ZK Spreadsheet 2.0 RC release notes
~ The 1st embeddable Ajax spreadsheet for Java Web application!
Released on October 5, 2010.
ZK Spreadsheet is an embeddable Ajax spreadsheet that delivers rich functionalities of Excel within browsers using pure Java
without the need for any plugins. Developers are able to create collaborative and dynamic enterprise applications at minimal cost.
ZK Spreadsheet 2.0 is made compatible with ZK 5. The backend data model and formula evaluation engine are rewritten to bring about many benefits
including the support for rich text, a more efficient formula dependency tracking system, and the importing of Excel 2007 xlsx files.
New Feature Highlights
- Easy menu and Toolbar Button for setting cell styles
- Wizard for adding different types of hyperlink
- Export the spreadsheet to PDF
- Hide and display grid lines
- New financial formula functions
- New engineering formula functions
For more details please see the New Features page
See the Product Page for more details on ZK Spreadsheet
Upgrade Notes
- Ported to work with ZK 5
- The backend data model and formula evaluation engine is completly _REWRITTEN_ to be based on
Apache POI library(Java API To Access Microsoft Excel Format Files)
such that we can support more features.
The consequence are most classes and APIs that were in org.zkoss.zss.model of version 1.x no longer exist.
- Spreadsheet remove deprecated method setUrl and getUrl. Use setSrc and getSrc instead
- Spreadsheet remove deprecated method setMaxrow and getMaxrow. Use getMaxrows and setMaxrows instead
- Spreadsheet remove deprecated method setMaxcolumn and getMaxcolumn. Use getMaxcolumns and setMaxcolumns instead
What's New
- New Features Tracker
- 65: Honer displayGridlines parameter
- 70: Support insert rows(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 71: Support delete rows(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 74: Support insert columns(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 75: Support delete columns(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 76: ZK Spreadsheet Live support set font by toolbarbutton and menu
- 77: ZK Spreadsheet Live support set font size menu and toolbarbutton
- 78: ZK Spreadsheet Live support set color to cell and font by menu and toolbarbutton
- 79: ZK Spreadsheet Live support set font bold by menu and toolbarbutton
- 80: ZK Spreadsheet Live support set font italic by menu and toolbarbutton
- 81: ZK Spreadsheet Live support set font underline by menu and toolbarbutton
- 82: ZK Spreadsheet Live support set font strike by menu and toolbarbutton
- 83: ZK Spreadsheet Live support set cell alignment by menu and toolbarbutton
- 84: ZK Spreadsheet Live support clear cell style by menu
- 85: Support insertRange(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 86: Support deleteRange(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 88: Support moveRange(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 89: Support merge(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 95: Support for ACCRINT financial funcion
- 96: Support for ACCRINTM financial funcion
- 100: Support COUPON financial functions
- 101: Support DISC financial function
- 102: Support DOLLAR conversion financial function
- 105: Support DURATION financial function
- 107: ZK Spreadsheet Live support export PDF
- 108: Support showing pictures(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 111: Support exporting selected sheet to pdf
- 112: Support exporting selected area to pdf
- 113: Support annual interest rate financial functions EFFECT and NOMINAL
- 114: Support security related financial function
- 115: Support yield related financial function
- 116: Support Treasury Bill related financial functions
- 120: ZK Spreadsheet Live support set hyperlink menu and toolbarbutton
- 121: Support Binary number conversion engineering functions
- 122: Support Decimal number conversion engineering functions
- 123: Support Hexadecimal number conversion engineering functions
- 124: Support octal number conversion engineering functions
- 126: Support Bessel engineering functions
- 127: Support DELTA ERF ERFC and GESTEP engineering functions
- 128: Support complex number engineering functions
- 129: Support input mask for entering Date or Time into cell.
- 130: Support display, hide gridlines
- Bugs fixed
- 44: Locale is not respected
- 61: Fronzen row/column does not comply with Spreadsheet's maxrows/maxcolumn
- 64: pasteSpecial copy Validation cause Null pointer exception (Ptgs must not be null)
- 66: Unexpected gridlines shown
- 67: Exception when enter value 0.3308589607635 into cell with text format "# ???/???"
- 68: Exception when set text format to ?/2, ?/4, ?/8, ?/16, ??/100
- 69: Incorrect text output when enter value 0 into cell with text format "???/???"
- 72: IE6 rendering issue - fixed column & row sizes/positions
- 73: Edit on the shorter last visible row cause the grid moving up
- 87: =HYPERLINK() function in Excel 2007xlsx not follow as a hyperlink
- 91: NPE when load cell with color style(Excel 2007, xlsx)
- 93: NPE when load sheet with merge cell
- 97: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if cell text format is _(*"_"??_)
- 98: Freeze area is not rendered if it is on the second sheet
- 99: freeze column and freeze row is not reset.
- 103: Freeze row/column is not correctly interpreted
- 106: NPE when load Excel 2007 file with rich text string
- 109: 2nd picuture is not shown.
- 110: merge area is not reset
- 117: Barcode Scanner data incomplete
- 119: Typing in 234-6 or 344/2 into cell cause junk number value
- 3.9.6 on Nov. 26, 2019.
- 3.9.5 on Aug. 6, 2019.
- 3.9.4 on Feb. 27, 2019.
- 3.9.3 on Apr. 26, 2018.
- 3.9.2 on Nov. 22, 2017.
- 3.9.1 on Nov. 29, 2016.
- 3.9.0 on Jul. 19, 2016.
- 3.8.3 on Mar. 24, 2016.
- 3.8.2 on Nov. 24, 2015.
- 3.8.1 on Aug. 18, 2015.
- 3.8 on May 06, 2015.
- 3.7 on Jan. 28, 2015.
- 3.6 on Oct. 21, 2014.
- 3.5 on Jul. 08, 2014.
- 3.5-RC on Apr. 01, 2014.
- 3.0.1 on Feb. 18, 2014.
- 3.0.0 on Nov. 05, 2013.
- 3.0.0-RC on Aug. 22, 2013.
- 2.5 on Oct. 02, 2012.
- 2.3 on Apr. 17, 2012.
- 2.2 on Jan. 10, 2012.
- 2.1.1 on Sep. 14, 2011.
- 2.1.0 on May 31, 2011.
- 2.0.1 on Jan. 25, 2011.
- 2.0.0 on Dec. 28, 2010.
- 2.0.0-RC on Oct. 5, 2010.
- 2.0.0-beta2 on Aug. 3, 2010.
- 2.0.0-beta on Apr. 22, 2010.
- 1.0.0 on Apr 27, 2009.