ZK Spreadsheet 3.0.0 Release Notes
The 1st embeddable Ajax spreadsheet for Java Web application!
Released on November 05, 2013.
ZK Spreadsheet is an embeddable Ajax spreadsheet that delivers rich functionalities of Excel within browsers using pure Java
without the need for any plugins. Version 3.0.0 is a major upgrade with an API overhaul, several new features and bug fixes.
Feature Highlights
What's New
New Features Tracker
- ZSS-10: Support to display chart/picture in freeze panel
- ZSS-251: Support to override the default formula implementation
- ZSS-438: Support view with different zoom level
- ZSS-463: support configurable font color popup
Bugs fixed
- ZSS-202: Cannot display chart title correctly
- ZSS-214: NPE when I try to rename sheet
- ZSS-219: Problem with org.zkoss.zss.ui.Spreadsheet.focusTo
- ZSS-222: AutoFitler doesn't work correctly when selecting have some empty cell
- ZSS-225: protect sheet icon doesn't display correctly if no sheetBar
- ZSS-231: get wrong row,column in onCellClick if I click on merged cells
- ZSS-232: onCellClick doesn't fire again if the cell has focus
- ZSS-233: hyperlink event doesn't work.
- ZSS-234: No way to cancel copy highlight rect
- ZSS-242: set max rows dynamically doesn't work
- ZSS-249: Overflow not work correctly
- ZSS-250: Doesn't handle well if I delete the sheet from outside button
- ZSS-252: A Javascript error thrown when right clicking spreadsheet without showing toolbar
- ZSS-256: hidden column is not hiding when displaying a excel file
- ZSS-262: Text formula DOLLAR is not evaluated to a correct result
- ZSS-270: error evaluating some statistical formulas
- ZSS-271: evaluation result of some engineering formulas are slightly different from expected
- ZSS-272: when spreadsheet displays an Excel 2003 file that contains "conditional formatting" setting, it crashed and cannot render anything
- ZSS-280: reapply autofilter doesn't filter newly added the data
- ZSS-282: pasting a merged cell to another sheet causes a mess of grid lines
- ZSS-288: email address, https://, ftp:// don't convert to a hyperlink automatically
- ZSS-296: "Protect Sheet" doesn't prevents cells from using auto filter
- ZSS-299: after applying 2nd filter, the second one should only contain non-filtered data for selection
- ZSS-311: When you move a chart, it should become selected
- ZSS-312: A picture (or chart) should not be allowed to move out of the cell area's top and bottom border
- ZSS-313: after several switching sheets and resize row height, cells frame become a mess
- ZSS-322: Cannot remove a hyperlink
- ZSS-330: hide merged cell's left-top column/row will cause text disappear
- ZSS-336: Column size doesn't sync in share book
- ZSS-348: onHyperlink event of Spreadsheet isn't fired
- ZSS-356: enable autofilter at some cells will throw a formula error message
- ZSS-369: throw exception when rendering line chart with non-contiguous series data in xls format
- ZSS-370: Click cell multiple times, cell turn into gray and cannot edit the cell
- ZSS-375: Select a row, should not allow to click the 'Delete column' button
- ZSS-376: throw exception when drawing unsupported chart in xls format
- ZSS-378: ZK spreadsheet selected cell can type in English but can not input Chinese
- ZSS-379: The cell's has weird text when using time format in Chinese environment
- ZSS-380: When input wrong formula, the formula bar will change to below cell and "Enter" key can't blur it
- ZSS-381: When merged range's left-top cell is wrapped, the merged cell's background is too small
- ZSS-382: If hide columns and overlap partial merged cell, cells' alignment will be chaos.
