
From Documentation


  • Available for ZK:
  • http://www.zkoss.org/product/zkhttp://www.zkoss.org/whyzk/zkeeVersion ee.png


A portallayout lays out a container which can have multiple columns, and each column might have any number panels placed vertically with different heights. Portallayout allows users to drag-and-drop a panel to change its location.

When using Portallayout, you have to assign the width (either percentage or pixel) to each Portalchildren, or the result might depend on the browser, and not as expected.


Zkcomref portallayout.gif

    <portallayout height="100%">
        <portalchildren width="50%">
            <panel height="50%" title="Calendar" border="normal">
            <panel height="50%" title="Colorbox" border="normal">
        <portalchildren width="50%">
            <panel height="100%" title="Editor" border="normal">


Since 7.0.0

Default: vertical

If you want the portallayout to be displayed as a row-based layout, you can specify orient="horizontal".

<portallayout orient="horizontal">
	<portalchildren width="50%">
	<portalchildren width="50%">

Draggable Panel by Default

<panel> is draggable="true" without explicitly specifying when it's inside a Portallayout. You can disable this by draggable="false".

Supported Events

Event Type
Since 9.5.1

Event: PortalDropEvent

Represents an event after a portal is dropped and before a portal is moved.

Event: PortalMoveEvent

Represents an event caused by a portal being moved.

Supported Children

* Portalchildren

Version History

Version Date Content
7.0.0 October, 2013 Portallayout supports row based orientation
9.5.1 November, 2020 Kanban missing options to listen to portallayout onPortalMove without affecting the UI

Last Update : 2023/07/26

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.