
- 4: Efficient formula dependency tracking
- 5: Consistent column width on the browser and Excel application
- Bugs fixed
- 132: view ZK Spreadsheet App index.zul cause NullPointerException
- 139: "Unexpected ptg class" RuntimeException when loading Excel file with special formula
- 144: copy from a cell to a range
- 146: selected range should stay emphasised when click menubutton
- 148: Can't delete row in the bottom
- 149: change size of multi-column
- 150: change size of multi-row
- 153: column header is not aligned when resize a freezed column
- 154: border not well in all borders, inside borders, inside horizontal borders, inside vertical borders
- 155: source region of copy get highlighted in different sheet
- 156: spring DelegatingVariableResolver in Spreadsheet doesn't work
- 157: fail to delete rows out of original xlsx
- 163: Can't set backgrond color to excel 2007 file format
- 164: no grid line while export to pdf
- 166: ZK Spreadsheet App, Modify the font size, cell height won't automatically adjust
- 167: set background color seems like multiple selection in color choosing
- 168: Exception while set background color
- 170: Set font color of a region with different font size, will resize the font size.
- 171: Once clicked, merge button remain pressed state
- 172: paste transpose error
- 180: ZK Spreadsheet App support hide column/row function
- 182: Exception when right click row header and insert a row
- 187: Select and focus shall not move when insert/delete columns/rows/cells
- 188: NullPointerException when delete columns
- 189: Cell formula is not properly shifted when delete rows
- 190: Selection is not correctly placed after paste.
- 191: Shall return #NAME? when entering a random named function
- 193: Throw exception when open a sheet with random named function
- 195: Exception when not specified src or book to
- 196: Range fill down, fill left, fill right, fill up doesn't work
- 197: Text color does not respect condition format
- 198: Shall be interpret as hyperlink if user enter "http://" into cell
- 200: Exception in paste special from context menu
- 201: Cell Background Color is not correctly shown in Excel 2007 xlsx
- 202: Enter key after copy/cut does not do "paste"
- 203: ESC key after copy/cut does not cancel the copy/cut.
- 204: ZK Spreadsheet App gridline checkbox is not updated when change sheet
- 205: Copy and paste does not copy a merge cell
- 206: Cell editing after copy/cut does not cancel copy/cut.
- 207: ZK Spreadsheet App focus on formula edit box after copy/cut does not cancel copy/cut
- 208: Spreadsheet focus position is lost onBlur
- 210: Bug in spreadsheet date-time display
- 211: Shift + arrow key selection does not respect merge cell.
- 213: ZK Spreadsheet App compalins "Not unique in ID space : formulaWin"
- 215: ZK Spreadsheet App View->Formula Bar complains "Fellow component not found: formatNumberWin"
- 217: ZK Spreadsheet App delete sheet not working
- 219: ZK Spreadsheet App rename Sheet, current tab move to 1st sheet tab
- 220: ZK Spreadsheet App Formula function selection dialog title is not correct
- 221: ZK Spreadsheet App NPE if leave Insert Function Dialog without select an item
- 223: Insert/delete row/column to book shall NOT affect maxrows and maxcolumns of the Spreadsheet
- 224: Select a range to delete but only left-top cell removed
- 225: Exception when remove a row which is referenced by a cell
- 226: Exception when change sheet quickly
- 227: ZK Spreadsheet App set display gridline doesn't work on IE
- 228: In IE, press F2, won't focus on cell for input value
- 230: IE cursor position is not at the text end when press F2
- 231: Absolute Cell Reference shall not move when copy, paste
- 232: NPE when load the attached xlsx file
- 233: Right click header selection doesn't work well
- 235: Transpose pasteSpecial shall reverse Row/Column formula reference
- 236: Delete current sheet and set selected sheet cause exception when use xlsx as source
- 239: Bad error code(-60)
- 240: Irrelevant merged regions faultly unmerged when delete a cell and shift left
- 241: Shall complains about an incorrect formula
- 242: Delete key not working when edit cell
- 244: ZK Spreadsheet App: formula bar cursor will unexpectedly move to the end of the text
- 248: ZK Spreadsheet App: Tab on formula editor if focus on the last visible column, shall not move focus right
- 249: ZK Spreadsheet App: Enter on formula editor if focus on the last visible row, shall not move focus down
- 252: ZK Spreadsheet App: Click on formula bar editor, the spreadsheet Cell did not change to formula accordingly
- 253: ZK Spreadsheet App: Cell wrongly set to incorrect value
- 254: Illegal highlight exception when copy and switch sheet
- 255: ZK Spreadsheet App: change sheet lost the focus
- 256: ZK Spreadsheet App: A Currency number format does not match expected
- 257: Style is wrongly copied when insert a row
- 258: ZK Spreadsheet App insert whole row/column cause set selection out of range exception
- 261: ZK Spreadsheet App: click a cell and set border, cause NPE
- 262: ZK Spreadsheet App: unwanted error dialog when sort
- 264: ZK Spreadsheet App: Cut should has no memory of area after once copied
- 44: Locale is not respected
- 61: Fronzen row/column does not comply with Spreadsheet's maxrows/maxcolumn
- 64: pasteSpecial copy Validation cause Null pointer exception (Ptgs must not be null)
- 66: Unexpected gridlines shown
- 67: Exception when enter value 0.3308589607635 into cell with text format "# ???/???"
