ZK Spring 3.0
Released on Mar 1, 2011.
Getting Simpler and Richer
New Feature Highlight
- Spring 3.0 support
- Separation into three JAR files
- Spring Core
- Spring Security
- Spring Webflow
- New Features
The following benefits can be leveraged by ZK Spring integration:
Spring MVC Framework
- Seamlessly access Spring managed beans in EL, zscript and data binding
- Complete lightweight container providing automated configuration and wiring of application objects
- Common abstraction layer for transaction management
- JDBC abstraction layer
- Integration with Toplink, Hibernate and JDO
- Aspect-orientated programming functionality
Spring Security
- Ability to customize or extend parts of the security system
- Keeps your application objects free of security code
- HTTP request authorization
- Multiple options for enforcing access-controls such as EJB3 security annotations
- Open ID support
- HTTP BASIC and Digest authentication supported
- Various back-end credential storage methods supported such as a database or XML file
- SHA and MD5 password encoding with optional salting
- Database caching to prevent extra queries
- Security for Web Flow
What's New
New Features:
- 11: Support Spring Webflow 2.2.1+
- 12: Support Auto-wiring of ZK components in Spring beans
- 2942726: ZK support Spring Security 3.0
- 2984307: ZK Spring integration support Spring core 3.0.2 release
- 2984309: Split zkspring.jar in to two binaries
- 2464162: Support auto-binding of Spring bean as controller of ZK view
- 2444958: Support inject of ZK component into Spring Bean
- 2464156: Support ZK implicit object as Spring beans
- 2444955: Support 'execution' scope.
- 2444952: Support 'page' scope
- 2444951: Support 'desktop' scope
- 2464151: Support 'application' scope.
- 2464150: Support 'idspace' scope.
- 2464207: Support simple form of ZK component Spring bean definition
- 2464220: Support Java annotation based configuration
Bug fixes:
- 1: Performance degradation for zul files with use/apply composer that implements Composer
- 2: ZK 5.0.2 with Spring Webflow doesn't work
- 3: BeanCreationException when deploy
- 7: ZK Spring not work with org.springframework.webflow-2.0.8
- 10: error using zkspring-annot component-scan
- 2984311: login.zul displayed in login popup
- 2984312: Runtime exception thrown instead of access denied page
- 2984313: login popup not closed
- 2984317: form-login login-page should override zk popup login page
- 2781558: SpringAnnotations - @EventHandler dosn't honor @Scope("idspace")
- 2764814: ZK-Spring Annotations - Controller bound to old Instance...
- 2876912: ZK Spring IdSpaceScope is not working with ZK5
- 2885793: >?import?< in page cause NPE