Uses of Class

Packages that use Event
_global_ The global namespace in JavaScript (i.e., the window object). 
jq DOM event object and utilities 
zk ZK JavaScript extension and utilities 
zkex.grid Additional grid related widgets, such as detail and group. 
zul The ZUL widgets and utilities 
zul.db The date related widgets, such as datebox and calendar. 
zul.grid The grid related widgets, such as grid and row. 
zul.inp The input related widgets, such as textbox and combobox. 
zul.sel The selectable widgets, such as listbox and tree. 

Uses of Event in _global_

Methods in _global_ with parameters of type Event
static String zAu.beforeSend(String uri, Event aureq, Desktop dt)
          Called before sending an AU request.
static String zAu.encode(int j, Event aureq, Desktop dt)
          Returns the content to send to the server.
static void zAu.send(Event aureq, int timeout)
          Sends an AU request and appends it to the end if there is other pending AU requests.
static void zAu.sendAhead(Event aureq, int timeout)
          Sends an AU request by placing in front of any other pending request.

Uses of Event in jq

Methods in jq that return Event
static Event Event.zk(Event evt, Widget wgt)
          Converts a DOM event (Event) to a ZK event (Event).

Uses of Event in zk

Methods in zk that return Event
 Event evtnm, Object data, Map opts, int timeout)
          Fire a widget event.
 Event Widget.fireX(Event evt, int timeout)
          Fire a widget event.

Methods in zk with parameters of type Event
protected  void Widget.beforeSendAU_(Widget wgt, Event evt)
          Callback before sending an AU request.
protected  void Widget.doBlur_(Event evt)
          A utility to simplify the listening of onBlur.
protected  void Widget.doClick_(Event evt)
          Called when the user clicks on a widget or a child widget.
protected  void Widget.doDoubleClick_(Event evt)
          Called when the user double-clicks on a widget or a child widget.
protected  void Widget.doFocus_(Event evt)
          A utility to simplify the listening of onFocus.
protected  void Widget.doKeyDown_(Event evt)
          Called when the user presses down a key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
protected  void Widget.doKeyPress_(Event evt)
          Called when the user presses a key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
protected  void Widget.doKeyUp_(Event evt)
          Called when the user presses up a key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
protected  void Widget.doMouseDown_(Event evt)
          Called when the user presses down the mouse button on this widget (or one of its child widget).
protected  void Widget.doMouseMove_(Event evt)
          Called when the user moves the mouse pointer over this widget (or one of its child widget).
protected  void Widget.doMouseOut_(Event evt)
          Called when the user moves the mouse pointer out of a widget (or one of its child widget).
protected  void Widget.doMouseOver_(Event evt)
          Called when the user moves the mouse pointer on top of a widget (or one of its child widget).
protected  void Widget.doMouseUp_(Event evt)
          Called when the user presses up the mouse button on this widget (or one of its child widget).
protected  void Widget.doRightClick_(Event evt)
          Called when the user right-clicks on a widget or a child widget.
protected  void Widget.doSelect_(Event evt)
          Called when the user clicks or right-clicks on widget or a child widget.
 Event Widget.fireX(Event evt, int timeout)
          Fire a widget event.
protected  void Widget.onDrop_(Draggable drag, Event evt)
          Called to fire the onDrop event.
protected  void Widget.sendAU_(Event evt, int timeout)
          Sends an AU request to the server.
protected  boolean Widget.shallIgnoreClick_(Event the)
          Check whether to ignore the click which might be caused by Widget.doClick_(zk.Event) Widget.doRightClick_(zk.Event), or Widget.doDoubleClick_(zk.Event).

Uses of Event in zkex.grid

Methods in zkex.grid with parameters of type Event
 void Detail.onStripe(Event evt)
          A callback function for changing stripe

Uses of Event in zul

Methods in zul with parameters of type Event
protected  boolean Widget.afterKeyDown_(Event evt, boolean simulated)
          Called after Widget.doKeyDown_(zk.Event) is called and the event propagation is not stopped.
protected  boolean Widget.beforeCtrlKeys_(Event evt)
          Called before a control key is pressed.

Uses of Event in zul.db

Methods in zul.db with parameters of type Event
protected  void Datebox.enterPressed_(Event evt)
          Called when the user presses enter when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
protected  void Datebox.escPressed_(Event evt)
          Called when the user presses escape key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).

Uses of Event in zul.grid

Methods in zul.grid with parameters of type Event
 boolean ascending, Event evt)
          Groups and sorts the rows (Row) based on SortWidget.getSortAscending().

Uses of Event in zul.inp

Methods in zul.inp with parameters of type Event
protected  void ComboWidget.enterPressed_(Event evt)
          Called when the user presses enter when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
protected  void ComboWidget.escPressed_(Event evt)
          Called when the user presses escape key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).

Uses of Event in zul.sel

Methods in zul.sel with parameters of type Event
protected  int SelectWidget.shallIgnoreSelect_(Event evt, ItemWidget row)
          Returns whether to ignore the selection.
protected  boolean Tree.shallIgnoreSelect_(Event evt, ItemWidget row)
          Returns whether to ignore the selection.

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