- 68: Exception when set text format to ?/2, ?/4, ?/8, ?/16, ??/100
- 69: Incorrect text output when enter value 0 into cell with text format "???/???"
- 72: IE6 rendering issue - fixed column & row sizes/positions
- 73: Edit on the shorter last visible row cause the grid moving up
- 87: =HYPERLINK() function in Excel 2007xlsx not follow as a hyperlink
- 91: NPE when load cell with color style(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 93: NPE when load sheet with merge cell
- 97: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if cell text format is _(*"_"??_)
- 98: Freeze area is not rendered if it is on the second sheet
- 99: freeze column and freeze row is not reset.
- 103: Freeze row/column is not correctly interpreted
- 106: NPE when load Excel 2007 file with rich text string
- 109: 2nd picuture is not shown.
- 110: merge area is not reset
- 117: Barcode Scanner data incomplete
- 119: Typing in 234-6 or 344/2 into cell cause junk number value
- 56: zss error in log
- 47: zss2 beta 2 IE support
- 54: data input errors - lost characters when switching to edit mode
- 60: Sort function when select multiple columns cause Nullpointer exception
- 59: Sort with case sensitive should be in special spreadsheet order
- 11: NPE when click on an empty cell
- 14: Picture is not correctly shown(ZK Spreadsheet EE)
- 24: Drag selecting an area shall snap to the boundary of merged cells
- 32: Wrong height when insert rows
- 33: Wrong width when insert columns
- 34: moveRange fail to shift formula correctly
- 35: Hyperlink should show the formated text
- 3.9.6 on Nov. 26, 2019.
- 3.9.5 on Aug. 6, 2019.
- 3.9.4 on Feb. 27, 2019.
- 3.9.3 on Apr. 26, 2018.
- 3.9.2 on Nov. 22, 2017.
- 3.9.1 on Nov. 29, 2016.
- 3.9.0 on Jul. 19, 2016.
- 3.8.3 on Mar. 24, 2016.
- 3.8.2 on Nov. 24, 2015.
- 3.8.1 on Aug. 18, 2015.
- 3.8 on May 06, 2015.
- 3.7 on Jan. 28, 2015.
- 3.6 on Oct. 21, 2014.
- 3.5 on Jul. 08, 2014.
- 3.5-RC on Apr. 01, 2014.
- 3.0.1 on Feb. 18, 2014.
- 3.0.0 on Nov. 05, 2013.
- 3.0.0-RC on Aug. 22, 2013.
- 2.5 on Oct. 02, 2012.
- 2.3 on Apr. 17, 2012.
- 2.2 on Jan. 10, 2012.
- 2.1.1 on Sep. 14, 2011.
- 2.1.0 on May 31, 2011.
- 2.0.1 on Jan. 25, 2011.
- 2.0.0 on Dec. 28, 2010.
- 2.0.0-RC on Oct. 5, 2010.
- 2.0.0-beta2 on Aug. 3, 2010.
- 2.0.0-beta on Apr. 22, 2010.
- 1.0.0 on Apr 27, 2009.