Class UploadManager

  extended by zk.Object
      extended by zk.Widget
          extended by zul.Widget
              extended by zul.wgt.Popup
                  extended by zul.UploadManager

public class UploadManager
extends Popup

Default file upload manager to manage the uploading files in a panel. Users can add/delete the file upon the panel.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class zk.Widget
$weave, auDelay, autag, bindLevel, className, desktop, effects_, firstChild, id, insertingBefore_, inServer, lastChild, nChildren, nextSibling, parent, previousSibling, uuid, widgetName
Fields inherited from class zk.Object
$class, $oid
Method Summary
 Div addFile(Uploader uplder)
          Adds the file item to upload.
 Div getFileItem(String id)
          Returns the file item.
 void open(Widget wgt, String position)
          Opens the file manager to show.
 void removeFile(Uploader uplder)
          Removes the file item.
 void updateFile(Uploader uplder, int val, int total)
          Updates the status of the file item.
Methods inherited from class zul.wgt.Popup
close, isOpen, open, open, position, shallStackup_
Methods inherited from class zul.Widget
afterKeyDown_, beforeCtrlKeys_, getContext, getCtrlKeys, getOpenTooltip, getPopup, getTooltip, setContext, setContext, setCtrlKeys, setPopup, setPopup, setTooltip, setTooltip
Methods inherited from class zk.Widget
$, $f, $f, $f, $init, $n, $n, $o, afterAnima_, afterParentChanged_, appendChild, appendChild, beforeParentChanged_, beforeSendAU_, bind_, bind, bindChildren_, canActivate, cleanDrag_, clear, clearCache, cloneDrag_, deferRedrawHTML_, detach, doBlur_, doClick_, doDoubleClick_, doFocus_, doKeyDown_, doKeyPress_, doKeyUp_, domAttrs_, domClass_, domListen_, doMouseDown_, doMouseMove_, doMouseOut_, doMouseOver_, doMouseUp_, domStyle_, domTextStyleAttr_, domTooltiptext_, domUnlisten_, doRightClick_, doSelect_, doTooltipOut_, doTooltipOver_, dropEffect_, extraBind_, fire, fireX, focus_, focus, forcerender, fromPageCoord, get, getAction, getCaveNode, getChildAt, getChildIndex, getClass, getDraggable, getDragMessage_, getDragNode, getDragOptions_, getDrop_, getDroppable, getElementsById, getElementsByName, getFirstNode_, getFloatZIndex_, getHeight, getHflex, getId, getLeft, getMold, getOldWidget_, getPage, getRenderdefer, getSclass, getScrollLeft, getScrollTop, getStyle, getTextNode, getTooltiptext, getTop, getTopWidget, getVflex, getWidth, getZclass, getZIndex, hide, ignoreDescendantFloatUp_, ignoreDrag_, initDrag_, insertBefore, insertChildHTML_, isAutoId, isBinding, isFloating_, isListen, isRealVisible, isRealVisible, isVisible, isVisible, isWatchable_, listen, listenOnFitSize_, mimicMouseDown_, newInstance, nextUuid, onChildAdded_, onChildRemoved_, onChildReplaced_, onChildVisible_, onDrop_, redraw, redrawHTML_, register, removeChild, removeChild, removeChildHTML_, removeHTML_, replaceCavedChildren_, replaceChildHTML_, replaceHTML, replaceWidget, rerender, rerender, scrollIntoView, sendAU_, set, set, setAction, setChildren, setDomVisible_, setDraggable, setDroppable, setFloating_, setFloatZIndex_, setHeight, setHflex, setId, setLeft, setListener, setListener, setListeners, setMold, setRenderdefer, setSclass, setScrollLeft, setScrollTop, setStyle, setTooltiptext, setTop, setTopmost, setVflex, setVisible, setWidth, setZclass, setZIndex, shallChildROD_, shallIgnoreClick_, show, smartUpdate, unbind_, unbind, unbindChildren_, uncloneDrag_, unlisten, unlistenOnFitSize_, updateDomClass_, updateDomStyle_, uuid, zsync
Methods inherited from class zk.Object
$init, $instanceof, $super, $super, $supers, $supers, afterInit, isAssignableFrom, isInstance, proxy
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public Div getFileItem(String id)
Returns the file item.

id - the ID of the file or the ID of upload widget
zul.wgt.Div the file item widget.


public Div addFile(Uploader uplder)
Adds the file item to upload.

uplder -
zul.wgt.Div the file item widget


public void updateFile(Uploader uplder,
                       int val,
                       int total)
Updates the status of the file item.

uplder -
val - how many percentage being uploaded
total - the size of the file


public void removeFile(Uploader uplder)
Removes the file item.

uplder -


public void open(Widget wgt,
                 String position)
Opens the file manager to show.

wgt - the wgt where the file manager is shown
position - the position where the file manager is located

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