ZUL Palette

From Documentation

In addition to directly typing tags in the ZUL Editor, ZUL Palette provides a drag-and-drop feature to insert components. You can open the ZUL palette by going to [Window]/[Show View]/[Others], and selecting ZK / ZUL Palette.

Drag & Drop Support

You can select a component in the ZUL Palette and drag it into the ZUL Editor. When you drop that component into a proper place, it will insert corresponding tag into that location in the ZUL. You can also drag an item into outline view of a zul, ZK Studio will insert the component tag into the mapping position of the ZUL and the outline view will change accordingly.

Studio-palette-drag-component.png Studio-palette-drop-component.png

Name Filtering

The ZUL Palette supports ZUML tag name filtering. Upon typing a component's name into the filter text box to search, the palette will filter listed components automatically.


Last Update : 2013/04/09

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