- ZSS-392: Freezing panes with preload attribute cause cell data not render
- ZSS-400: Hyperlink doesn't be shift after insert or delete
- ZSS-401: Cut from one sheet then paste to another sheet will not unmerge source cell on UI
- ZSS-402: UI Broken after sheet switch when freeze
- ZSS-403: JS Error after switch sheet when freeze
- ZSS-404: JS Error after insert column when freeze
- ZSS-409: Set font color doesn't work in 2003
- ZSS-412: Cell layout crash after cut overlap on merge cell after undo
- ZSS-416: No all border color could apply to cell in 2003
- ZSS-418: if two or more cell with comment in a row and shift them, the exported file will make Excel occur error when loading
- ZSS-423: JS error when rowfreeze > preloadRowSize or columnfreeze > preloadColumnSize
- ZSS-427: occur exception when exporting specific xlsx file to PDF
- ZSS-428: occur exception when switching sheet with specific xlsx file
- ZSS-430: just exported to a specific xlsx file with many formulas, Excel fail to load such file again
- ZSS-431: if freeze the specific xlsx file and export it, its freeze position is wrong in Excel
- ZSS-432: after insert new sheet and export it, then input some data into this new sheet and export again. such file can't load by ZSS and Excel
- ZSS-433: adjust column width and javascript errors showed
- ZSS-434: insert,delete whole column or row when overlap merge cell will cause unexpect result
- ZSS-440: IE10 resizing column (java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer)
- ZSS-441: Wrong sum results
- ZSS-443: change width of columns in corner freeze panel will cause Javascript exception
- ZSS-446: border patterns around a cell it is not showing in the exported pdf file
- ZSS-447: Date format and display doesn't match
- ZSS-448: Filter popup menu is scrolled if setFreezePanel() and unfrozen region is also scrolled
- ZSS-449: Freeze panels and change row/column size, then switch to other sheet and back, freeze panel's headers will be chaos.
- ZSS-450: After scrolling down to bottom of sheet quickly, insert a row on a row with data and delete a row, the last row's cells will have data and same as selected row.
- ZSS-451: delete one column at most right and bottom position and scroll up will cause JavaScript exception
- ZSS-452: Inserting a row at non-selected sheet with API doesn't work
- ZSS-453: NullPointerException when the sheet has hyperlinks with empty URL
- ZSS-454: Cannot click on hyperlink in the merge cell.
- ZSS-455: Chart/Image doesn't move location after change column/row width/height
- ZSS-457: Insert a hyperlink on a cell with empty hyperlink doesn't work as expected
- ZSS-458: Strange behavior when re-sizing North or West of chart/image in scrolling
- ZSS-461: Get exception when evaluating hyperlink after export & clear cell
- ZSS-462: Can't copy all selected cells to other application when using Chrome
- ZSS-464: Other styles are changed (background color, font size) when just changing cell border
- ZSS-468: The color picker in context(popup) menu disappeared if didn't select any color and re-open context menu
- ZSS-470: "Blanks" in Autofilter drop-down list never shows checked
- ZSS-471: Multiple filters doesn't work correctly
- ZSS-472: Formula result doesn't change after named-range updated
- ZSS-477: Set outline border around a merged cell doesn't get correct result
- ZSS-482: Rename sheet with character "." on specific Excel file will cause exception
- ZSS-483: Toolbar button's status doesn't update after switching sheets
- ZSS-485: Paste multiple rows and their order is different from original rows
- ZSS-487: undo deleted merged cells becomes blank cells
- ZSS-488: After undoing a deleted column under frozen rows, gridline is in disorder
- ZSS-490: move a sheet with chart causes an exception
- ZSS-491: change column width and JS errors show
- ZSS-492: If reorder a sheet and modify a cell on it, the value of formula referred to such cell will be incorrect.
- ZSS-493: After trying to delete last sheet, any user action causes exceptions
- ZSS-494: If using xls format and reorder sheet, the sheet reference in formulas will be modified.
- ZSS-495: Can't get correct edit text if set a cell value by Date
- ZSS-496: Opening "Insert Picture" dialog twice causes whole Spreadsheet disabled.
- ZSS-497: Get wrong cell format text after click reset in jsf/jsp demo
- ZSS-498: Formula Edit throws RunTimeException
- ZSS-499: Insert rows above cells where the chart header references will cause NPE
- ZSS-500: After hiding a row contained overflow cells, the hidden row's cell text is still shown and overlap
- ZSS-501: Click check mark of formula bar after entering a value, all cells become unable to edit
- ZSS-502: delete a reference sheet, the reference cell cause exception
- ZSS-505: delete the last sheet, chart on another sheet show in the last sheet.
- ZSS-506: After deleting a sheet, the charts which reference the deleted sheet cause an exception